[Official] teamLab Planets TOKYO, Toyosu

July 7, 2018 - End of 2027Toyosu, Tokyo
Tickets for June will be available starting late-March
Notice Regarding Transportation Methods
July 7, 2018 - End of 2027Toyosu, Tokyo
Tickets for June will be available starting late-March
Notice Regarding Transportation Methods

With Your Entire Body, Immerse, Perceive, and Become One with the Art

teamLab Planets is a museum where you walk through water, created by art collective teamLab.

The artworks change depending on the presence of people, and the existence of the artworks is continuous with your body and with others.
Immerse yourself physically in the massive artwork spaces, perceive them with your body, and become one with the art.


Expanding Three-dimensional Existence in Transforming Space - Flattening 3 Colors and 9 Blurred Colors

The space is filled with spheres of light. People move through the spheres and enter the space. When the spheres change color, the space itself shifts between a collection of spheres forming a three-dimensional space and a flat color wall.
When people move through or push them, the spheres change color, and emit a tone specific to that color. The surrounding spheres respond one after another, resonating and emitting the same tone and light color.
Wherever the sphere is, the behavior of light is maintained across the whole of the space (a three-dimensional image in which one sphere is regarded as one dot). Therefore, the light behaves as a group and can be thought of as one three-dimensional existing space. At this time, the light spreads spherically around the impacted sphere.
Since the spheres are freely positioned within the collection of sphere elements that make up the three-dimensional space, people recognize it as existing three-dimensionally and part the spheres entering into the three-dimensional existing space.
The shape of the space is determined by the collection of spheres and changes according to people’s actions (pushing or colliding).
Before the modern era in Japan, complex colors born from the characteristics of silk were given names evocative of the four seasons. Such colors were called Kasane no Irome (nuances of layered colors), and were created by the combination of the lining and exterior fabric (silk was thin at the time so the color of the lining showed through the exterior fabric), gradations from overlapping colors, and blending of warp and weft. Since the sphere colors are produced by light, it is possible to create nine blurred colors, (light in water, sunlight on water plants, morning glow, morning sky, sky at twilight, peach, plum, iris, spring maple), as well as three colors that flatten the space (blue, red, and green), producing a total of 12 colors.


Floating Flower Garden: Flowers and I are of the Same Root, the Garden and I are One

This floating flower garden consists of a three-dimensional mass of flowers.The artwork space is completely filled with flowers, but as the flowers float up above people, open spaces are created. Because of this, people are able to freely wander around the flower mass space. If you encounter other people within the artwork, your space will connect with theirs and become one single space.
Zen gardens are said to have been created as a place for groups of Zen priests to carry out training in order to become one with nature. There is a Zen kōan (a question or story that is part of Zen priests’ theological training) called “Nansen’s Flower”. Someone asked the monk Nansen about the famous saying, “Heaven and I are of the same root. All things and I are of the same substance”, remarking on how wonderful it was. Nansen, pointing to a flower in the garden, said, “People these days see this flower as if they were in a dream”.In this work, people immerse themselves in flowers, becoming one with the garden. When someone continues to look at a flower closely, the flower looks back. At that moment, they become one with the flower and may truly see flowers for the first time.
The flowers in this artwork are orchids. Most orchids are able to grow without soil by absorbing water from the air. The flowers in this artwork are alive, growing, and blooming with each passing day. It could be said that they are growing in mid-air. Although flowering plants were the last of the plant species to appear on earth, at least 220,000 of the 250,000 terrestrial plant species are flowering plants. Evolution has favored diversity, and it can be said that flowers were born to produce diversity. Orchids were flowering plants that most enjoyed diversity, and it is said that approximately 10% of all plant species belong to the orchid family. Because of their diversity, many orchids evolved to become most adapted to live on rocks and trees instead of land with soil where other plants grew abundantly. In an area without soil, in other words, traditionally a least favorable environment for plants, orchids evolved to be most adapted for a world without competition. They are thought to have appeared at a later stage of evolution compared to other plants, and continue to diversify to this day, making us wonder what evolution chose to favor.
Orchids are known to have co-evolved with certain pollen-carrying insects. The flowers’ aromas become stronger at the time of day when the partner insects are active. Because of this, the scent of the artwork space changes each moment between morning, day, evening, and night. Since many of the orchids in this work are partnered with nocturnal insects, the tightly-packed orchids produce a powerful fragrance at night.

