Sketch Waterfall Droplets
Open Environment Eternal Existence
Open Environment Eternity
Pocket Gardens in the Cracks of the City
Forest, Wind and Light Paintings - Dusk to Dawn
Pocket Forest Block
Reversible Rotation in the Black Emptiness
Nursery Lamps in Spontaneous Order
無相的太陽與黑暗的球體 / Massless Suns and Dark Spheres
Spherical Crystallized Light
Layered Immense Life - A Whole Year per Year
Traces of Continuous Life
Resonating Universe in the Tabunoki Tree
Sea of Light on the Pedestal
Copper Fossils
Sea of the Sun
Life is an Ephemeral Light Born in the Sea of Darkness
Field of Wind, Rain and Sun
Spatial Calligraphy of Light and Wind
Ephemeral Crystallized Rain
Enso of the Sun
Hidden Traces of Rice Terraces
Continuous Existence
Grid: Flat Darkness
Antigravity Universe - Ovoids
Life is an Ephemeral Light that Blooms in the Dark
Enso at the Confluence of Spacetime
Engulfing Flames in Infinite Transparency
Reversible Rotation in Infinite Transparency
Flowers in Infinite Transparency
Flowering Lotus in Infinite Transparency
Aurora Circle
Universe of Fire Particles: Born in the Darkness, Return to the Darkness
Persistence of Life in the Sandfall
Dissipative Figures - 1000 Birds, Light in Dark
Universe of Fire Particles: Born in the Darkness, Return to the Darkness
Forest of Resonating Lamps: One Stroke - Mountain Wisteria
Forest of Resonating Lamps: One Stroke - Dappled Light
Forest of Resonating Lamps: One Stroke - Summer Flowers
Forest of Resonating Lamps: One Stroke - a Year in the Mountains
Persistence of Life in the Sandfall
A Sea of Waves in Infinite Transparency
Memory of Waves
The World of Irreversible Change
Lotus Flowers Scattering and Dissolving into the World
Chromatic Infinity
被追逐的八咫鳥,追逐同時亦被追逐的八咫鳥 —— 穿越不對稱的宇宙 / Crows are Chased and the Chasing Crows are Destined to be Chased as well - Through the Asymmetric Universe
宇宙的意識 / Cosmic Consciousness
覺醒 / Awakening
深淵 / Abyss
通往鏡中宇宙的隧道 / Tunnel into the Mirror Universe
Chromatic Sphere
Butterflies Falling: Death is Returning to the Flow of this World
Nirvana: Fleeting Flower Shimmering Light
溶解反轉無分別:黑暗的雕刻 / Reversible Rotation Dissolving: Darkness Sculpture
Peace can be Realized Even without Order: Dissolving Light
反轉無分別:被凍結的透明 / Reversible Rotation: Frozen Transparency
Crows are Chased and the Chasing Crows are Destined to be Chased as well: Dissolving Light
Flowers Scattering and Dissolving into the World
浪:被凍結的透明 / Black Waves: Frozen Transparency
Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders: Memory of Topography
Black Waves: Flowing Beyond Borders
Dissolving Flames
Black Waves: Crystal World
Memory of Waves: Flowing Beyond Borders
Flutter of Butterflies: At the Moment of Death, the Outline of Existence Appears
海洋之流動:被凍結的透明 / The Way of the Sea: Frozen Transparency
Universe of Water Particles: Born in the Darkness, Return to the Darkness
Frozen Transparent Life
Microcosmos, Beyond Borders
An Existence Without Center or Boundary
持續站立的生命 / Resonating Life which Continues to Stand
Reversible Rotation: Emptiness Black
反轉無分別:生於黑暗,歸於黑暗 / Reversible Rotation: Born in the Darkness, Return to the Darkness
Reversible Rotation: Born in the Darkness, Return to the Darkness
