日本打卡熱點|teamLab日本新搞作 茨城偕樂園光之祭典2021年2月開幕
數碼藝術團體teamLab將在日本關東有新展覽偕樂園光之祭典!今次他們將早於1842年建成的偕樂園(Kairakuen Garden)改造,以不損害自然為前題,加入數碼元素,為偕樂園帶來新景象。 偕樂園位於關東茨城縣水戶市,建於江戶時代末期,是「日本三大名園」之一,有相當深厚的歷史。(文字摘錄)
數碼藝術團體teamLab將在日本關東有新展覽偕樂園光之祭典!今次他們將早於1842年建成的偕樂園(Kairakuen Garden)改造,以不損害自然為前題,加入數碼元素,為偕樂園帶來新景象。 偕樂園位於關東茨城縣水戶市,建於江戶時代末期,是「日本三大名園」之一,有相當深厚的歷史。(文字摘錄)
Taiwan Hot登載。(2020/12/03)
數位藝術團體(teamLab),即將推出令人驚豔的展覽,預計在日本茨城縣水戶市的偕樂園(Kairakuen),幻化出千變萬化的互動藝術,預計將有3000顆梅花樹,化身成為栩栩如生的藝術品。 該展覽預計將於2021年2月13日至3月21日展開,與具有120年歷史的梅花節一起舉辦,該展覽特色預計會在不影響生態自然下,將數位光雕特色投射在園區的梅花樹、岩石及其他景觀上,只要訪客站在這些景觀附近,光雕投影就會有所變化或移動。(Excerpt from the text)
Renowned digital and experiential art collective teamLab recently announced its plans to take over Japan’s historic Kairakuen Garden as part of a large-scale outdoor art project. The garden and its 3,000 plum blossom trees will be transformed into an interactive art space that responds to the presence of visitors. With this project, teamLab continues its exploration of how nature can become art. “The concept of the project is that non-material digital technology can turn nature into art without harming it,” said the collective in a statement. (Excerpt from the text)
Lonely Planet登載。(2020/12/04)
Digital art collective teamLab has unveiled an incredible new exhibition that sees Kairakuen Garden in Mito, Ibaraki Prefecture being transformed into a psychedelic, kaleidoscopic open-air art exhibition. The interactive display features 3000 plum blossom trees, all of which are transformed into living artwork, thanks to ground-breaking technology. (Excerpt from the text)
Museum Week MAGAZINE登載。(2020/12/02)
teamLab (f. 2001) is an international art collective, an interdisciplinary group of various specialists such as artists, programmers, engineers, CG animators, mathematicians and architects whose collaborative practice seeks to navigate the confluence of art, science, technology, and the natural world. teamLab was created to be a “laboratory to experiment in collaborative creation”, i.e. “teamLab”. teamLab’s interest is to create new experiences through art, and through such experiences, we want to explore what the world is for humans. (Excerpt from the text)
YONSEI Annals登載。(2020/11/30)
TODAY, ART exhibitions are becoming more interactive and digital than they have ever been. We are now faced with installations that aren’t just encased in a frame on the wall, but are expanding across all four walls and even the floor. With the projected images constantly changing from the interaction between people and the artwork, viewers can use their senses of sight, hearing, and touch to experience the artwork. teamLab, an international art collective* since 2001, is an interdisciplinary group of specialists that aims to discover the relationship between the self and our natural world. (Excerpt from the text)
在没有动线、没有地图、靠着摸索来探寻“展品”的美术馆里,任凭音乐的引领游走,闯入一个又一个奇幻领域,是怎样的观展体验?11月5日,全球第二座数字艺术美术馆——无界美术馆(teamLab Borderless)迎来了一周年馆庆。作为周年庆系列活动重头戏,上海交响乐团的演奏家们“入驻”美术馆,在科幻互动光影中开启两场“沉浸”式演出,让观众在美术馆中聆听古典,在巴赫旋律中感受展品。(Excerpt from the text)
指尖有蝴蝶飞过,耳畔有巴赫响起,光影与音乐交织,为观众带来全新艺术体验。11月6日-7日连续两晚,上海交响乐团首度联手全球第二座数字艺术美术馆“无界美术馆”,不设舞台,在科幻互动光影中为观众“零距离”带来莫扎特、圣-桑、德彪西等大师经典。 teamLab无界上海是根据teamLab艺术团队的作品群打造的“没有地图的美术馆”。上海交响乐团乐手走进“无界美术馆”的五个作品空间,根据不同作品空间的艺术理念、呈现形式、情绪表达来选择乐器,设定风格与之相融的表演形式和曲目,为观众准确而极致地传递艺术与情感。(Excerpt from the text)
在大提琴的沉吟中感受“光之雕刻”的璀璨,在《绿野仙踪》中探索“灯之森林”的奥秘,在高山流水的意境里找到属于自己的“秘密花园”。昨晚,上海交响乐团首度联手全球第二座数字艺术美术馆“无界美术馆”,在科幻互动光影中开启两场“沉浸”式演出。演奏家们拿起大提琴、长笛、单簧管……让音符勾勒出无形的动线,用旋律描绘出一幅可以听的“导览图”,让市民观众体验一场充满冒险和惊喜的美术馆之旅。(Excerpt from the text)