Moss Garden of Resonating Microcosms - Solidified Light Color, Dusk to Dawn

* Today's sunset is at 17:56 * The content of the work changes between daytime and after sunset. The artwork will glow after sunset.
* In the event of light rain, the artwork will remain open to the public. In the event of typhoon-level winds or heavy rain, the artwork will not be viewable.

Ovoids that change appearance with the sunrise and sunset are laid out in the moss garden.

With sunrise, the ovoids begin to reflect the world around them. When pushed down by a person or blown by the wind, the ovoid falls back and then rises, releasing a resonating tone. The ovoids around it also respond one after another, continuing to resonate with the same tone.

As the sun sets, the ovoids shine by themselves. When an ovoid is pushed by a person or blown by the wind, it shines brightly and emits a sound tone, as it rights itself. The ovoids around it also respond one after another, emitting the same light color and sound tone that continues to resonate out.

The space of the work is interactively transformed under the influence of the wind, rain, and the behavior of the people in the space, making the environment and the people a part of the work. When the wind is quiet and people are still, the ovoids begin to flicker slowly.

teamLab is experimenting with the concept of color. The ovoids can change into a total of 61 newly-defined Solidified Light Colors.

It is said that mosses were the first terrestrial organisms to appear in a world of rocks and sand, where there was no life on land yet. As mosses and ferns appeared and forests were created, a variety of animals became able to live on land.
Since water inside cells is essential for living things, if the body lacks water, it will die. Mosses, on the other hand, are poikilohydric, meaning the water content in the cells change according to surrounding humidity levels. So moss will not die during long dry periods, and they come back to life when given water. Because mosses are poikilohydric, their color and shape change dramatically when the air is dry versus when it is wet, such as when there is rain or fog.
Tardigrades, which live in moss, also go into a non-metabolic state of dormancy when the surrounding environment becomes dry, but they revive and become active when there is water. The state that tardigrades enter, when they are neither living nor dead, is called cryptobiosis. This may cause us to consider what it means to be alive.

Athletics Forest

A high-dimensional thinking athletics space based on the concept of perceiving the world with your body and thinking about it high-dimensionally. In a complex and challenging space, you will be immersed in a physically challenging four-dimensional world where time changes with the presence of your body.

Aerial Climbing through a Flock of Colored Birds

Aerial Climbing is a space where horizontal bars of varying colors are suspended by ropes and float three-dimensionally in the air. People use these bars to navigate the space in mid-air through three dimensions, trying not to fall. As the bars are linked, the movement caused on a bar by a person will affect the bars on which other people are standing. The arrangement of the bars vary depending on the selected route, so people’s experiences will differ depending on the various ways the bars are linked.When people climb onto the bars, they shine brightly and produce a sound specific to its color. The more people climb onto bars of different colors, the more sounds will be played at the same time.
Flocks of birds fly around freely in this space. When they fly near the people in the space, they take on the color of the bars on which the people stand.
The movement of thousands of birds is beautiful and mysterious, appearing like a single giant life form. The flock has neither a leader nor mutual consensus, but it is said that the birds move on the simple basis of; if my neighbor moves, then I move too. However, the biological mechanism that causes hundreds of birds to move at the same time remains a mystery. It seems there is a universal principle that humans have yet to understand. Likewise, the arrangement of color of the flock is not predetermined. Influenced by people, the birds move, based on a primitive rule unknown to humankind, which in turn creates a complex and beautiful coloration in the space.

Autonomous Abstraction

Autonomous abstraction.
The dots of light blink and change color in cycles unique to each dot. A spontaneous order phenomenon occurs between dots that are close to each other, and their hues and the rhythm at which they blink gradually synchronize. When people touch them, the rhythm of the blinking hues change and are randomized, but the dots close to each other once again cause a spontaneous order phenomenon between them.
The dots of lights emit a tone each time they blink. The tones can be heard continuously throughout the space; what sounds like music is solely created by the continuous tones produced by the blinking lights.