黑浪:生於黑暗,歸於黑暗 / Dark Waves: Born in the Darkness, Return to the Darkness
Life is an Ephemeral Light that Blooms in the Dark
Bubble Universe: Spherical Crystallized Light, Wobbling Light, and Environmental Light - One Stroke
Dark Waves: Born in the Darkness, Return to the Darkness
Microcosmoses: Wobbling Light and Environmental Light
水粒子的世界 —— 成都 / Universe of Water Particles - Chengdu
Dissipative Figures – 1000 Birds, Light in Dark
與風共舞的柱群 / Pillars that Dance with the Wind
因我們而生的火花 —— 星星於圓形彩虹 / Solidified Spark - Circular Rainbow
無相的太陽,出現的空間所產生的邊界面 / Massless Sun, Surface Boundary of an Emerged Space
無盡綻放的宏大生命之森 / Forest of Proliferating Immense Life
Ever Blossoming Life – King of Flora, A Whole Year per Year
Reversible Rotation - Light in Dark
Dissipative Figures – Human, Light in Dark
Excavated Path Leading to the Ancient Sacred Tree
長方體中的空書 / Spatial Calligraphy in the Cuboid
長方體中的無盡生命 / Immense Life in the Cuboid
Massless Sun, Distorted Space
Giant Solidified Spark
無盡綻放的宏大生命 ── 黎明與黃昏,年復一年 / Proliferating Immense Life - Dawn and Dusk, A Whole Year per Year
生命是漂浮在黑暗中閃爍的光 —— 波斯菊 / Life is Flickering Light Floating in the Dark - Cosmos
在逆流中站立,產生漩渦 / Existence in the Flow Creates Vortices
生命的軌跡 —— 全方位超越空間 / Trails of Life - Transcending Space in All Directions
自律抽象畫 / Autonomous Abstraction
Matter is Void - White in White
Matter is Void - Black in Black
Matter is Void - Gold Light
Matter is Void - Water
Matter is Void - Fire
Matter is Void - Fog
連續的圓相 / Continuous Enso
被疊加的無限透明空間裡無盡綻放的宏大生命 / Proliferating Immense Life in Layered Ultrasubjective Space
黑浪,被疊加的無限的透明空間 / Black Waves in Layered Ultrasubjective Space
生命是漂浮在黑暗中閃爍的光 —— 向日葵 / Life is Flickering Light Floating in the Dark - Sunflowers
在風中飄散的鳥之雕刻群 / Sculptures of Dissipative Birds in the Wind
Spatial Calligraphy in the Forest - One Stroke
山茶花園裡的呼應小宇宙 ── 固化光色, 黄昏到黎明 / Resonating Microcosms in the Common Camellia Garden - Solidified Light Color, Dusk to Dawn
山茶花園裡的呼應小宇宙 ── 液化光色,黄昏到黎明 / Resonating Microcosms in the Common Camellia Garden - Liquified Light Color, Dusk to Dawn
Living Crystallized Light
反轉無分別 ── 黑於白
Dissipative Figures – 1000 Birds, Black in White
Dissipative Figures – 2 Humans, Black in White
Dissipative Figures – 1000 Birds, Black in White
Dissipative Figures – Human, Black in White
Dissipative Figures – Human, Black in White
Cognitive Solidified Sparks
Continuous Life Intersecting the City
Matter is Void - Black in White
The World of Irreversible Change
無盡綻放的宏大生命 ── 黎明與黃昏,年復一年,新加坡 / Proliferating Immense Life - Dawn and Dusk, A Whole Year per Year, Singapore
呼應的小宇宙群 ── 固化光色, 黄昏到黎明 / Resonating Microcosms - Solidified Light Color, Dusk to Dawn
花園裡的巨石群 / Megaliths in the Garden
叢林之光與人 / Lights of Jungle and People
今朝踏浪 / Gold Waves - Lujiazui Station
花與人之立方體堆砌 ── 年復一年 / Flowers and People in the Cubic Honeycomb - A Whole Year per Year
因瀑布與人而現的漩渦 / The Waterfall and People Create Vortices
虛像反轉無分別 / Reversible Rotation - Non-Objective Space
Reversible Rotation in Toji Kondo
Chaotic Flying Objects
Flowers Bloom When the Waves Rise - Sea of Shikoku
The Sacred Tree
Universe of Fire Particles in a Decaying Underground Passage
永恒的文字宇宙 / The Eternal Universe of Words
Universe of Fire Particles Falling from the Sky
