六本木, 東京2021.3.22(Mon) - 11.23(Tue)



teamLab Reconnect是teamLab推出的將藝術與桑拿結合在一起的全新展覽。這裡雖然不是最高級的觀賞藝術的場所,卻能夠讓你在最佳的狀態下體驗藝術。

通過冷熱水交替浴(熱水浴和冷水浴),可以幫助你打開大腦洞,通過無限擴張的身體感知能力與藝術融為一體。 你將能夠意識到心靈、身體與環境共同作為自身存在的整體性,並與世界和時間重新建立聯結。




Supernature Phenomenon

在“teamLab Reconnect”中,包括基於teamLab全新藝術項目“Supernature Phenomenon”所創作的新作品群在內的多件藝術作品將被展出。 “Supernature Phenomenon”,即超越自然界定律的現像(超自然現像),及由此導致的自身認知的改變。在見證瞭如與萬有引力相反等超自然現像的過程後,人們的認知自然而然會發生變化。而這種認知上的改變,則會引導你進入 "與日常生活不同的狀態"當中。



懸浮──被平面化的赤與青,與曖昧的紫 / Levitation - Flattening Red and Blue & Blurred Violet




1977年諾貝爾化學獎得主物理化學家伊利亞·普裡高津發現,自然界存在需要借由,從外部攝取的能量後,在內部生成熵,並通過把這些熵向外部排出體外而才得以形成的,能夠在非平衡狀態中得以維持的秩序和構造。把能量(以及物質)往外部耗散從而減少內部的熵,並以此產生秩序。 也可以說生命體以將外界的能量作為食物來攝取,將熵作為排泄物向外部耗散,從而維持內部的熵保持不變。


當我們看到超自然現像(指超越自然界定律的現像)在眼前發生時,自身的認知本身就會發生改變。而這種認知上的改變,則會引導你進入 "與日常生活不同的狀態"當中。
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呼應燈陣列與螺旋 ── 一筆, 大都會東京/東京都 / Array and Spiral of Resonating Lamps - One Stroke, Metropolis Tokyo




關於燈在空間中排列方式的限制條件,首先,為了懸掛燈具,平面排列需要是一個統一的、交錯的且有序的網格。其次,我們將這個高密度聚集的燈的陣列設定為了一個橢圓體。 最後,將所有的燈與其三維空間中最近處的燈進行連線時,得到的應有且僅有唯一一條起點與終點相連接的單行線(unicursal)。



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Changing Clothes / Hot Shower

In the changing rooms, women are asked to change into swimsuits, and men are asked to change into the indoor clothing shorts. If you wish, you may wear the indoor clothing over your swimsuit.

* Men and women can experience this exhibition together.
* You can come empty-handed, but if you want to wear your own swimsuit, please bring it with you. Men may wear their own swim trunks as indoor wear, as long as they are surf-style or long.
Click here for clothing & free rentals.
× 3

① Sweat in the Sauna

There are seven sauna rooms with varying temperatures, humidity, aromas, and music. Please choose just one sauna room at a time.
It is recommended to stay in the sauna for 10 minutes.

* Women may wear just their swimsuits in the sauna, and men may take off their indoor shirts.
* Do not overdo it. Adjust to your physical condition.
* The Silent Yellow sauna is for private use only.

② Take a Cold Shower

There are two Cold Bathing Areas with different artworks in each. Please choose just one cold shower at a time.
It is recommended to shower for 1-2 minutes. The first time you try, you may be surprised by how cold it is, but please try and stay for at least 1 minute! It will get easier and feel nicer from the second time onward.

* Let your body get used to the cold water little by little.
* Women may wear just their swimsuits, and men may take off their indoor shirts.
* Do not overdo it. Adjust to your physical condition.

③ Dry Off and Rehydrate

Once you finish the cold shower, please dry off your body. And be sure to drink water, as you will be sweating a lot.

* It can be harmful to drink too much water at once, so just drink a little at a time.
* There are free water dispensers available in the venue.

④ Rest in the Art Submersion Area

There are 3 artworks in the Art Submersion Areas. Please choose just one artwork at a time.
It is recommended to immerse yourself in art for 10 minutes. Please focus on the art while resting your body.

