Environmental Phenomena
The artworks do not exist independently, but are created by the environment which produces the various phenomena that cause the artworks to exist.
Up until now, things that humans have created have existed through matter, just like a rock, and have a stable structure in and of themselves. Unlike such things, the existence of the artworks are created by the environment.
The environment produces the phenomena, and the environment maintains the existence of the structure. Let us call that existence environmental phenomena.
Existence will be freed from matter that has previously been responsible for its existence. Elements like air, water, and light that permeate our daily lives are transformed by their environment into unique phenomena that will become the existence. The boundaries of that existence are ambiguous and continuous. Even if people break the artwork apart, the work will remain in existence as long as its environment is maintained. Conversely, if the environment is not maintained, the work will disappear. Perhaps, people's consciousness will spread from existence itself to the environment.
A rock will continue to exist even if it is placed in a sealed box isolated from the outside world, but life cannot maintain its existence if it is placed in such a closed box. Life is also an existence that is maintained by the environment.
Life may be a miraculous phenomenon that emerges from a flow in an open and continuous world.
teamLab, 2022, Interactive Installation, Sound: teamLab
People can walk into the artwork, and even if they do so, the artwork will continue to be maintained, its existence unharmed. If a person touches the artwork, they realize that what they are looking at is ordinary water. The artwork’s existence is not independent, but is actually a unique phenomenon created by its environment.
The places where the work appears will change as the viewer moves. The work’s appearance is unique to the viewer, so someone viewing the artwork from another angle will see a different colored work appearing in a different place. In other words, the existence of the artwork being seen is created by its environment, and exists only in the viewer.
Environmental Phenomena
teamLab explores the creation of artworks based on the concept of environmental phenomena, in which the artworks do not exist independently, but are created by the environment that produces the various phenomena.
Objects like stones and man-made creations maintain a stable structure on their own. Unlike these, the existence of the artworks are dependent on their environment.
The environment produces phenomena and stabilizes their structure - these stabilized phenomena are what create the existence of the artworks.
Environmental phenomena are released from the material substances that have been responsible for maintaining structures of existence. Elements like air, water, and light that permeate our daily lives are transformed by their environment into unique phenomena that become works of art. The boundaries of their existence are ambiguous and continuous. Even if people destroy the work, the work will remain in existence as long as its environment is maintained. On the contrary, the work will disappear if the environment is not maintained.
In time, people's consciousness will expand from existence itself to the environment.
A stone can continue to exist in a closed box, sealed off from the outside world, but life cannot sustain its existence in such a box because it is created by its environment.
Life is a miraculous phenomenon that emerges from a flow in a continuous world.
Massless Clouds Between Sculpture and Life
teamLab, 2020, Interactive Installation, Sound: teamLab
In this artwork space, like life, we created an order of energy. In doing so, a giant white mass is born, and emerges afloat.
The sculpture, a giant white mass, neither sinks down to the floor nor reaches the ceiling, floating as though transcending the concept of mass. The contour of this floating sculpture’s existence is ambiguous, becoming smaller when it tears and growing larger when the masses come together. People can enter this sculpture with their entire body, and even if the sculpture breaks, it naturally repairs itself like a living thing. But, as with living things, when the sculpture is destroyed beyond what it can repair, it cannot mend itself, and collapses. Even if people try to move or push this floating sculpture, they cannot do so. If they stir up the wind, the sculpture will scatter.
What is life in biological terms? Viruses, for example, are considered to exist somewhere between living and inanimate because they do not have cells, the smallest unit of biological life, nor do they have the ability to self-reproduce. What separates the living from the inanimate cannot be defined biologically to this day.
Objects like stones and man-made creations maintain a stable structure on their own. A stone can continue to exist in a closed box, sealed off from the outside world, but life cannot sustain its existence in such a box because it is not an independent structure that can exist on its own.
Life is like a vortex created in the ocean. The vortex cannot maintain a stable structure on its own; rather, it is created and sustained by water that continuously flows inwards and outwards.
The vortex is an existence within the flow, and its contour is ambiguous.
The same is true of life. It consumes external matter and energy as food and discharges it, sustaining its ordered structure as the energy dissipates. Life exists within the flow of matter and energy, and its contour, like a vortex, is ambiguous.
Life is a miraculous phenomenon that emerges in the flow of matter and energy, and its structure is the order of energy created by that flow.
In terms of material substance, the only things that exist in this space are ordinary soap, water, and air. The bubbles are soap bubbles.
Although life cannot be strictly defined with modern biology, everything that is structured upon cells, metabolizes, and self-reproduces, is conveniently labeled living things. In other words, all living things are composed of cells. All cells are surrounded by a cell membrane composed of a lipid bilayer with the hydrophilic part facing outwards and the hydrophobic part covered within the layers. Both the inside and outside of the enveloping membrane are liquid.
Soap bubbles are similarly enveloped by lipid bilayer membranes, and the membranes of the bubbles that make up this sculpture are structurally identical to cell membranes. However, contrary to cells, the bilayer of the bubble membrane floats in and encloses air, so the hydrophobic part faces outwards, while the hydrophilic part is covered within the layers. In other words, if we consider cells to be pouch-shaped membranes in liquid, bubbles are pouch-shaped membranes in air.