焰粒子世界 / Universe of Fire Particles
共鳴的茶 / Tea in Spontaneous Order
共鳴的浮游燈──舊醬油作坊 / Floating Lamps in Spontaneous Order - the Old Soy Sauce Storehouses
生命是轉瞬即逝的光的結晶 / Ephemeral Solidified Light
Sakura Bombing Home
生命無論在何處都會倔強綻放 / Every Life Survives in Fluctuating Space
走,走,走,家 / Walk, Walk, Walk Home
呼應燈陣列與螺旋 ── 一筆, 大都會東京/東京都 / Array and Spiral of Resonating Lamps - One Stroke, Metropolis Tokyo
迷失於圓相 / Step into the Light Circle
穿越過圓相 / Walk through the Light Circle
生死無止盡,此刻即永恆 II, Grand Central Terminal / Continuous Life and Death at the Now of Eternity II, Grand Central Terminal
具像與抽像──陰與陽之間 / Concrete and Abstract - Between Yin and Yang
不斷繁殖生命的巨木──太郎杉 / Ever Blossoming Life Tree - Giant Taro Cedar
不斷繁殖生命的倒木──次郎杉 / Ever Blossoming Life Tree - Fallen Jiro Cedar
走,走,走──孟宗竹林 / Walk, Walk, Walk - Moso Bamboo Forest
直立並呼應的生命和呼應之樹 / Autonomous Resonating Life and Resonating Giant Cedar Forest
生命是連續不斷的光芒──梅林 / Life is Continuous Light - Plum Trees
懸浮──被平面化的赤與青,與曖昧的紫 / Levitation - Flattening Red and Blue & Blurred Violet
花與人 - 度時如年 / Flowers and People - A Whole Year per Hour
無相之雲,雕塑與生命之間 / Massless Clouds Between Sculpture and Life
Flowers Bombing Home
Life Survives by the Power of Life II
Black Wave: 沉浸的矩陣 / Black Waves: Immersive Mass
超越邊界的群蝶,邊界的另──端誕生的生命 / Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders, Life Born on the Other Side
從天而降的水粒子世界 / Universe of Water Particles Falling from the Sky
生死無盡交錯永恆 / Continuous Life and Death at the Crossover of Eternity
呼應的小宇宙群 ── 液化光色, 黄昏到黎明 / Resonating Microcosms - Liquified Light Color, Dusk to Dawn
無盡綻放的宏大生命── 年復一年 / Proliferating Immense Life - A Whole Year per Year
苔蘚庭園中呼應的小宇宙群 ── 固化光色, 黄昏到黎明 / Moss Garden of Resonating Microcosms - Solidified Light Color, Dusk to Dawn
鼓動的大地 / Beating Earth
Forest of Resonating Lamps: One Stroke - Wisteria
直立並呼應的生命和呼應之樹 / Autonomous Resonating Life and Resonating Trees
花與人的窪谷:迷失、沉浸與重生 / Valley of Flowers and People: Lost, Immersed and Reborn
無盡綻放的宏大生命 / Proliferating Immense Life
Ever Blossoming Life Rock Wall - Mt. Shiun
Continuous Life in Cubes of Light - Copper
生命是连续不断的光芒 ── 涵翠池 / Life is Continuous Light - Kansui Pond
Black Waves in the Tokyo Sky
The Way of Birds in the Tokyo Sky - Colors of Life
Reversible Rotation in the Tokyo Sky - Black in White
海洋之流動於水晶世界、迷失、沉浸與重生 ── 生命的色彩 / The Way of the Sea, Lost, Immersed and Reborn - Colors of Life
People Create Space and Time, at the Confluence of their Spacetime New Space and Time is Born
超越邊界的群蝶,超越的空間 / Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders, Transcending Space
花與人 ── 矩群, 度時如年 / Flowers and People - Giant Lattice Mass, A Whole Year per Hour
佇立在湖面與之相互呼應的生命與呼應之樹 ── 蜻蜓湖 / Autonomous Resonating Life on the Water and Resonating Trees - Dragonfly Lake
誕生 / Birth
鏡像中的扭曲時空之雕塑 / The Sculpture of Time Distortion in a Mirror
被困住的生命之核 / Entrapped Nucleus of Life
結晶體 / Crystal of Light
虛道 / Tunnel into the Void
藍色空間 II,紅色的人 II / Red in the Blue II
光之洞 II / Light Cave II
Light Evaporating with People
網格空間 II / Grid Spaces II
Reversible Rotation: One Stroke
雲海 / Sea of Clouds
極光 III, 極光漩渦 / Aurora Lights III, Aurora Vortex
