teamLab Massless Beijing | teamLab

2022.12.24(Sat) - 2025.3.31(Mon)Chaoyang Joy City, Beijing
2022.12.24(Sat) - 2025.3.31(Mon)Chaoyang Joy City, Beijing
Information about closed artworks

With your body, immerse, perceive, and become one with a world that transcends material substances.

teamLab Massless is a body immersive museum composed of artworks created by art collective teamLab.

Humans have been liberated from material substances, and human creations now transcend the conventional notion of matter. The contour of the artwork’s existence transcends material boundaries, transforming it into an ambiguous continuity in relation to space and its surrounding environment. The boundary between the human body and art becomes blurred, enabling the body to move more freely. As a result, human perception expands from the artwork itself to the environment. teamLab Massless is a world created by artworks that transcend the notion of material substances.

With your body, immerse yourself in the art, explore the 10,000-sqm complex three-dimensional world, and create a new world with others in which your body and the world becomes continuous without boundaries.

Massless World

Human expression has been liberated from material substances by the digital medium. It no longer requires an irreversible bond to the material in order to exist, and human creations now transcend the conventional notion of matter.
The contour of the artwork’s existence transcends physical  boundaries, inviting people to reconsider the artwork as continuous and ambiguous with the space and its surrounding environment. The boundary between the human body and art becomes blurred, enabling the body to move more freely. People’s perception expands from the artwork itself to the environment. teamLab Massless is a world created by artworks that transcend the notion of material substances.

With other people, immerse your body in the artwork and understand the world with your body. The body and the world become continuous without boundaries.
  • Massless World Concept Video

Massless World Concept Video

조각과 생명 사이의 무질량 구름 / Massless Clouds Between Sculpture and Life

Life is an order of energy.
In this artwork space, like life, we created an order of energy. In doing so, a giant white mass is born, and emerges afloat.

The sculpture, a giant white mass, neither sinks down to the floor nor reaches the ceiling, floating as though transcending the concept of mass. The contour of this floating sculpture’s existence is ambiguous, becoming smaller when it tears and growing larger when the masses come together. People can enter this sculpture with their entire body, and even if the sculpture breaks, it naturally repairs itself like a living thing. But, as with living things, when the sculpture is destroyed beyond what it can repair, it cannot mend itself, and collapses. Even if people try to move or push this floating sculpture, they cannot do so. If they stir up the wind, the sculpture will scatter.

What is life in biological terms? Viruses, for example, are considered to exist somewhere between living and inanimate because they do not have cells, the smallest unit of biological life, nor do they have the ability to self-reproduce. What separates the living from the inanimate cannot be defined biologically to this day.

Objects like stones and man-made creations maintain a stable structure on their own. A stone can continue to exist in a closed box, sealed off from the outside world, but life cannot sustain its existence in such a box because it is not an independent structure that can exist on its own.

Life is like a vortex created in the ocean. The vortex cannot maintain a stable structure on its own; rather, it is created and sustained by water that continuously flows inwards and outwards.
The vortex is an existence within the flow, and its contour is ambiguous.

The same is true of life. It consumes external matter and energy as food and discharges it, sustaining its ordered structure as the energy dissipates. Life exists within the flow of matter and energy, and its contour, like a vortex, is ambiguous.
Life is a miraculous phenomenon that emerges in the flow of matter and energy, and its structure is the order of energy created by that flow.

In terms of material substance, the only things that exist in this space are ordinary soap, water, and air. The bubbles are soap bubbles.
Although life cannot be strictly defined with modern biology, everything that is structured upon cells, metabolizes, and self-reproduces, is conveniently labeled living things. In other words, all living things are composed of cells. All cells are surrounded by a cell membrane composed of a lipid bilayer with the hydrophilic part facing outwards and the hydrophobic part covered within the layers. Both the inside and outside of the enveloping membrane are liquid.
Soap bubbles are similarly enveloped by  lipid bilayer membranes, and the membranes of the bubbles that make up this sculpture are structurally identical to cell membranes. However, contrary to cells, the bilayer of the bubble membrane floats in and encloses air, so the hydrophobic part faces outwards, while the hydrophilic part is covered within the layers. In other words, if we consider cells to be pouch-shaped membranes in liquid, bubbles are pouch-shaped membranes in air.

The space is filled with soap bubbles to create a unique environment in which an order of energy is born. By doing so, an immense white mass emerges from this sea of bubbles that floats steadily in mid-air.
This sculpture is created from substances composed in the same ways as cells, the structuring units of life-forms, and the order of energy created from this unique environment.

Forest of Flowers and People: Lost, Immersed and Reborn

The seasons change gradually across the installation space.
A seasonal year of flowers blossom according to the changing seasons, and the place where they grow gradually moves.