The space is filled with soap bubbles to create a unique environment in which an order of energy is born. By doing so, an immense white mass emerges from this sea of bubbles that floats steadily in mid-air.
This sculpture is created from substances composed in the same ways as cells, the structuring units of life-forms, and the order of energy created from this unique environment.
teamLab, 2022, Digital Installation, Sound: teamLab
A sphere made of accumulated rays of light.
The light radiates from the center in infinite fine rays, creating its spherical shape. The light source remains motionless, yet the countless lines emitting from it wriggle continuously.
The sphere has no surface boundary, and the perception of the boundary between the artwork and the body is ambiguous. When you try to touch a sphere, your hand goes into the sphere as it does not have a physical boundary.
What is this sphere? Why do the rays wriggle?
Our world is within us.
And once we recognize this sphere made of accumulated lines, our perception of the world expands, and we will begin to notice them wherever we go.
질량이 없는 태양과 어둠의 구체 / Massless Suns and Dark Spheres
teamLab, 2022, Interactive Digital Installation, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi
하나하나의 빛의 구체는 빛이 응고된 것처럼 공간상에서 뚜렷하게 지각할 수 있지만 물질적인 경계면이 없기에 신체는 이를 지각할 수 없다.
구체와 신체의 경계를 인식하는 것은 어렵고 애매모호하다.
가만히 보고 있으면 어둠이 응고된 듯한 청자색의 어둠의 구체도 나타나기 시작한다.
사람들이 빛의 구체를 만지려 하면 구체는 밝게 빛나고 주변의 구체도 차례로 공명하며 빛이 퍼져나간다.
작품은 그 자체로는 존재할 수 없으며 환경이 만들어내는 현상이 작품이 된다. 그리고 작품은 물리 공간에는 존재하지 않고 인식상에 존재한다.
존재란 무엇인가.
공중부양 - 평면화하는 적과 청, 모호한 보라색 / Levitation - Flattening Red and Blue & Blurred Violet
teamLab, 2021, Digital Installation, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi
마치 생명과 같이, 공간에 에너지의 질서를 창조하였다.
구체는 무엇과도 연결되어 있지 않다. 그런데도 구체는 질량의 개념을 초월하여 지면도 천장도 아닌 공중에 멈춰있거나 오르내림을 반복한다. 구체는 사람들이 치면, 날아가서 바닥에 떨어져 굴러간다. 그러나 아무런 방해가 없으면 스스로 상태를 복원하듯 다시 천천히 공중에 떠오른다.
그리고 구체는 입체와 평면의 모습을 오간다.
생명이란 무엇인가. 예를 들어 바이러스의 경우 생물학에서 생명의 최소 단위인 세포를 갖지 않거나 자가증식하지 않는 것으로 보아, 생물과 무생물의 경계 영역에 존재하는 것으로 여겨진다. 생물과 무생물을 나누는 기준이 무엇인지는 아직까지도 생물학상으로 정의할 수 없다.
한편, 우리가 내일도 우리 자신으로써 존재할 수 있는 것은, 형태가 무너져 가는 ‘엔트로피 증가의 법칙’을 위반하고 있다. 즉, 엔트로피(무질서의 정도를 나타내는 물리량)가 극대화로 향한다고 여겨지는 우주에서, 생명이란 그 방향에 반하고 있는 존재이다. 생명은 고전적인 물리 법칙을 어기는 초자연적인 현상이다.
1977년에 노벨 화학상을 수상한 화학자·물리학자 일리야 프리고진은, 자연계에는 외부에서 에너지를 들여와 내부에서 엔트로피를 생산하고, 그 엔트로피를 밖으로 배출함으로써 형성되며, 비평형 상태에서 유지되는 모종의 질서 및 구조가 존재함을 발견했다. 에너지(및 물질)를 외부로 산발시켜 엔트로피를 외부에 버리고 내부의 엔트로피를 감소시켜 질서를 만들어 낸다. 생명체는 외부로부터 음식을 통해 에너지를 받아들이고, 배설을 통해 엔트로피를 외부에 버리면서 엔트로피를 유지하고 있다고도 말할 수 있다.
생명이란 외부 환경과 이어지는 에너지의 질서일 수 있다.
그리고 생명의 존재 그 자체가 물리 법칙에 반하는 초자연 현상이기 때문에
공간에 에너지의 질서를 만들었을 때, 이 거대한 흰 덩어리의 조각체는 천천히 생겨나 떠오르며 생명체처럼 스스로를 복원한다. 그리고 마치 물리의 법칙에 반하는 초자연적인 현상처럼 만유인력을 거스르며 구체는 천천히 떠올라 공간 중턱에 머무르거나 공중을 오르내린다.
눈앞에서 일어나고 있는 (자연계의 법칙을 뛰어넘는 현상이라는 의미에서의) 초자연현상을 목격할 때에, 인지 그 자체는 변화한다. 그리고 그 인지의 변화가 당신을 “일상과는 다른 상태"로 이끌 것이다.
작품에 의한 인지의 변화를 모색한다.