A spontaneous order phenomenon occurs when different rhythms influence each other and synchronize. Examples include when the pendulums of two clocks gradually begin to swing together; when many fireflies gather in one tree and all start blinking at the same time, creating a larger light as a whole; or when the cells that make up the heart synchronize and tremble simultaneously to create the pulse of the heart. This can be seen in various systems, from physical phenomena, neurophysiology, to ecosystems. Although the individual parts do not have the ability to observe the whole, the phenomenon of self-organization is the creation of an ordered and larger structure, resulting from the autonomous behavior of each individual part influencing each other. This phenomenon is also known as spontaneous order.

It is believed that entropy (a measurement of the lack of order in a system) in the universe will steadily increase (the law of increasing entropy) and that entities with form eventually collapse. Despite that, it is a wonder that the sun was created and the planets were born, that life was formed and societies exist. However, the reason why the universe, life, nature, and society continue to be maintained in spite of this may be because order is continuously formed on its own through the shared phenomenon of self-organization in the midst of disorder. In other words, the universe and our own existence are a continuous order created by the same phenomenon.

Existence in the Flow Creates Vortices

Vortices are created behind people as they climb against the flow.

Although a vortex is steady, it is constantly moving and swelling like a powerful life-form.
Despite the existence of the vortex being maintained, the water particles that form it change from moment to moment. The vortex that is being seen now is created by completely different water from the same vortex seen a few minutes ago. The vortex, unlike a rock, cannot maintain a stable structure on its own; rather, it is created and sustained by the energy of water that continuously flows inwards and outwards.
A vortex looks like a life-form because life similarly consumes external energy and matter and discharges it, sustaining its ordered structure within that flow. Life is a miraculous vortex that emerges from a flow of energy in a continuous world.

Water is depicted as a continuum of countless water particles, and the interactions between the particles are calculated to create a three-dimensional simulation of their movement. The vortices create lines from the trails of these particles. The collection of three-dimensional lines are then cut out using what teamLab calls Ultrasubjective Space. In contrast to space that is created through, or cut out by, lenses and perspective, Ultrasubjective Space does not fix the viewer’s viewpoint and in turn frees their body. The floor and walls that the vortices are seen on do not become a boundary between the viewer and the artwork, and the artwork space becomes continuous with the space in which the viewer’s body exists.

Future Park

An educational project based on the concept of collaborative creativity. Freely create the world together with others.

Sketch Umwelt World

Color in an airplane, dolphin, hawk, or butterfly on the paper provided and see the picture you have drawn appear three-dimensionally, flying through the artwork world. If you touch them, they speed up or fly away.You can control the plane, dolphin, hawk, or butterfly with your smartphone and see the world from their perspectives on the screen.
Each living creature understands the world only through their own perception, so the world looks different depending on the creature. Such worlds constructed upon each creature’s unique perceptual experiences are called umwelt. Here, you control the airplane through a lens like a pilot. However, if a living creature is chosen, you can control them and see the world in a completely different way.
Dolphins emit sounds and perceive the world through the echoes. Just as the sound of striking metal differs from that of plastic, they can even recognize differences in materials. While fresh flowers and artificial flowers may appear the same to humans, dolphins perceive them as entirely different. Since dolphins' eyes do not recognize the color of light, the world they experience may be a world of colors completely different from that of humans.
Hawks can see two things clearly at once. When a person focuses on one thing, it is difficult to see the surrounding elements. However, hawks can observe small creatures on the ground while looking ahead of them as they fly. Tap an area you want to zoom in on the smartphone, and that area will appear bigger on the screen.
Butterflies have a 344-degree horizontal field of vision, and almost a 360-degree vertical field of vision. With the smartphone, you can see the world not only in front of you, but on both sides and behind you as well.

Catching and Collecting Forest

Based on the concept of Catch, Collect, Research, people use their bodies to explore, discover, gather knowledge, and expand their curiosity.