Hot Shower / Change Clothes

Men's and women's changing rooms are equipped with hot showers, powder rooms, and various amenities.

* Click here for details.



加藤容崇 慶應義塾大學醫學部特任助教,日本桑拿學會代表理事《醫者が教えるサウナの教科書(醫者著的桑拿教科書)


所謂 "Totonou",是指“熱水浴、冷水浴、休憩”的過程中,在冷水浴過後進行休憩時會感到與平常所不同的愉快的感覺。


為了更加了解這一現像,我們使用MEG(Magnetoencephalography)這一超高精度腦電圖檢測技術,分析了30名體驗者在桑拿前後大腦機能的變化,並觀察到了一個有趣的現像。 除了與人體放松狀態有關的α波被正常化外,在放松過程中常常被抑制的β波僅有位於大腦右側頂葉的一部分會被激活。大腦的右側頂葉負責包括空間和視覺感知、身體感覺與位置信息在內的所有的感官認知。這與桑拿愛好者的反饋是一致的,例如在"Totonou"時腦海中浮現了新的想法,或開始意識到平時沒有察覺到的聲音和氣味等等。此外,β波會因此而減弱。 由於β波的強弱與大腦的興奮程度成反比,因此當我們蒸完桑拿後,會發覺自己變得精神煥發,頭腦也感覺更加清醒。




In the middle of the Muromachi Period (1336 - 1573), a type of tea ceremony in which tea was served to guests after their baths was called rinkan-chanoyu (rinkan sauna and tea ceremony). Much like with shoin-cha (decorative tea time), paintings, incense burners, vases, and hanging scrolls were displayed in the bathing rooms, and it is said that many spectators came to watch toucha (tea-tasting games) after bathing.
Rinkan-chanoyu was a widely-practiced basara (eccentric hobby) in Japan, particularly at the Kofukuji Temple in Nara.

In those days, a bath was a steam bath, or what we would today call a sauna, in which water is poured over heated sauna stones. People in Japan have long enjoyed the acts of viewing art in a sauna and drinking tea as a cultural pastime.

The term basara refers to the social and cultural trends in the middle ages in Japan, mainly during the early Muromachi Period (the Nanboku-cho Period). It was an aesthetic of meritocracy, one that disregarded the status quo, belittled, ridiculed, and rebelled against the authority of those noble in name alone, and instead favored extravagance, flamboyant behavior, and chic clothing. This storyCulture was also the seed of the later revolutions in the Warring States Period.

It is said that Murata Juko (1422 - 1502), the teacher’s teacher of Sen no Rikyu (1522 - 1591) and the inventor of wabi-cha (tea ceremony), was also enamored with rinkan-chanoyu when he was young. He later studied under the Japanese monk Sosun Ikkyu at Daitokuji Temple, reached a state of chazenichimi (the realization that tea ceremony and Zen are one), and created wabi-cha. Then, the brothers Furuichi Choei and Furuichi Choin, who were main figures of rinkan-chanoyu, became disciples of Murata Juko, and rinkan-chanoyu became wabi-cha.


在桑拿熱潮之前,人們潛移默化地繼承了一種特殊的冷熱交替沐浴狀態。這種狀態通過SNS(社交網絡)的傳播,逐漸被稱為"Totonou",並且通過漫畫的形式將“Totonou”的含義,方法步驟以及過程等內容進行來可視化傳播,從而讓很多人體驗到了 "Totonou",也因此使很多人成為了桑拿的粉絲。在過去的10年中,也許正是上述現像的發生造就了現代桑拿熱潮吧。

2008年前後,桑拿愛好者開始在SNS(社交網絡)上進行信息的傳播和交流,2009年,漫畫家タナカカツキ(Tanaka Katsuki)開始了《サ道(桑拿之道)》文章的連載,首次通過漫畫的形式,將進行“熱水浴”、"冷水浴"、"休憩"的反復為人體帶來"Totonou"的特殊狀態的過程與方法進行了可視化。( 2011年《サ道(桑拿之道)》文字版發行時,將"Totonou"稱為"Sauna Trance")。 桑拿愛好者濡れ頭巾ちゃん(Nure zukin-chan)在2011年開通博客時發表的評論"Totonou!"使"Totonou"一詞在以SNS(社交網絡)為中心的桑拿愛好者中開始逐漸流行起來。 2015年《漫畫版 サ道(桑拿之道)》連載開始時,采用了"Totonou"的用法,"Totonou"由此正式傳播開來。

*衷心感謝田タナカカツキ(Tanaka Katsuki)及濡れ頭巾ちゃん(Nure zukin-chan)為本文的撰寫提出的寶貴建議。

Inference of Connection of Sauna Trance with Japan's Infrastructure and Cultural: Public Baths and Water Baths

When did the sauna trance method of bathing, which has been implicitly inherited by sauna lovers, begin?