The flowers bud, grow, and blossom before their petals begin to wither and eventually fade away. The cycle of growth and decay repeats itself in perpetuity. If a person stays still, the flowers surrounding them grow and bloom more abundantly. If viewers touch or step on the flowers, they shed their petals, wither, and die all at once.

The artwork is not a pre-recorded image that is played back: it is created by a computer program that continuously renders the work in real time. The interaction between people and the installation causes continuous change in the artwork: previous visual states can never be replicated, and will never reoccur. The picture at this moment can never be seen again.

In spring in the Kunisaki Peninsula, there are many cherry blossoms in the mountains and canola blossoms at their base. This experience of nature caused teamLab to wonder how many of these flowers were planted by people and how many were native to the environment. It is a place of great serenity and contentment, but the expansive body of flowers is an ecosystem influenced by human intervention, and the boundary between the work of nature and the work of humans is unclear. Rather than nature and humans being in conflict, a healthy ecosystem is one that includes people. In the past, people understood that they could not grasp nature in its entirety, and that it is not possible to control nature. People lived more closely aligned to the rules of nature that created a comfortable natural environment. We believe that these valleys hold faint traces of this premodern relationship with nature that once existed, and we hope to explore a form of human intervention based on the premise that nature cannot be controlled.

Autonomous Abstraction, Continuous Phenomena from the Universe to the Self

Autonomous abstraction.
The dots of light blink and change color in cycles unique to each dot. A spontaneous order phenomenon occurs between dots that are close to each other, and their hues and the rhythm at which they blink gradually synchronize. When people touch them, the rhythm of the blinking hues change and are randomized, but the dots close to each other once again cause a spontaneous order phenomenon between them.
The dots of lights emit a tone each time they blink. The tones can be heard continuously throughout the space; what sounds like music is solely created by the continuous tones produced by the blinking lights.

A spontaneous order phenomenon occurs when different rhythms influence each other and synchronize. Examples include when the pendulums of two clocks gradually begin to swing together; when many fireflies gather in one tree and all start blinking at the same time, creating a larger light as a whole; or when the cells that make up the heart synchronize and tremble simultaneously to create the pulse of the heart. This can be seen in various systems, from physical phenomena, neurophysiology, to ecosystems. Although the individual parts do not have the ability to observe the whole, the phenomenon of self-organization is the creation of an ordered and larger structure, resulting from the autonomous behavior of each individual part influencing each other. This phenomenon is also known as spontaneous order.

It is believed that entropy (a measurement of the lack of order in a system) in the universe will steadily increase (the law of increasing entropy) and that entities with form eventually collapse. Despite that, it is a wonder that the sun was created and the planets were born, that life was formed and societies exist. However, the reason why the universe, life, nature, and society continue to be maintained in spite of this may be because order is continuously formed on its own through the shared phenomenon of self-organization in the midst of disorder. In other words, the universe and our own existence are a continuous order created by the same phenomenon.

Existence in the Flow Creates Vortices

Vortices are created behind people as they climb against the flow.

Although a vortex is steady, it is constantly moving and swelling like a powerful life-form.
Despite the existence of the vortex being maintained, the water particles that form it change from moment to moment. The vortex that is being seen now is created by completely different water from the same vortex seen a few minutes ago. The vortex, unlike a rock, cannot maintain a stable structure on its own; rather, it is created and sustained by the energy of water that continuously flows inwards and outwards.
A vortex looks like a life-form because life similarly consumes external energy and matter and discharges it, sustaining its ordered structure within that flow. Life is a miraculous vortex that emerges from a flow of energy in a continuous world.

Water is depicted as a continuum of countless water particles, and the interactions between the particles are calculated to create a three-dimensional simulation of their movement. The vortices create lines from the trails of these particles. The collection of three-dimensional lines are then cut out using what teamLab calls Ultrasubjective Space. In contrast to space that is created through, or cut out by, lenses and perspective, Ultrasubjective Space does not fix the viewer’s viewpoint and in turn frees their body. The floor and walls that the vortices are seen on do not become a boundary between the viewer and the artwork, and the artwork space becomes continuous with the space in which the viewer’s body exists.

생명은 생명의 힘으로 살아 있다 II / Life Survives by the Power of Life II

나 자신과 바깥 환경은 둘이 아니다(不二). 서로 가르고 나눌 수 없다는 가르침이 있다. 분리의 반대말은 통합이 아니다. 둘로 보이는 것이 실은 처음부터 하나였음을 깨닫는 일로부터, 우리는 분리를 벗어난다. 오늘날 우리에게 ‘살아 있는’ 일은 이렇게 형상화되어야 하지 않을까.