Universe of Fire Particles Haunting the Sky and Earth

When people stand on the work, a black absolute presence is created, and the shape of the flames change. The work is affected by people, and is in a state of perpetual, continuous change.

Flames are a phenomenon of light and heat generated by combustion; it is a vaporized substance in a flow, a decomposed substance. It is our sensory experience of seeing what is in between phenomenon and substance.

Lines are drawn in relation to the flow of combusting gas, and the flames are created by the accumulation of those lines in three-dimensions. The lines are then “flattened” using what teamLab considers to be Ultrasubjective Space to represent the flames.

teamLab is exploring the concept of Distributed Art.
If you launch the Distributed Fire smartphone application and approach this artwork, the flame will ignite and you can take the artwork home with you. When you bring that flame close to another person's smartphone, a flame will alight. As you connect the flame, and they connect that flame with someone else, the flame will spread all over the world. The flames that are spread are displayed on the Map of The Flame.

Distributed Art duplicates itself, or a part of an artwork is distributed among people. Then, once in the hands of the people, the artwork is further actively distributed, and also makes copies of itself. The artworks will be distributed and exist on people's networks and become decentralized. When the artwork exists on the network, it continues to exist even if the original disappears.

Tea and Sake in Spontaneous Order - Dynamic Equilibrium Color

* Location: Inside Orchid Glass House

When a cup of tea or sake is poured, the tea or sake begins to glow with its own unique rhythm and produce a tone.A spontaneous order phenomenon occurs between the teas, sake or the lamps of Nursery Lamps in Spontaneous Order. As they influence each other, gradually the rhythms of light and color of the teas or sake synchronize. You drink a part of that order.The artwork is born only when there is tea or sake. When you finish drinking the tea or sake, the work will no longer exist and will no longer affect its surroundings.
The light color of the tea or sake is Dynamic Equilibrium Color, a new color concept by teamLab. When a person sees the tea or sake in the cup from a distance, taking in its entirety, the color of the light does not appear to change; but when they look closely, observing the miniscule, the color of the light is actually continuously changing, and creating a new sense of time.
A spontaneous order phenomenon occurs when different rhythms influence each other and become aligned. Examples include when the pendulums of two clocks gradually begin to swing together, when many fireflies gather in one tree and all start flashing at the same time, creating a larger light phenomenon, or when the cells that make up the heart synchronize and tremble simultaneously to create the beating of the heart. The phenomenon of self-organization is the creation of a large structure with order resulting from the autonomous behavior of each individual, even though each individual does not have the ability to observe the whole. This can also be called a self-organization phenomenon.
It is believed that entropy (a measurement of the lack of order in a system) in the universe will steadily increase (the law of increasing entropy) and that entities with form eventually collapse. However, the reason why the universe, life, nature, and society are able to exist in spite of this may be because order is born by itself through the common phenomenon of self-organization in the midst of disorder. In other words, the universe and our own existence are a continuous order created by the same phenomenon.

Factory & Store

Restaurant & Cafe
Glass House
Tea, Sake, and Art
* Food and drink orders are required for experiencing the work.
* For safety reasons, children ages 12 and under are not allowed in the space.
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Emptiness Table

Vegan Ramen and Art
* Food and drink orders are required for experiencing the work.
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Vegan Ramen UZU
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Cafe UZU
Sweets & Tea
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Living Art Store & Sketch Factory
Living Art Store
Flowers from the Floating Flower Garden

A flower shop with a wide variety of orchids that bloomed as part of the artwork Floating Flower Garden.
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Sketch Factory

Turn your own drawing into an item to take home with you.

The creatures you draw in Graffiti Nature and Sketch Umwelt World will be made into an original product such as a badge, hand towel, T-shirt, tote bag or papercraft.
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teamLab App

Understand Deeply and Enjoy More

We have prepared a guide app that allows you to read the concepts of the artworks near you.

Create the Artwork with Others

In The Infinite Crystal Universe, you can participate in the art using this app. You create the artwork with those around you.


Catching and Collecting Extinct Forest

The Catching and Collecting Extinct Forest is an artwork that can be enjoyed with your smartphone app.

Catch the Animals

Using the app's camera, aim at the animals on the wall and release a Research Eye at them, or set light nets around their feet to capture them.

