Sketch Waterfall Droplets
Open Environment Eternal Existence
Open Environment Eternity
Pocket Gardens in the Cracks of the City
Forest, Wind and Light Paintings - Dusk to Dawn
Pocket Forest Block
Reversible Rotation in the Black Emptiness
Nursery Lamps in Spontaneous Order
無相的太陽與黑暗的球體 / Massless Suns and Dark Spheres
Traces of Continuous Life
Resonating Universe in the Tabunoki Tree
Field of Wind, Rain and Sun
Spatial Calligraphy of Light and Wind
Ephemeral Crystallized Rain
Enso of the Sun
Antigravity Universe - Ovoids
Persistence of Life in the Sandfall
Bubble Universe: Spherical Crystallized Light, Wobbling Light, and Environmental Light - One Stroke
Microcosmoses: Wobbling Light and Environmental Light
海洋之流動:虛空的宇宙 / The Way of the Sea: Cosmic Void
Hidden Traces of Rice Terraces
Engulfing Flames in Infinite Transparency
Universe of Fire Particles: Born in the Darkness, Return to the Darkness
覺醒 / Awakening
深淵 / Abyss
Chromatic Sphere
Butterflies Falling: Death is Returning to the Flow of this World
Dissolving Flames
Memory of Waves: Flowing Beyond Borders
An Existence Without Center or Boundary
Dark Waves: Born in the Darkness, Return to the Darkness
無窮無盡的水晶宇宙 / The Infinite Crystal Universe
Light Vortex
錦鯉與人共舞所描繪之水面圖──無限 / Drawing on the Water Surface Created by the Dance of Koi and People - Infinity
漂浮的花園──花朵與我同根同源,花園與我合為一體 / Floating Flower Garden: Flowers and I are of the Same Root, the Garden and I are One
Massless Sun, Distorted Space
塗鴉自然 ── 紅色名錄,Digital Light Canvas / Graffiti Nature - Red List, Digital Light Canvas
塗鴉自然 ── 鼓動的洞穴,紅色名錄 / Graffiti Nature - Beating Cave, Red List
生命的軌跡 —— 全方位超越空間 / Trails of Life - Transcending Space in All Directions
自律抽象畫 / Autonomous Abstraction
在風中飄散的鳥之雕刻群 / Sculptures of Dissipative Birds in the Wind
Living Crystallized Light
Dissipative Figures – 2 Humans, Black in White
Dissipative Figures – 1000 Birds, Black in White
Cognitive Solidified Sparks
Matter is Void - Black in White
The World of Irreversible Change
呼應的小宇宙群 ── 固化光色, 黄昏到黎明 / Resonating Microcosms - Solidified Light Color, Dusk to Dawn
虛像反轉無分別 / Reversible Rotation - Non-Objective Space
焰粒子世界 / Universe of Fire Particles
共鳴的茶 / Tea in Spontaneous Order
生命是轉瞬即逝的光的結晶 / Ephemeral Solidified Light
走,走,走──孟宗竹林 / Walk, Walk, Walk - Moso Bamboo Forest
懸浮──被平面化的赤與青,與曖昧的紫 / Levitation - Flattening Red and Blue & Blurred Violet
無相之雲,雕塑與生命之間 / Massless Clouds Between Sculpture and Life
水上彈跳的天才跳房子 / Hopscotch for Geniuses: Bounce on the Water
彩繪海洋 / Sketch Ocean
Life Survives by the Power of Life II
毛毛蟲小屋裡的快速旋轉跳跳球 / Rapidly Rotating Bouncing Spheres in the Caterpillar House
粒狀地層的暄騰地形 ── 年復一年 / Soft Terrain in Granular Topography - A Whole Year per Year
連接微觀世界的平衡石 / Balance Stepping Stones in the Invisible World
捕捉並收集的森林 ── 年復一年 /Catching and Collecting Forest - A Whole Year per Year
鼓動的大地 / Beating Earth
無盡綻放的宏大生命 / Proliferating Immense Life
群柱 / The Columns
Megaliths in the Bath House Ruins
生死無止盡,不為所控卻能共生 / Continuous Life and Death at the Now of Eternity, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together
Black Waves: 迷失、沉浸與重生 / Black Waves: Lost, Immersed and Reborn
無常的生命, 時空交匯之處誕生新的時空 / Impermanent Life, at the Confluence of Spacetime New Space and Time is Born
Flowers Bombing