한자 ‘生(날 생)’을 ‘공서(空書)’로 입체적으로 써 나간다. ‘생(生)’은 삶이자 살아 있음을 뜻한다. ‘공서’란 teamLab이 초기부터 계속해 오는 작업 방식으로, 빈 허공에 쓰는 붓글씨다. 먹물을 머금은 붓의 궤적이 지닌 깊이와 속도, 힘의 강약 등을 새롭게 해석해 공간 속에 입체로서 재구축하고, teamLab의 ‘초주관 공간’ 논리 구조에 따라 다시 평면화한다. 결과적으로 붓글씨가 평면과 입체 사이를 끊임없이 오간다.

렌즈나 원근법으로 잘라낸 작품 공간은 디스플레이 면이 향하는 쪽에 작품 공간이 나타난다. 즉 디스플레이 면이 경계선이 되어 감상자가 존재하는 공간과 작품 공간은 분단된다. 하지만 초주관 공간의 특징 중 하나로, 이 작품 공간은 디스플레이 면이 경계가 되지 않는다. 이 작품 공간은 디스플레이 면을 넘어서 감상자가 존재하는 공간까지 입체적으로 존재하는 것처럼 인지된다. 작품 공간은 감상자의 신체가 있는 공간에 연속하여 이어진다.

Athletics Forest

teamLab Athletics Forest is a new “creative physical space” that trains spatial recognition ability by promoting the growth of the hippocampus of the brain. It is based on the concept of understanding the world through the body and thinking of the world three-dimensionally. In a complex, physically challenging, three-dimensional space, immerse your body in an interactive world.
  • Athletics Forest Concept Video

Athletics Forest Concept Video

Aerial Climbing through a Flock of Colored Birds

‘에어리얼 클라이밍 (Aerial Climbing)’은 로프로 매달린 막대들이 공중에 입체적으로 떠 있는 공간. 사람들은 떨어지지 않기 위해 이 막대를 이용해 공중을 입체적으로 건너간다. 막대들은 서로 연결되어 있어, 다른 사람이 움직이는 막대의 움직임이 자신이 서 있는 막대에도 영향을 미친다. 선택하는 경로에 따라 막대의 배열이 달라지며, 다양한 막대의 연결 방식에 따라 각기 다른 체험을 한다.다양한 색상의 막대들은 사람이 올라서면 강렬하게 빛나며, 각 색상 고유의 음색이 울리기 시작한다. 여러 사람이 다양한 색상의 막대에 올라서면, 음색은 점점 겹쳐진다.
이 공간에는 수많은 새들이 자유롭게 날아다닌다. 새들은 사람 가까이 날아갈 때, 사람이 서 있는 막대의 색을 흡수하여 그 색으로 변한다.
수천에서 수만 마리에 이르는 새 떼의 움직임은 아름답고 신비로우며, 마치 하나의 거대한 생명체처럼 보이기도 한다. 이 새 떼는 리더도 없고 서로 소통하지도 않으며, 단순히 옆에 있는 동료의 움직임에 따라 자신도 움직이는 간단한 규칙으로 움직인다고 알려져 있다. 그러나 수백 마리의 새가 거의 동시에 일으키는 움직임을 만들어내는 생리학적 메커니즘은 여전히 미스터리로 남아 있다. 인간이 아직 이해하지 못한 보편적 원리가 존재하는 듯한 느낌을 받는다. 새 떼가 만들어내는 색채로 물들어 가는 이 공간에는 전체적인 의도가 없다. 사람들의 존재 영향을 받으며, 각각의 새가 원시적인 규칙에 따라 움직임으로써 의도하지 않은 복잡하고도 아름다운 색채로 공간을 물들여간다.

Future Park

teamLab Future Park is an educational project based on the concept of collaborative creation (co-creation). It is an amusement park where people can enjoy creating the world freely with others.
  • Future Park Concept Video

Future Park Concept Video


A teahouse surrounded by countless spheres of light and spheres of darkness.

Masses made entirely of light do not exist in the universe - in other words, these spheres of light only exist in your perception.

When a cup of tea is poured, the tea lights up. The rhythm of the tea’s light influences the light of teas close by, and they gradually synchronize, blinking in unison.

The color of the tea’s light as a whole does not appear to change; but when you look closely, observing the miniscule, the color of the light is actually continuously changing, creating infinite time.

