teamLab Phenomena Abu Dhabi | teamLab

2025.4.18(Fri) - 常设Saadiyat Cultural District, Abu Dhabi
2025.4.18(Fri) - 常设Saadiyat Cultural District, Abu Dhabi

Artworks exist as phenomena that are born from the environment. Immerse yourself in the collective existence of the artworks and become one with the environment.

The artworks in teamLab Phenomena do not exist independently, but are created by the environment which produces the various phenomena that cause the artworks to exist.

Up until now, things that humans have created have existed through matter, just like a rock, and have a stable structure in and of themselves. Unlike such things, the existence of the artworks in teamLab Phenomena are created by the environment.

The environment produces the phenomena, and the environment maintains the existence of the structure. Let us call that existence environmental phenomena.

Existence will be freed from matter that has previously been responsible for its existence. Elements like air, water, and light that permeate our daily lives are transformed by their environment into unique phenomena that will become the existence. The boundaries of that existence are ambiguous and continuous. Even if people break the artwork apart, the work will remain in existence as long as its environment is maintained. Conversely, if the environment is not maintained, the work will disappear. Perhaps, people's consciousness will spread from existence itself to the environment.

A rock will continue to exist even if it is placed in a sealed box isolated from the outside world, but life cannot maintain its existence if it is placed in such a closed box. Life is also an existence that is maintained by the environment.

Life may be a miraculous phenomenon that emerges from a flow in an open and continuous world.


teamLab Phenomena Architecture

Since the 2000s we have been creating spaces where people can experience art without boundaries between the interior and exterior. In the beginning this began with small spaces, which gradually became larger spaces, and then collections of large-scale experiences/large-scale collections of experiences. What has remained consistent throughout is that we design experiences rather than something physical.
In this endeavor, we have focused on what the necessary form is to value the memory of each individual person’s experience. For example, we think that forms that are easy for anyone to recall a common shared image of, are ones that are remembered as the same form, becoming an obstacle to become a unique memory of the individual’s experience.
The architecture of teamLab Phenomena has no clear boundary between the exterior and interior, similar to a kind of living organism whose outer skin and internal organs are connected by an organic skin. The experience of both the interior and exterior are continuous without boundaries, and the architecture has no easily identifiable form with a certain purpose, and there is no single fixed symbolic characteristic. Some recall the image as like a cloud, some feel the winding curves of the desert, a group of mushrooms, or the bones of a sabre tiger. The form is shaped inside the mind through each individual person’s experience.
We believe that an organic form is important to experience, so we have incorporated an organic shape for teamLab Phenomena. Especially with floors that are in constant contact with people, whereas previously only polyhedral shapes could be realized, we have been able to create a floor in a three-dimensional form. Therefore, the organic shape is a visual experience as well as a physical experience that is remembered by the body through changing perspectives and movement of the body. The boundary between the physical body and the space becomes ambiguous, leading to discoveries of the physical body. This experience, which is physically ingrained, becomes a spatial memory, continuous from the internal to the external, and will become a unique image in each individual person’s memory.
The museum we create is built with the experience as the starting point, and the exterior of the architecture is the fabric for a collection of experiences. The interior and exterior are one and the same, without boundaries.

Designed by teamLab Architects



teamLab Phenomena Abu Dhabi


2025.4.18(Fri) - 常设


10:00 - 19:00


No closed days



teamLab Phenomena Abu Dhabi
Saadiyat Cultural District, Abu Dhabi



teamLab是自2001年起開始活動的藝術團隊。通過團隊創作來探索藝術、科學、技術和自然界交匯點的國際性跨域藝術團隊。由藝術家、程式設計師、工程師、CG動畫師、數學家和建築師等各個領域的專家組成。 teamLab想通過藝術,摸索人與世界的關係和新的認知。人類爲了更好地認知世界,習慣性地把世界分割,並將其視爲具有邊界的事物。我們探索認知的邊界,並試圖超越人類對世界、對時間連續性的邊界的認知。世間萬物都是奇跡般地存在於積年累月且沒有邊界的連續性上的。 teamLab在紐約、倫敦、巴黎、新加坡、矽谷、北京、墨爾本等世界各地舉辦了藝術展。teamLab所開設的大型常設美術館有位於東京台場的「teamLab Borderless」、位於東京豐洲的「teamLab Planets」、位於上海黃浦濱江的「teamLab 無界上海」、位於澳門的「澳門 teamLab 超自然空間」,位於北京的「teamLab無相藝術空間」等等。今後還將有更多的美術館落地在漢堡、烏得勒支、吉達等地。 teamLab的作品被世界各大藝術機構收藏,如墨爾本維多利亞國家美術館(墨爾本)、悉尼新南威爾士州美術館(悉尼)、阿德萊德南澳大利亞藝術畫廊(阿德萊德)、赫爾辛基阿莫斯·雷克斯美術館(赫爾辛基)、舊金山亞洲藝術博物館(舊金山)、洛杉磯現代美術館(洛杉磯)、伊斯坦堡Borusan當代藝術收藏館(伊斯坦堡)、紐約亞洲協會博物館(紐約)。 Biographical Documents teamLab is represented by Pace Gallery, Martin Browne Contemporary and Ikkan Art.

Brought by

Department of Culture and Tourism Abu Dhabi, Miral