被追逐的八咫鳥,追逐同時亦被追逐的八咫鳥,超越的空間 ── 靜坐、連續的小宇宙 / Crows are Chased and the Chasing Crows are Destined to be Chased as well, Transcending Space - Seated Contemplation, Continuous Small Universe
超越邊界的群蝶, 超越的空間 ── 靜坐、連續的小宇宙 / Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders, Transcending Space - Seated Contemplation, Continuous Small Universe
海洋之流動,超越的空間 ── 靜坐、連續的小宇宙 / The Way of the Sea, Transcending Space - Seated Contemplation, Continuous Small Universe, Colors of Life
小宇宙群 / Microcosmoses
群柱 / The Columns
Black Waves of Kochi Castle
與他人共享的巨石 / Sharing Rock Mass
世界从黑暗里诞生,仍然如此可爱而又美丽 / Born from the Water, a Loving and Beautiful World
反轉無分別 ── 黑於白 / Reversible Rotation - Black in White
反轉無分別 ── 冷光 / Reversible Rotation - Cold Light
在地道深處廢墟裡飛舞的群蝶,超越空間 / Butterflies Dancing in the Depths of the Underground Ruins, Transcending Space
花與人 ── 東京, 年复一年 / Flowers and People - Tokyo, A Whole Year per Year
Autonomous Resonating Life on the Water
Megaliths in the Bath House Ruins
Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders, Ephemeral Life Born from People
Resonating Forest in the Ravine
Floating Resonating Lamps - One Stroke, Fire
Floating Resonating Lamps - One Stroke, Summer Forest at Night
漂浮在空中的樹木 / The Floating Tree
生死無止盡,不為所控卻能共生 / Continuous Life and Death at the Now of Eternity, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together
呼應森林 – Shiseido Forest Valley at Jewel Changi Airport / Resonating Forest – Shiseido Forest Valley at Jewel Changi Airport
Black Waves: 迷失、沉浸與重生 / Black Waves: Lost, Immersed and Reborn
呼應的無重力生命森林 ── 被平面化的3種顏色與曖昧的9種色彩 / Weightless Forest of Resonating Life - Flattening 3 Colors and 9 Blurred Colors
超越邊界的群蝶, 超越的空間 ── 浮游的網巢 / Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders, Transcending Space - Floating Nest
Flutter of Butterflies, Born from Hands
Flowers and People in the Tokyo Sky – A Whole Year per Hour
Continuous Life and Death at the Now of Eternity II
油罐中的水粒子世界, 消除作品的邊界 / Universe of Water Particles in the Tank, Transcending Boundaries
Crystal Forest / 水晶樹森林
無常的生命, 時空交匯之處誕生新的時空 / Impermanent Life, at the Confluence of Spacetime New Space and Time is Born
無常的生命, 時空交匯之處誕生新的時空 / Impermanent Life, at the Confluence of Spacetime New Space and Time is Born
金浪 ── Continuous / Gold Waves - Continuous
Flowers Bombing
反轉無分別 ── 連續,Cold Light / Reversible Rotation - Continuous, Cold Light
反轉無分別 ── 連續,黑於白 / Reversible Rotation - Continuous, Black in White
呼应的不倒翁,淹没迷失与连续 / Resisting and Resonating Ovoids: Lost, Immersed and Continuous
反轉無分別 ── 冷光 / Reversible Rotation - Cold Light
霧之雕刻 II / The Haze II
Forest of Resonating Lamps: One Stroke - Ice Cave
Waves of Light
Waves of Light of Kochi Castle
Animals of Flowers, Symbiotic Lives in the Stone Wall – Kochi Castle
反轉無分別 ── 黑於白 / Reversible Rotation - Black in White
塗鴉自然: 迷失、沉浸與重生 / Graffiti Nature: Lost, Immersed and Reborn
Vortex of Light Particles
呼應的御船山 / Resonating Mt. Mifuneyama
在環遊世界的植物里居住,與花共生的生物們 / Living Things of Flowers, Symbiotic Lives in the Botanical Garden
在環遊世界的植物里居住,與花共生的動物們 / Animals of Flowers, Symbiotic Lives in the Botanical Garden
無窮無盡的水晶宇宙 / The Infinite Crystal Universe
斜坡上的光之瀑布 / Waterfall of Light Particles at the Top of an Incline
霧之雕刻 / The Haze
反轉無分別 九幅對 ── 連續,分割,黑於白 / Reversible Rotation - Continuous, Divided, Black in White
Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders: Crystal World
超越邊界的群蝶,交匯創造出生命 ── 64條交彙的光線中的1只蝴蝶 / Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders, Intersections Create Life - 1 Butterfly where 64 Light Rays Cross
被追逐的八咫鳥,追逐同時亦被追逐的八咫鳥,超越的空間 ── 浮游的網巢 / Crows are Chased and the Chasing Crows are Destined to be Chased as well, Transcending Space - Floating Nest
Walk, Walk, Walk: Free Infinity
地形的記憶 / Memory of Topography
The Way of the Sea: Flying Beyond Borders
Light Cave
無窮無盡的水晶世界 / Infinite Crystal World
漫步於水晶世界 / Wander through the Crystal World
被疊加的無限的透明空間裡綻放的花朵 / Flowers in Layered Ultrasubjective Space
呼应森林和直立并呼应的生命 ── 下鸭神社 糺之森
擁有自我意識的變化空間,擴張的立體存在 ── 被平面化的3種顏色與曖昧的9種色彩,自由飄浮 / Expanding Three-Dimensional Existence in Transforming Space - Flattening 3 Colors and 9 Blurred Colors, Free Floating
圓相 ── 冷光 /Enso - Cold Light
Concrete and Abstract - Sacred Tree Forest Entrance
Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders in Infinite Transparency
Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders, Ephemeral Life born in Au-delà des limites
Forest of Resonating Lamps: One Stroke - Flame
The Way of the Sea: Memory of Topography - Colors of Life
Crows are Chased and the Chasing Crows are Destined to be Chased as well: Infinite Transparency
在人們聚集的岩石上,注入水粒子的世界 / Universe of Water Particles on a Rock where People Gather
花之精靈 / Spirits of the Flowers
Universe of Water Particles on Au-delà des limites
Forest of Autonomous Resonating Life
Walk, Walk, Walk
Spatial Calligraphy: Line, Space, Overlap, Continuous and Uncontinuous, 2 sets of 5 screens - Gold and Silver in White
Impermanent Life: People Create Space and Time, at the Confluence of their Spacetime New Space and Time is Born
Strokes of Life
Nature’s Rhythm
Resisting and Resonating Ovoids and Trees and Breathing Resonating Stone Wall - Fukuoka Castle Ruins
圓相 / Enso
Spatial Calligraphy in a Stone Wall - Fukuoka Castle Ruins
Circulum Formosa II
Universe of Water Particles on the Living Wall - Gold
Floating, Resonating Spheres on the Sea - Chura Sun Beach
Resonating Botanical Garden
Enso - Gold Light
生死無止盡,此刻即永恆 / Continuous Life and Death at the Now of Eternity
Floating in the Falling Universe of Words - Immersive Room
Enso in the Qing Dynasty Wall
直立並呼應的生命 / Autonomous Resonating Life
生命是黑暗中呼應的光芒 / Life is the Light that Resonates in the Dark
Graffiti Nature - Living in the Botanical Garden
連續生命的記憶 / Memory of Continuous Life
岩壁上的空書 連續的生命──五百羅漢 / Spatial Calligraphy on the Rock Wall of Five Hundred Arhats, Continuous Life
被切斷的連續生命──森之頂 / Cut Out Continuous Life - Forest Canopy
忘卻的岩群 / Sea of Rocks of Oblivion
不斷繁殖生命的巨石 / Ever Blossoming Life Rock
People, Resonating Trees and Crystal Fireworks
Flower and Corpse Set of 12
呼應之樹──下鴨神社的糺之森 / Resonating Trees – Forest of Tadasu at Shimogamo Shrine
Floating in the Falling Universe of Words
被追逐的八咫鳥,追逐同時亦被追逐的八咫鳥,交匯創造出生命 ── 16條交彙的光線中的1只八咫鳥 / Crows are Chased and the Chasing Crows are Destined to be Chased as well, Life on Collision - 1 Crow where 16 Light Rays Cross
在神明所居住的岩石上呈現水粒子世界 / Universe of Water Particles on a Sacred Rock
斷岩楓樹與圓相 / Split Rock and Enso
生命是連續不斷的光芒──杜鵑花谷 / Life is Continuous Light - Azalea Valley
