Tokushima Digitized City Art Nights - teamLab: Luminous Forest and River | teamLab

2016.12.16(Fri) - 12.25(Sun)德岛市中心, 德岛
2016.12.16(Fri) - 12.25(Sun)德岛市中心, 德岛

Nature as it is becomes art,
the city as it is becomes art.

Tokushima City is a city of water that is nurtured in the Yoshino River and flows through 138 rivers.
In the castle ruins of Tokushima Castle, in the center of town, there is the Shiroyama primary forest (a forest untouched by human hands). Areas of virgin forest such as this are very rare in Japan. Also located in the central area of town there is a very unusual and vast green belt, with a “dragon king” camphor tree that is 600 years of age, and 80 kinds of wild birds survive in the area.

Taking advantage of Tokushima City's natural beauty, we use light, sound, and digital technology, to transform the river and the forest in the center of the city into a digital art space that changes according to the existence of people.

There rural areas with wonderful geographical characteristics, places of historical interest, and places with unique cultures. Whilst these places are attractive to those with knowledge of them, they can be somewhat obscure for people without prior knowledge. There are aspects to them that may be considered boring for people of the modern age. However, if we can make use of the characteristics of these places, add new value and extend or expand them in some way, we think that such places have the potential to become as attractive as big cities. This is the concept behind the project called Digitized Nature, Digitized City.

Nature as it is becomes art, the city as it is becomes art.

Digital technologies that react to their surroundings and are networked are non-material, and like light and sound, they have no physical impact. By using digital technologies, nature can be turned into art without destroying nature. Furthermore, cities can be turned into art without changing anything physical, maintaining the infrastructure of the city.

No longer does art need to be exhibited in nature; rather nature itself becomes art.
Similarly art need not be exhibited in the city, but parts of the city itself can become art. We can then expand this concept, with an entire city becoming a huge artistic space without disruption to its normal functions.

teamLab uses digital art to influence the relationships between people in a space. By turning a city into digital art, it may be possible to stimulate positive relationships between people in the city.




Tokushima Digitized City Art Nights - teamLab: Luminous Forest and River


2016.12.16(Fri) - 12.25(Sun)






Tokushima LED Digital Art Festival



Various places in Tokushima City
-Shimmering River of ​Resonating Spheres​​ at Shinmachi River Waterside Park​​
-Resonating ​Forest​ in the Castle Ruins Mountain at Tokushima Central Park
-Riverside Crystal Tree at Aibahama Park
-Flowers in the Sandfall at Awa Bank Head Office Sales Department West Entrance
teamLab是自2001年起开始活动的艺术团队。通过团队创作来探索艺术、科学、技术和自然界交汇点的国际性跨域艺术团队。由艺术家、程序员、工程师、CG动画师、数学家和建筑师等各个领域的专家组成。 teamLab想通过艺术,摸索人与世界的关系和新的认知。人类为了更好地认知世界,习惯性地把世界分割,并将其视为具有边界的事物。我们探索认知的边界,并试图超越人类对世界、对时间连续性的边界的认知。世间万物都是奇迹般地存在于积年累月且没有边界的连续性上的。 teamLab在纽约、伦敦、巴黎、新加坡、硅谷、北京、墨尔本等世界各地举办了艺术展。teamLab所开设的大型常设美术馆有位于东京台场的“teamLab Borderless”、位于东京丰洲的“teamLab Planets”、位于上海黄浦滨江的“teamLab 无界上海”、位于澳门的“澳门 teamLab 超自然空间”,位于北京的“teamLab无相艺术空间”等等。今后还将有更多的美术馆落地在汉堡、乌得勒支、吉达等地。 teamLab的作品被世界各大艺术机构收藏,如墨尔本维多利亚国家美术馆(墨尔本)、悉尼新南威尔士州美术馆(悉尼)、阿德莱德南澳大利亚艺术画廊(阿德莱德)、赫尔辛基阿莫斯·雷克斯美术馆(赫尔辛基)、旧金山亚洲艺术博物馆(旧金山)、洛杉矶现代美术馆(洛杉矶)、伊斯坦布尔Borusan当代艺术收藏馆(伊斯坦布尔)、纽约亚洲协会博物馆(纽约)。 Biographical Documents teamLab is represented by Pace Gallery, Martin Browne Contemporary and Ikkan Art.


德岛LED艺术节 2016执行委员会・德岛市


猪子寿之 (teamLab)