  • EN TEA HOUSE Concept Video

EN TEA HOUSE Concept Video

Tea in Spontaneous Order - Dynamic Equilibrium Color

When a cup of tea is poured, it begins to glow with its own unique rhythm and produces a tone. A spontaneous order phenomenon occurs between the teas close by as they influence each other, gradually syncing the rhythms of light and color of the teas.When you lift the tea to drink it, it shines brightly and the suns of the artwork Massless Suns and Dark Spheres resonate one after the other in response. As you finish the tea, the artwork enters your body and stops influencing its surroundings.
The light color of the tea is Dynamic Equilibrium Color, a new color concept by teamLab. When a person sees the tea in the cup from a distance, taking in its entirety, the color of the light does not appear to change; but when they look closely, observing the miniscule, the color of the light is actually continuously changing, and creating a new sense of time.
A spontaneous order phenomenon occurs when different rhythms influence each other and become aligned. Examples include when the pendulums of two clocks gradually begin to swing together, when many fireflies gather in one tree and all start flashing at the same time, creating a larger light phenomenon, or when the cells that make up the heart synchronize and tremble simultaneously to create the beating of the heart. The phenomenon of self-organization is the creation of a large structure with order resulting from the autonomous behavior of each individual, even though each individual does not have the ability to observe the whole. This can also be called a self-organization phenomenon.
It is believed that entropy (a measurement of the lack of order in a system) in the universe will steadily increase (the law of increasing entropy) and that entities with form eventually collapse. However, the reason why the universe, life, nature, and society are able to exist in spite of this may be because order is born by itself through the common phenomenon of self-organization in the midst of disorder. In other words, the universe and our own existence are a continuous order created by the same phenomenon.

Sketch Factory

Turn your own drawing into an item to take home with you.
The fish and creatures you draw and bring to life in Sketch Ocean and Graffiti Nature will be made into an original product such as a badge, T-shirt, or tote bag.



The following artwork is currently closed due to maintenance
Typhoon Light Balls in the Forest of Resonating Spheres - 9 Blurred Colors and 3 Flattening Colors

전시회장 정보

teamLab Massless Beijing


2022.12.24(Sat) - 2025.3.31(Mon)

영업 시간

Monday - Friday
10:30 - 19:00 (Last entry 18:00)

Saturday - Sunday
10:30 - 20:00 (Last entry 19:00)


February 2025
・Open every day

March 2025
・March 3-6 ・March 10, 12, 17, 19, 24, 26

오시는 길


Chaoyang Joy City
10F, Chaoyang Joy City, Chaoyang North Road No.101, Chaoyang District, Beijing

현지 언어로 된 주소:

By taxi or Uber
Get off in front of the B1 entrance on the 1st floor of Chaoyang Joy City, walk 50 meters west and take the no. 12 elevator up to the 10th floor.
By car
There are parking lots on Basement Floors 2 and 3 at Chaoyang Joy City. Take the no.12 elevator up to the 10th floor from the E4 area (B2F) or H4 area (B3F).
By train
Get off at the Qingnian Lu station on line no.6 and head to Exit B. Walk 1 minute to the B1 entrance on Basement Level 1 at Chaoyang Joy City, walk 50 meters west, and take the no.12 elevator up to the 10th floor.
By bus
Take the 126, 499, 553, 605, 675, 682, 911, Microcirculation Line 141, or Microcirculation Line 194. Get off at the Qingnian Lukou East station, Qingnianlu Community South station, or Qingnianlu Community station. Walk approx. 250 meters to the south entrance of Chaoyang Joy City, walk 50 meters east to take the no. 12 elevator up to the 10th floor.



홍보 자료


티켓 구매

아트 컬렉티브 teamLab은 2001년 활동을 시작했다. 국경을 넘어선 연대 속에 집단 창작의 방식으로 예술, 과학, 테크놀로지 그리고 자연계의 교차점을 학제적 접근으로 모색한다. 아티스트, 프로그래머, 엔지니어, CG 애니메이터, 수학자, 건축가 등 다양한 분야의 전문가들로 구성된 teamLab은 예술을 통해 인간과 자연, 개인과 세계의 새로운 관계를 탐구하고 표현한다. teamLab은 우리에게 익숙한 모든 경계에 대해 질문한다. 인간은 각자를 둘러싼 바깥 세상을 감각 기관으로 인지해 스스로와 분리하고 낱낱을 경계지어 독립체로 구분하려 한다. 현대 문명은 그런 방식으로 세계를 이해해 왔다. teamLab은 예술을 통해 감각을 확장하고 개인과 세계의 경계, 시간의 연속성에 대한 인지의 경계를 넘어설 수 있다고 믿는다. 이 세계의 모든 것은 광대한 시간 속에, 생명의 끝없는 연속 안에 가까스로, 하지만 기적적으로 존재하고 있다. teamLab의 작품은 시드니 뉴사우스웨일스 주립 미술관, 애들레이드 사우스오스트레일리아 미술관, 샌프란시스코 아시아 미술관, 뉴욕 아시아 소사이어티, 이스탄불 보루산 현대 미술관, 멜버른 빅토리아 국립 미술관, 헬싱키 아모렉스가 영구 소장하고 있다. Biographical Documents teamLab is represented by Pace Gallery, Martin Browne Contemporary and Ikkan Art.