Resonating Forest and Castle Ruins - Kushimazaki Tree Flora
Floating, Resonating Spheres - Omura Shrine
Resonating Forest and Sculpture
蓮象 / Lotus Elephant
牡丹孔雀 / Peony Peacock
花與人,不為所控卻能共生── 度時如年 / Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – A Whole Year per Hour
菊虎 / Chrysanthemum Tiger
向日葵鳳凰 / Sunflower Phoenix
被追逐的八咫鳥,追逐同時亦被追逐的八咫鳥:虛空的宇宙 / Crows are Chased and the Chasing Crows are Destined to be Chased as well: Cosmic Void
Universe of Water Particles on Bunkanomori Park
The Way of Birds - Seated Contemplation
Universe of Water Particles on the Living Wall
金浪 / Gold Waves
The Way of the Sea: Crystal World
與花共生的動物們 / Animals of Flowers, Symbiotic Lives
Moving Creates Vortices and Vortices Create Movement
被切斷的連續生命──森之道 / Cut Out Continuous Life - Forest Path
無常的生命 / Impermanent Life
無常的生命 / Impermanent Life
綻放於人身上的花朵 / Flowers Bloom on People
Universe of Water Particles, Transcending Boundaries
Black Waves, 2 sets of 5 screens
Dark Waves
超越邊界的群蝶,短暫的生命 / Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders, Ephemeral Life
Enso / Mugenso
光粒子瀑布──四国深山 / Waterfall of Light Particles - Deep in the Mountains of Shikoku
永恆綻放的生命瀑布──四國深山 / Ever Blossoming Life Waterfall - Deep in the Mountains of Shikoku
瀑布上鲜花绽放──四国深山 / Flowers Bloom on a Waterfall - Deep in the Mountains of Shikoku
森林的故事 / Story of the Forest
Floating, Resonating Spheres - Shinobazu Pond
鲜花在大步危小步危峡谷的瀑布下绽放 / Flowers Bloom under the Waterfall in the Gorge - Ōboke Koboke
水粒子世界──金色 / Universe of Water Particles – Gold
花與流沙──德島 / Flowers in the Sandfall - Tokushima
Forest of Resonating Lamps: One Stroke - Metropolis
呼應球之蕩漾河川 / Shimmering River of Resonating Spheres
Resonating Forest in the Castle Ruins Mountain
Dancing People Hidden among Flowers, 2 sets of 5 screens
漫步於《水晶宇宙》/ Wander through the Crystal Universe
與時推移之花開花落 / Time-blossoming Flowers
綻放在茶碗裡那無限宇宙中的花朵 / Flowers Bloom in an Infinite Universe inside a Teacup
漂浮於落花世界 / Floating in the Falling Universe of Flowers
Spatial Calligraphy, Infinity Circle
Animals of Flowers, Symbiotic Lives - Layered Ultrasubjective Space
海洋之流動,超越的空間 ── 金光,浮游的網巢 / The Way of the Sea, Transcending Space - Gold Light, the Nest
飄浮的呼應球體 ──下鴨神社
呼應燈森林──一筆 / Forest of Resonating Lamps - One Stroke
Flowers and People, 2 sets of 5 screens - Gold and Dark
What a Loving, and Beautiful World - ArtScience Museum
Animals of Flowers, Symbiotic Lives in the Stone Wall - Fukuoka Castle Tower Ruins
夏櫻與夏楓之呼應森林 / Resonating Forest - Cherry Blossoms and Maple
呼應森林 / Resonating Forest
Flutter of Butterflies and Cherry Blossoms in Hemp Ornament, 2 sets of 5 screens
Black Waves
被追逐的八咫鳥,追逐同時亦被追逐著的八咫鳥,在碰撞中綻放花朵──空間中的光 / Crows are Chased and the Chasing Crows are Destined to be Chased as well, Blossoming on Collision - Light in Space
Flowers and People on the Water - Spring of Herbal Flowers
Ever Blossoming Life II - A Whole Year per Hour, Gold
Ever Blossoming Life II - A Whole Year per Year, Dark
Ever Blossoming Life II - A Whole Year per Year, Gold
Black Waves in Infinity
花與人,不為所控卻能共生── 年复一年 / Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – A Whole Year per Year
The Void
Spatial Calligraphy: Line, Space, Overlap, Continuous and Uncontinuous, 2 sets of 5 screens - Black in White