反轉無分別 ── 黑於白 / Reversible Rotation - Black in White
Vortex of Light Particles
霧之雕刻 / The Haze
地形的記憶 / Memory of Topography
The Way of the Sea: Flying Beyond Borders
無窮無盡的水晶世界 / Infinite Crystal World
擁有自我意識的變化空間,擴張的立體存在 ── 被平面化的3種顏色與曖昧的9種色彩,自由飄浮 / Expanding Three-Dimensional Existence in Transforming Space - Flattening 3 Colors and 9 Blurred Colors, Free Floating
Concrete and Abstract - Sacred Tree Forest Entrance
在人們聚集的岩石上,注入水粒子的世界 / Universe of Water Particles on a Rock where People Gather
點滴瀑布,小水滴也會形成大浪潮 / Waterfall Droplets, Little Drops Cause Large Movement
翻轉世界,巨大的相連積木的城鎮 / Inverted Globe, Giant Connecting Block Town
Aerial Climbing through a Flock of Colored Birds
彈彈跳跳床宇宙 / Multi Jumping Universe
Forest of Autonomous Resonating Life
Impermanent Life: People Create Space and Time, at the Confluence of their Spacetime New Space and Time is Born
直立並呼應的生命 / Autonomous Resonating Life
岩壁上的空書 連續的生命──五百羅漢 / Spatial Calligraphy on the Rock Wall of Five Hundred Arhats, Continuous Life
在神明所居住的岩石上呈現水粒子世界 / Universe of Water Particles on a Sacred Rock
斷岩楓樹與圓相 / Split Rock and Enso
生命是連續不斷的光芒──杜鵑花谷 / Life is Continuous Light - Azalea Valley
花與人,不為所控卻能共生── 度時如年 / Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – A Whole Year per Hour
光和弦 / Light Chords
與花共生的動物們 / Animals of Flowers, Symbiotic Lives
Moving Creates Vortices and Vortices Create Movement
光粒子瀑布──四国深山 / Waterfall of Light Particles - Deep in the Mountains of Shikoku
永恆綻放的生命瀑布──四國深山 / Ever Blossoming Life Waterfall - Deep in the Mountains of Shikoku
呼應球之蕩漾河川 / Shimmering River of Resonating Spheres
綻放在茶碗裡那無限宇宙中的花朵 / Flowers Bloom in an Infinite Universe inside a Teacup
漂浮於落花世界 / Floating in the Falling Universe of Flowers
呼應燈森林──一筆 / Forest of Resonating Lamps - One Stroke
塗鴉自然 / Graffiti Nature
What a Loving, and Beautiful World - ArtScience Museum
滑梯水果園 / Sliding through the Fruit Field
火焰光雕 / Light Sculpture of Flames
Black Waves
花與魚──相模灣大水槽 / Flowers and Fish - Enoshima Aquarium Big Sagami Bay Tank
锦鲤舟楫共舞所描绘之水面图──武雄池塘 / Drawing on the Water Surface Created by the Dance of Koi and Boats – Mifuneyama Rakuen Pond
巴黎大皇宮上的水粒子世界 / Universe of Water Particles on the Grand Palais
被追逐的八咫鳥,追逐同時亦被追逐的八咫鳥:超越邊界 / Crows are Chased and the Chasing Crows are Destined to be Chased as well: Flying Beyond Borders
Sketch Piston - Playing Music
Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders
水晶宇宙 / Crystal Universe
生生不息 / Circulum Formosa
彩繪城鎮 / Sketch Town
Future Arita porcelain cafe
呼應之樹 / Resonating Trees
Crows are Chased and the Chasing Crows are Destined to be Chased as well – Black in White
冰冷的生命 / Cold Life
均質、變化的世界 / Homogenizing and Transforming World
teamLab Crystal Tree
光球管弦樂團 / Light Ball Orchestra
遠古神靈故事 / Story of the Time when Gods were Everywhere
Peace can be Realized Even without Order
小人兒所居住的桌子 / A Table where Little People Live
涅槃 / Nirvana
水粒子世界 / Universe of Water Particles
Graffiti @ Clouds
媒體方塊椅子 / MediaBlockChair
Digitized Cafe
多麼可愛而又美麗的世界 / What a Loving, and Beautiful World
生命即生命力的展現 / Life Survives by the Power of Life
百年海圖卷──立體動畫 / 100 Years Sea Animation Diorama
花與屍 / Flower and Corpse
Spatial Calligraphy: 12 Hanging Scrolls of Light
Last Days
Spatial Calligraphy: Line and Carp
Flowers are Crimson
Ginza Firefly