Research the Animals

The captured animals disappear from the space and enter the smartphone app's collection book. Catch various animals, study them, and create your own collection book.

Release the Animals

If you swipe the captured animals away, they are released and reappear in the artwork space.


Sketch Umwelt World

Sketch Umwelt World is an artwork that can be enjoyed with your smartphone app.

You can control the plane, butterfly, hawk, or dolphin with the APP and see the world from their perspectives on the screen.

Each living creature understands the world only through their own perception, so the world looks different depending on the creature. Such worlds constructed upon each creature's unique perceptual experiences are called umwelt.


Distributed Fire

Light the Flame

When you launch this app and approach Universe of Fire Particles Falling from the Sky, your flame will ignite and you can take the artwork home with you.

Share the Flame

If you approach other people with the app, you can share your flame with them.

See the Map of the Flame

The flames that are shared and spread, as well as the flames shared and spread by you, are displayed on the map in the app.



<For those coming from Ginza Area>
Dedicated Shuttle Buses (with a fee) are available between GINZA SIX and teamLab Planets.
Click here for details.

※Currently, the <To-05-2 (Toei Bus)> from Tokyo Station, Ginza, and Tsukiji to Shin-Toyosu is experiencing heavy congestion.
Please consider using other public transportation methods to visit.

Informazioni sulla Sede

teamLab Planets TOKYO


July 7, 2018 – End of 2027


teamLab Planets TOKYO DMM
9:00 - 22:00
* Last entry one hour before closing.
* You may have to wait 30 to 60 minutes to be admitted to the venue.

Living Art Store & Sketch Factory
9:00 - 22:00

Vegan Ramen UZU Tokyo
10:30 - 20:30
* 10:30-11:00: Only light meals and drinks available.
* Last order for ramen is 30 minutes before the shop closes.
* Only visitors with teamLab Planets admission may enter.


Thursday, April 10; Thursday, May 8



teamLab Planets TOKYO, Toyosu 6-1-16, Koto-ku, Tokyo

Indirizzo nella lingua locale:

東京都江東区豊洲6-1-16 teamLab Planets TOKYO
By Train
1 minute on foot from North exit of Shin-Toyosu Station (Tokyo Waterfront New Transit Waterfront Line Yurikamome Line) 5 minutes on foot from Shijoumae Station and Toyosu Market (Tokyo Waterfront New Transit Waterfront Line Yurikamome Line) 10 minutes on foot from Exit 7 of Toyosu Station (Tokyo Metro Yurakucho Line)
By Taxi
* Disembarking near the front entrance of the facility is very dangerous. Please exit the taxi following the security guard's instructions. 10 minutes by taxi from Ginza - Go straight on Harumi Street in the direction of Ariake and turn left at the traffic light of [Harumi Ohashi Minamizume]. - Turn left and you will see teamLab Planets TOKYO on your left. 15 minutes by taxi from Tokyo Station - Sotobori-dori → [Kurehata] → Eiyo-dori → [Nihonbashi] → Chuo-dori → [Ginza 4-chome] → Harumi-dori - Go straight on Harumi Street in the direction of Ariake and turn left at the traffic light of [Harumi Ohashi Minamizume]. - Turn left and you will see teamLab Planets TOKYO on your left. 15 minutes by highway from Haneda Airport - Metropolitan Expressway Wangan Line → [Shinonome JCT] → Metropolitan Expressway 10 Harumi Line → [Toyosu] Exit - Go straight from [Toyosu] Exit and turn right at the traffic light of [Harumi Ohashi Minamizume]. - Turn right and you will see teamLab Planets TOKYO on your left.
Shuttle Bus (with a fee)
Dedicated Shuttle Buses (with a fee) are available between GINZA SIX and teamLab Planets. Click here for details. * Currently, there is significant congestion on the public buses from Tokyo Station, Ginza, and Tsukiji towards Shin-Toyosu. Please consider using other public transportation methods to visit.
[Weekdays only] Free 1-Hour Parking Ticket at LaLaport Toyosu If you present your same-day ticket for teamLab Planets TOKYO at Urban dock LaLaport TOYOSU, you will be granted one hour of free parking. Parking service location *The reception location varies depending on where you purchased your ticket from.: - teamLab Planets Official Tickets (Tickets purchased from the facility's vending machine and tickets purchased on the official website), tickets purchased at convenience stores (LAWSON Ticket, Seven Ticket).: ▸ Urban dock LaLaport TOYOSU 1 3F Card Desk - Other tickets (Ctirp, HIS GO, KLOOK, etc.): ▸ Urban Dock LaLaport Toyosu1 1F General Information Center Urban Dock LaLaport Toyosu Please show your parking ticket when entering the parking lot. Reception Hours: 11:00 - 19:00 * The Parking lot of Toyosu Bayside Cross Tower is not included in the service. * Please note that conditions and prices are subject to change without advance notice. * Parking service tickets will be marked upon entry. * The parking service ticket is only valid on day of entry. * Lost parking service tickets will not be reissued. * Please note that there may be a wait at times of high traffic. For more information>> This venue does not have any parking.