Light Vortex
Light Shell
錦鯉與人共舞所描繪之水面圖──無限 / Drawing on the Water Surface Created by the Dance of Koi and People - Infinity
火焰光雕 / Light Sculpture of Flames
Black Waves
花與人──黑暗 / Flowers and People – Dark
Dancing People 8 Screens
Circle, Infinity Circle - VR
永恆怒放的生命II──黑暗 / Ever Blossoming Life II – A Whole Year per Hour, Dark
飄浮的呼應球體 / Floating, Resonating Spheres
Resonating Spheres and Night Fish
花與魚──相模灣大水槽 / Flowers and Fish - Enoshima Aquarium Big Sagami Bay Tank
锦鲤舟楫共舞所描绘之水面图──武雄池塘 / Drawing on the Water Surface Created by the Dance of Koi and Boats – Mifuneyama Rakuen Pond
巴黎大皇宮上的水粒子世界 / Universe of Water Particles on the Grand Palais
被追逐的八咫鳥,追逐同時亦被追逐的八咫鳥:超越邊界 / Crows are Chased and the Chasing Crows are Destined to be Chased as well: Flying Beyond Borders
Falling Universe of Flowers
Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders
水晶宇宙 / Crystal Universe
漂浮的花園──花朵與我同根同源,花園與我合為一體 / Floating Flower Garden: Flowers and I are of the Same Root, the Garden and I are One
Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – Dark
生生不息 / Circulum Formosa
Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together, for Eternity – Tokyo
Story of the time when the Gods First Descended
Flowers and People – Gold and Dark
呼應之樹 / Resonating Trees
Infinity of Flowers
衛星重力下的水粒子世界──金色 / Universe of Water Particles under Satellite’s Gravity – Gold
Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – Kunisaki Peninsula
Flowers and People – Gold
衛星重力下的水粒子世界 / Universe of Water Particles under Satellite’s Gravity
海洋之流動:虛空的宇宙 / The Way of the Sea: Cosmic Void
Vortex of Water Particles
The Land of Peace and Bliss
在圖書館跳舞的人 / The Dancing Person in the Library
Crows are Chased and the Chasing Crows are Destined to be Chased as well – Black in White
冰冷的生命 / Cold Life
The Waterfall on Audi R8
均質、變化的世界 / Homogenizing and Transforming World
The Waterfall on Saga Castle
百年海圖卷 ── 佐賀城版 / 100 Years Sea - Saga Castle Version
Peace can be Realized Even without Order
追逐的乌鸦、追逐与被追逐的乌鸦、以及被分割的视点──Light in Dark / Crows are chased and the chasing crows are destined to be chased as well, Division in Perspective – Light in Dark
聯合,分裂,重復和無常的世界 / United, Fragmented, Repeated and Impermanent World
永恆怒放的生命──黑暗 / Ever Blossoming Life – Dark
塗鴉自然──在廢棄的公共浴場裡生活的生物們, 紅色名錄 / Graffiti Nature - Living in the Ruins of a Bathhouse
涅槃 / Nirvana
水粒子世界 / Universe of Water Particles
Spirit Waterfall
花與屍 / Flower and Corpse Glitch
Flower and Corpse Glitch Set of 12
無序中的和諧──立體模型 / Peace can be Realized Even without Order - Diorama
塗鴉@谷歌 / Graffiti@Google
Ever Blossoming Life – Gold
《東京晴空塔壁畫》 / The TOKYO SKYTREE mural
100 Years Sea Animation Diorama - Dome Version
多麼可愛而又美麗的世界 / What a Loving, and Beautiful World
生命即生命力的展現 / Life Survives by the Power of Life
Life is the light that shines in the darkness
Flower and Corpse triple channel
Time-blossoming Flowers
百年海圖卷──立體動畫 / 100 Years Sea Animation Diorama
100 Years Sea [running time: 100 years]
花與屍 / Flower and Corpse
花與屍 動畫版立體透視模型 / Flower and Corpse Animation Diorama
Spatial Calligraphy: 12 Hanging Scrolls of Light
四季千年神田圖──田染莊 / Four Seasons, a 1000 Years, Terraced Rice Fields - Tashibunosho
Flowers are Crimson
Ginza Firefly
Message Tree