teamLab: Living Digital Space and Future Parks | teamLab

2016.2.06(Sat) - 12.18(Sun)Pace Art+Technology, Menlo Park, 加利福尼亚州
2016.2.06(Sat) - 12.18(Sun)Pace Art+Technology, Menlo Park, 加利福尼亚州

Experience the immersive exhibition spanning 20,000 ft² including 20 innovative digital art installations

teamLab, the Japanese art collective recognized for challenging and expanding the digital art making practice, and Pace Art + Technology will present Living Digital Space and Future Parks. The large-scale installation will invite participants of all ages to immerse themselves in the multi-room environments spanning 20,000 square feet and showcasing twenty digital works. Viewers will be encouraged to partake in this digital playground for all ages and experience the pioneering concepts and visually morphing beauty of the dynamic works. Inherently interactive, the exhibition is a powerful testament to the advancement of and growing interest in digital art, as well as its unique ability to nurture creativity and curiosity through technology.

Living Digital Space

teamLab’s immersive installations explore alternative forms of perception using their concept of Ultra Subjective Space, a sense of spatial awareness developed from representations in the visual art of pre-modern Japan. This unique multidimensional perspective found in traditional Japanese painting incorporates time into spatial representation and acknowledges the movements of the viewer. Fusing art and technology, the natural imagery in these installations undergo transformations based on the actions of the viewer, creating a connection between physical and virtual life that encourages new ways of examining the surrounding natural world. This element of responsiveness to movement and touch is implicit of an individual’s autonomy as well as the balance that is sustained between man and nature. teamLab celebrates the agency of movement as both an individual and communal action through aesthetic reactions.

花与人,不为所控却能共生── 度时如年 / Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – A Whole Year per Hour





Flower and Corpse Glitch Set of 12




1:花与尸 十二幅组 都城与贵族

2:花与尸 十二幅组 繁荣与灾厄

3:花与尸 十二幅组 山之民与祭典

4:花与尸 十二幅组 森林与日常生活

5:花与尸 十二幅组 神木与八歧大蛇

6:花与尸 十二幅组 八歧大蛇与森林众神

7:花与尸 十二幅组 战场与兵器

8:花与尸 十二幅组 胜利与破坏

9:花与尸 十二幅组 荒野与饥荒

10:花与尸 十二幅组 花与尸

11:花与尸 十二幅组 森林与祭典

12:花与尸 十二幅组 都城与祭典

Future Parks

teamLab’s interactive digital playground, titled “teamLab Islands: Learn and Play! Future Parks,” focuses on promoting collaborative experiences for children through creativity and play. The interactive activities that make up this digital playground use technology to cultivate individual creative freedom within cooperative environments, an experience that teamLab refers to as “co-creation.” The exhibition in Menlo Park will feature seven different attractions that promote this shared sense of creativity through immersive digital environments. With participation as the foundational element of each work, children are encouraged to engage with the works and with each other, creating visual results as part of a larger team. Highlighting technology’s capacity to influence the relationships between people and to foster learning, teamLab Islands: Learn and Play! Future Parks emphasizes pattern recognition, causal relationships, tactile learning, spatial perception, and the importance of co-creation.
teamLab: Past, Present, and Future
Dr. Yukio Lippit, Harvard University

The rapid rise of teamLab to global attention in recent years is hardly a mystery. The collective’s computer-generated artworks and installations have been surprising and captivating audiences everywhere since first capturing the notice of the international art world with their Taiwan exhibition “We are the Future” in 2011. Three characteristics are common to almost every one of their projects. The first is a high premium placed on interactivity; through the skillful use of sensors activated by motion, touch, or shadow, teamLab allows its viewers to become more than mere onlookers, allowing them to shape how a work develops in concert with other viewers. As a result teamLab’s works unfold unpredictably, with no two experiences of a piece ever quite repeated. The second is the synesthetic effect of many of their installations, engendered by a rich array of acoustical and occasionally even olfactory effects. A third trait consistent to all of teamLab’s works is a strong emphasis placed on the aesthetic appeal of their “ultra-technological” worlds. This appeal is developed through the abundant use of natural motifs, vivid colors, references to traditional Japanese cultural practice, and collaborations with leading Japanese artists such as the calligrapher Shishū and composer Takahashi Hideaki.

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teamLab: Living Digital Space and Future Parks


2016.2.06(Sat) - 12.18(Sun)


Tuesday to Sunday
11:00 - 19:00

*Pick a time frame 11:00-13:00, 13:00-15:00, 15:00-17:00 or 17:00-19:00 upon purchasing the ticket.
*Student groups of 5 and more may not be admitted without prior notification to the gallery.
*We ask one adult to accompany up to 5 children under the age of 12.




Adult : $20
Nonprofit Employee (With valid staff badge) : $10
Child (Ages 3-13) : $10
Student (Ages over 14 with student ID) : $15
Senior (Ages over 65 with valid ID) : $15



Pace Art+Technology
300 El Camino Real Menlo Park, CA, USA
*This venue is CLOSED.
teamLab是自2001年起开始活动的艺术团队。通过团队创作来探索艺术、科学、技术和自然界交汇点的国际性跨域艺术团队。由艺术家、程序员、工程师、CG动画师、数学家和建筑师等各个领域的专家组成。 teamLab想通过艺术,摸索人与世界的关系和新的认知。人类为了更好地认知世界,习惯性地把世界分割,并将其视为具有边界的事物。我们探索认知的边界,并试图超越人类对世界、对时间连续性的边界的认知。世间万物都是奇迹般地存在于积年累月且没有边界的连续性上的。 teamLab在纽约、伦敦、巴黎、新加坡、硅谷、北京、墨尔本等世界各地举办了艺术展。teamLab所开设的大型常设美术馆有位于东京台场的“teamLab Borderless”、位于东京丰洲的“teamLab Planets”、位于上海黄浦滨江的“teamLab 无界上海”、位于澳门的“澳门 teamLab 超自然空间”,位于北京的“teamLab无相艺术空间”等等。今后还将有更多的美术馆落地在汉堡、乌得勒支、吉达等地。 teamLab的作品被世界各大艺术机构收藏,如墨尔本维多利亚国家美术馆(墨尔本)、悉尼新南威尔士州美术馆(悉尼)、阿德莱德南澳大利亚艺术画廊(阿德莱德)、赫尔辛基阿莫斯·雷克斯美术馆(赫尔辛基)、旧金山亚洲艺术博物馆(旧金山)、洛杉矶现代美术馆(洛杉矶)、伊斯坦布尔Borusan当代艺术收藏馆(伊斯坦布尔)、纽约亚洲协会博物馆(纽约)。 Biographical Documents teamLab is represented by Pace Gallery, Martin Browne Contemporary and Ikkan Art.