Regarding entry

I will be late for the admission time.
You can still enter teamLab Planets Tokyo if you arrive on site within the same day during open hours. Please ask a nearby staff at the venue. * Last admission is 1 hour before closing.
Vedi Tutto


Visitor Inquiries

Group Tickets

Vegan Ramen UZU

Media Inquiries



Entrance Pass
* Tickets is subject to a dynamic pricing system.
18 Years and above

JPY 4,000

Junior high school students / High school students

JPY 2,800

Ages 4-12

JPY 1,500

3 years old and younger


Disability discount
A person who has a disability certificate
Click here for more information

JPY 2,000


Le nota

[Notes on purchasing tickets]

・Price includes tax.

・You may have to wait 30 to 60 minutes to be admitted to the venue.

・Tickets cannot be cancelled or refunded once purchased.

・We can ask you to present your ID if you bought ”Junior high school students / High school students” ticket.

・Resale of tickets is prohibited, and visitors cannot enter with a ticket purchased through resale. The museum will not be held responsible in such cases.


Tickets and admission

・Please arrive at the venue and line up in the entrance line in time within the time stated on the ticket.

・The time stated on the ticket is not the staying time in the venue.

・Tickets purchased through the teamLab Planets TOKYO Ticket Store can be changed up to 3 times, no later than 2 hours before the admission time.

Example: For tickets from 10:00-10:30 → changes can be made until 8:00

For tickets from 19:30-20:00 → changes can be made until 17:30

・If you must leave the queue please make sure that someone in your party stays behind.

If you came alone and must leave the queue please notify a nearby member of our staff.

・Leave your stroller in the place provided before entering.

・Children under 13 years of age cannot be admitted without a parent or guardian over 18 years old. Please ensure that children enter together with their parent/guardian.

・For safety reasons pregnant women are not permitted in some areas.

・Please note that although the premises are wheelchair accessible,

You’ll be asked to switch from your wheelchair to one of our wheelchairs, once inside (Number of wheelchairs is limited). Please notice that our wheelchairs are standard products without any special accessory.

・Entry with a cane or prosthetic is possible. Depending on your situation, there may be some artworks that you won’t be able to view. Before entering, our staff will explain the viewing route and usage rules according to your situation.

・Re-entry is not permitted. Please note that your ticket cannot be refunded once you have entered.

About the site

・In the Water, you will experience the artwork barefoot. Please remove your shoes when entering the locker area.

・Some artworks involve water. Please remove socks or stockings in the locker area.

・There is water in certain areas. Water levels can rise to knee height even for adults.
・In artworks that use water, sodium hypochlorite is used, and chlorine levels are adjusted to meet appropriate standards.

・We recommend that small children wear clothes that they don't mind getting wet, or to bring a change of clothes for them.

・If your clothing gets wet, our staff will ask you to change. For safety reasons, we cannot allow entry into the next artwork with wet clothes. If you do not have a change of clothes, we have towels available to rent. Please wipe off your wet clothes before entering the next artwork.

* Please note that the water area is not for swimming purposes.

