Flutter of Butterflies from the Caterpillar House
Sketch Umwelt World
Catching and Collecting Extinct Forest
坡道上的点滴瀑布 / Waterfall Droplets, Flowing Down a Slope
Catching and Collecting in the Dinosaur Forest
涂鸦自然 ── 红色名录,Digital Light Canvas / Graffiti Nature - Red List, Digital Light Canvas
涂鸦自然 ── 鼓动的洞穴,红色名录 / Graffiti Nature - Beating Cave, Red List
彩绘飞翔 / Sketch Flight
群蝶的平衡石 ── 年复一年 / Balance Stepping Stones in a Flutter of Butterflies - A Whole Year per Year
呼应灯森林——一笔, Ice / Forest of Resonating Lamps: One Stroke - Ice
Forest of Resonating Lamps: One Stroke - Fire on Ice
Forest of Resonating Lamps: One Stroke - Fire
小人儿所居住的宇宙之窗 / A Window to the Universe where Little People Live
天空与火焰的长桌 / Table of Sky and Fire
一线相连的长椅 / One Stroke Bench
台风上的空中攀爬 / Aerial Climbing over the Typhoon
捕捉并收集超越边界的群蝶 / Catching and Collecting Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders
水上弹跳的天才跳房子 / Hopscotch for Geniuses: Bounce on the Water
彩绘海洋 / Sketch Ocean
毛毛虫小屋里的快速旋转跳跳球 / Rapidly Rotating Bouncing Spheres in the Caterpillar House
粒状地层的暄腾地形 ── 年复一年 / Soft Terrain in Granular Topography - A Whole Year per Year
连接微观世界的平衡石 / Balance Stepping Stones in the Invisible World
捕捉并收集的森林 ── 年复一年 / Catching and Collecting Forest - A Whole Year per Year
气旋球和呼应的无重力生命森林 ── 暧昧的9种颜色和基础的3种色彩 / Typhoon Balls and Weightless Forest of Resonating Life - 9 Blurred Colors and 3 Base Colors
在跃动的山谷中, 与花共生的生物们 / Shifting Valley, Living Creatures of Flowers, Symbiotic Lives
翻转世界之涂鸦自然, 红色名录 / Inverted Globe Graffiti Nature - Red List
Reversible Rotation in Water
teamLab交互式钓鱼大会:旋转你的钓鱼轴,我们来钓鱼吧! / teamLab Interactive Fishing Party: Spin your Fishing Reel - Water Screen
平家物语 水之绘卷 源平屋岛合战 / Water Scrolls: Genpei Yashima Battle
光之森林管弦乐团 / Light Forest Orchestra
呼应灯森林与螺旋 ── 一笔, 绣球花 / Forest and Spiral of Resonating Lamps - One Stroke, Hydrangea
呼应灯森林 ── 一笔, 杜鹃花 / Forest of Resonating Lamps - One Stroke, Azalea
呼应灯森林与螺旋 ── 一笔, 杜鹃花 / Forest and Spiral of Resonating Lamps - One Stroke, Azalea
呼应灯森林与螺旋 ── 一笔, 樱花 / Forest and Spiral of Resonating Lamps - One Stroke, Cherry Blossoms
呼应灯森林 ── 一笔, 绣球花 / Forest of Resonating Lamps - One Stroke, Hydrangea
四季喜升座 ── 编绘时代的一幕 / Four Seasons Kishoza - A Stage Curtain Spun from Time
呼应灯森林──一笔, 春山 / Forest of Resonating Lamps - One Stroke, Spring Mountain Fields
生命循环之美丽世界 / Continuous Life in a Beautiful World
呼应灯森林与螺旋 ── 一笔, 春山 / Forest and Spiral of Resonating Lamps - One Stroke, Spring Mountain Fields
呼应灯森林 ── 一笔, 雪 / Forest of Resonating Lamps - One Stroke, Snow
Forest of Resonating Lamps: One Stroke - Cherry Blossoms
呼应灯森林与螺旋 ── 一笔, 雪与寒山茶 / Forest and Spiral of Resonating Lamps - One Stroke, Snow and Winter Camellia
The Tree of Resonating Colors of Life
茶树 / Tea Tree
呼应灯森林──一笔, 山中红叶 / Forest of Resonating Lamps - One Stroke, Autumn Mountain
呼应灯森林与螺旋 ── 一笔, 山中红叶 / Forest and Spiral of Resonating Lamps - One Stroke, Autumn Mountain
呼应灯森林与螺旋 ── 一笔, 夏之森 / Forest and Spiral of Resonating Lamps - One Stroke, Summer Forest
呼应灯森林与螺旋 ── 一笔 / Forest and Spiral of Resonating Lamps - One Stroke
奏响音乐的纸飞机场 / Paper Plane Music Airfield
涂鸦自然 高山深谷, 红色名录 / Graffiti Nature - High Mountains and Deep Valleys, Red List
点滴瀑布,小水滴也会形成大浪潮 / Waterfall Droplets, Little Drops Cause Large Movement
翻转世界,巨大的相连积木的城镇 / Inverted Globe, Giant Connecting Block Town
呼应的无重力生命森林 / Weightless Forest of Resonating Life
Aerial Climbing through a Flock of Colored Birds
光之森林的3D攀岩 / Light Forest Three-dimensional Bouldering
弹弹跳跳床宇宙 / Multi Jumping Universe
teamLab Ball on the Sea
Strokes of Life - Birthday / Anniversary / Marriage Proposal
Serpenti Sparkle
巨大的相连积木的城镇 / Giant Connecting Block Town
小人儿所居住的音乐墙 / A Musical Wall where Little People Live
WASO Tea House ── 绽放在茶碗里那无限宇宙中的花朵 / WASO Tea House - Flowers Bloom in an Infinite Universe inside a Teacup
玩吧!天才编程师! / Play! Programming for Geniuses
Graffiti Nature - Still Mountains and Movable Lakes
Synchronizing and Transforming Space - teamLabBall
Sound of Life - teamLabBall