・Certain areas have mirrored floors. If necessary, please use the rental shorts or wraps provided.

・Shorts may be rented for free. Please inform the staff in the museum if you require a pair and return the shorts on your way out. Sizes run from XS to 6L.

・There are some exhibits that cannot be experienced while wearing sandals or high-heeled shoes. Complimentary rental shoes are available.

・The site features an area with strong stimulating lights, and a dark area.

・For visitors with children, please make sure not to let go of their hand as doing so could be dangerous.

・There are detour routes for visitors, including those with disabilities and those with children, that would like to skip certain artworks. If you wish to do so, please inform the staff nearby.

・Visitors with infants may enter with a (front) baby carrier.

・There are diaper tables available at the bathrooms in the museum. If you would like to breastfeed or rest, there is a first aid room in the museum. Please feel free to inform the staff if you wish to use it.

・During rush hours, customers who have been in the same room for a long time may be asked to move forward by staff.

About baggage

・There are dark areas between artworks, unstable flooring, and artworks that involve walking through water in this venue. For safety and hygiene reasons, bringing personal belongings into the artwork spaces is prohibited. If you need to carry necessary items with you for any reason, please consult with our staff.

・Free lockers are provided. After you pass the entrance gate, you can put your baggage in the locker.

23cm wide x 34cm deep x 37cm high

We cannot supervise baggage larger than the above size, because we do not have a cloakroom.

・Please understand beforehand that suitcases with sizes exceeding the above size will be managed with a wire lock in the stroller storage area.

About " Drawing on the Water Surface Created by the Dance of Koi and People - Infinity "

・For safety and hygiene reasons, guests with an inseam of less than 40 cm cannot experience this artwork. However, they may participate if accompanied by a guardian (18 years or older) using a baby carrier or by being carried."

About "Moss Garden of Resonating Microcosms - Solidified Light Color, Dusk to Dawn"
・In the event of light rain, the artwork will remain open to the public. In the event of typhoon-level winds or heavy rain, the artwork will not be viewable.


・This facility cannot be held liable for any visitor's personal injury, loss, or other problems occurring here.

・We are not responsible for lost or stolen valuables.

・Please note that video or photo coverage of the site may be performed without prior notice.

If you do not agree to be featured in the coverage, regardless of its application, please inform our staff.

・The location may not be accessible at all time due to unforeseen circumstances. We kindly ask for your understanding.

Those who experience the following should use caution on the site

・Those who experience muscle cramps or loss of consciousness caused by light stimulation.

・Those who experience extreme fear in confined, dark, or high places.

・Those with palpitations and shortness breath.

・Those who are pregnant or may be pregnant.

・Those carrying children in their arms.

・Others who are concerned about their physical fitness or condition.

The following is prohibited

・Being drunk or rude.

・Eating, drinking, or smoking on site.

・Dangerous items or any items judged inappropriate by our management staff.

・Re-entry after passing through the exit.

・Taking videos or photos to be used for commercial purposes, without prior consent.

・All animals including service dogs.

Please note that we will be unable to issue a refund to any person who were expulsed from the premises by management for failure to comply with the above.

teamLab (f. 2001) is an international art collective. Their collaborative practice seeks to navigate the confluence of art, science, technology, and the natural world. Through art, the interdisciplinary group of specialists, including artists, programmers, engineers, CG animators, mathematicians, and architects, aims to explore the relationship between the self and the world, and new forms of perception. In order to understand the world around them, people separate it into independent entities with perceived boundaries between them. teamLab seeks to transcend these boundaries in our perceptions of the world, of the relationship between the self and the world, and of the continuity of time. Everything exists in a long, fragile yet miraculous, borderless continuity. teamLab’s works are in the permanent collection of the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne; Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney; Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide; National Gallery of Australia, Canberra; Amos Rex, Helsinki; Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles; Asian Art Museum, San Francisco; Borusan Contemporary Art Collection, Istanbul; and Asia Society Museum, New York, among others. teamlab.art Biographical Documents teamLab is represented by Pace Gallery, Martin Browne Contemporary and Ikkan Art.

Gli Organizzatore


Founding Partner