释放后又重新连接的世界 / Worlds Unleashed and then Connecting
Sketch Kusaji Odori
An Office Where Animals Live
BACARDÍ Jungle Bar
涂鸦自然 ── 鼓动的山脉与山谷, 红色名录 / Graffiti Nature - Beating Mountains and Valleys, Red List
光和弦 / Light Chords
Sound Shapes
Sound Ritual
信息光柱 / Message Pillar
Sparkling Dream Tree by teamLab
串联吧!积木小镇 / Connecting! Block Town
Interactive Magnetic Field Theater by teamLab
Digital Provence Theater by teamLab
teamLab Lamps
Sketch Smart Town
綻放於人身上的花朵 / Flowers Bloom on People
Sketch Animals Papercraft
涂鸦自然 / Graffiti Nature
Water Spatial Calligraphy: Line and Koi - Fountains of Bellagio
teamLab 互动钓鱼盛宴: 转动你的“钓鱼竿” ──百乐宫酒店的喷泉 / teamLab Interactive Fishing Party: Spin your "GURU GURU Fishing Reel" - The Fountains of Bellagio
Music Festival, teamLab Jungle
The Tale of the Heike waterscreen scrolls: Genpei Yashima battle - Seto Inland Sea
滑梯水果园 / Sliding through the Fruit Field
HARMONY, Japan Pavilion, Expo Milano 2015
Flutter of Light Birds in the Forest
koi on Clouds
Light Wave Canal
彩绘动物 / Sketch Animals
Interactive Ocean Bar
Spatial Calligraphy: Line, Fish, and Shinkai2000
Flowers in the Sandfall - Time
Ieyasu and teamLab: Night Sumpu Castle Ruins and Tower of Floating Light
Small Resonating Sea
永不停息的街边舞者 / Infinity of Dancing People on the Wayside
KABUKI Spectacle at FOUNTAINS OF BELLAGIO Koi-Tsukami "Fight with a Carp"
彩绘人与动物 / Sketch People & Animals
DIVERSITY, Japan Pavilion, Expo Milano 2015
创造!天才跳房子 / Create! Hopscotch for Geniuses
彩绘城镇立体纸模型 / Sketch Town Papercraft
Sketch Piston - Playing Music
A blackboard where Little People Live
彩绘城镇 / Sketch Town
Sketch Christmas
Worlds Unleashed and then Connecting - Arita Ware
teamLabStudio Spatial Painting!
彩绘人与人 / Sketch People
pixiv's Great Big Animated Sketch Stage in the Sky
pixiv Canteen
The light orchestra with Pepper
Future Arita porcelain cafe
Step onto the Endless Runway – GUCCI Fall/Winter 2014-2015 Collection
Entrance Wall
Sketch Wall
Mirror Cube
teamLab & Kagawa Rally: Spin your reel round 'n' round and haul in a fish from the Inland Sea!
teamLab 360°studio
A downpour of words, a dance of flowers - summer
Water Spatial Calligraphy: Beauty
3D Printing of Kawasaki City: A Smart City's Interactive Landscape
The Tale of the Heike waterscreen scrolls: Genpei Yashima battle - Seto Inland Sea
Connecting! Train Block / 串联吧!积木列车
The Dancing People on the Wayside (work in progress)
teamLab Crystal Tree
Interactive 4D Vision / 互动式4D投影
光球管弦乐团 / Light Ball Orchestra
天才跳房子 / Hopscotch for Geniuses
远古神灵故事 / Story of the Time when Gods were Everywhere
Interactive Projection Mapping at Saga Castle! Hop, Step Jump! teamLabTrampolineCannon!
MicroAd Big data
Sefuri ILC High school!
Demi Voo Beach by teamLab
小人儿所居住的桌子 / A Table where Little People Live
彩绘水族馆 / Sketch Aquarium
Nirvana – Dome Version
Play with Onitsuka Tiger by teamLab@KITH BROOKLYN
Graffiti @ Clouds
Real Sketch Piston × teamLabCamera for paryco
100 Years Sea Animation Diorama - Cyclorama
媒体方块椅子 / MediaBlockChair
Flowers are Crimson – Cyclorama
100 Years Sea Animation Diorama – Media Poles Version
Play with Onitsuka Tiger by teamLab@Onitsuka Tiger Omotesando
SHANGHAI RUNWAY 2012 SPRING / SUMMER earth music&ecology Fashion show
NHK Sports Japan
Street Fighter x 团体实验室 超高信息量海报
teamLab TOKYO Lab
Digitized Cafe
Spatial Calligraphy bi – Dome Version
AYABIE 『Ryusei』 MV
柔软的黑洞──你的身体变成影响另一个身体的空间 / Soft Black Hole - Your Body Becomes a Space that Influences Another Body
Taichi Saotome and teamLab, Special New Year Performance of Dragon and Peony, Sword Dance and Shadowgraph.
Spatial Calligraphy APEC Japan 2010
Spatial Calligraphy Cool Japan Animation Logo
Animation installation for iida on 66 displays
Flowers are Crimson – Dome Version
Block Chair / 块状座椅
Sketch Piston / 绘画活塞
teamLab 上海
大坂 GAS 行动观察研究所
Spatial Calligraphy kansei 12 Hanging Scrolls of Light
Shigemi Curtain / 草木繁茂处窗帘
eyes on you
teamLab Crystal Fireworks
Last Days
Spatial Calligraphy: Line and Carp
ONE WORLD CLOCK / 世界一个格林威治时间计
Spatial Calligraphy KAKERU