The Japanese steam bath was replaced by the modern bathing in hot water baths in the mid-Edo period (early 17th century). The modern sauna was introduced to Japan from Finland around the time of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. In Finland, there are many lakes, and in saunas near lakes people do jump into the cold lakes, however, saunas in the city do not always have cold water baths.

So when did saunas in Japan start to always include a water bath? In fact, it is believed that water baths existed in public baths long before saunas. If you were born in the countryside in Japan, you may have been told by your grandfather to "pour cold water over yourself" at the end of a bath.

The story of pouring cold water over yourself after a steam bath appears in the collection of medical essays by the court physician of the late Kamakura period (late 13th century), Tomotoshi Koremune, in his book "Idansho" (one of the oldest essays by a physician in Japan). Since the days of the steam bath, cold water has been poured over the body after a steam bath. This may have something to do with misogi, the ancient Japanese Shinto ritual of purifying oneself by bathing in waterfalls and rivers. Even today, this is done at shrines at its chozu-ya pavilion which contains a large water-filled basin. Since the Nara period (8th century), when public baths were built, people have been pouring cold water over themselves after steaming baths. At the very least, the alms baths created in the Nara period were replaced by hot water and remained in the city as public baths called sento, and the pouring of cold water over oneself was somehow replaced with water baths. The practice of alternating hot and cold baths may have been implicit for more than a thousand years. This may have been the infrastructure and cultural foundation that led to the development of totonou (sauna trance) brought about by alternating super hot and cold baths.

Reference (Japanese): Sento kentei koushiki text 1
(Reference) Gyoki and the Origins of Japanese Baths (Saunas) teamLab Ruins and Heritage: Rinkan Spa & Tea Ceremony



Including the women-only sauna and private-use sauna, there are seven different saunas. Each of the seven saunas has a various combination of temperature and humidity, ranging from medium warm and humid to super hot and dry, making both sauna beginners and sauna enthusiasts enjoy themselves.
Each sauna also offers different natural aromas of white birch, junipers, pine tree, and ginger, as well as the scent of hojicha tea, and a variety of environmental sounds and music such as bonfires, cave river, suikinkutsu (water koto cave), forest wind, flames, and pink noise. The hojicha green is specially blended and roasted for Löyly by the tea leaf brand EN TEA, which is also used in Mifuneyama Rakuen's award-winning sauna Rakan no Yu.

Cold Bath

The Cold Bath is equipped with cold water showers whose temperature is maintained at a constant level by a chiller. Shower heads, each 30cm in diameter, are installed in two locations: overhead and at the shoulder, allowing you to take a large amount of cold shower from above or from the shoulder if you don't want to get your hair wet.
There are two Cold Bathing areas, where teamLab transforms each space into artwork using water, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in art.

Art Submersion (Rest)

There are three Art Submersion areas, where visitors can take a rest in art after taking alternating hot and cold baths.


This exhibition can be experienced by men and women together, except for the changing rooms. After leaving the men's / women's changing rooms, meet at the rendezvous.

Hot Shower

There are hot shower booths in the men's / women's changing rooms. Shampoo, conditioner, body soap, and facial cleanser (for women only) are available for free.

Changing Rooms / Powder Rooms

The powder rooms in the men's / women's changing rooms come with lotion, emulsion, combs, and hair dryers.


Fire Red男女通用
MusicFire (teamLab, 2021)
溫度90° 高溫
LöylyLöyly (hot)
天然香氛Roasted green tea
Roasted green tea is blended and roasted for Roryu by the tea leaf brand EN TEA, and is also used in Mifuneyama Rakuen "Rakan no Yu", which has been ranked number one for two consecutive years in Sauna. Fragrant Smell.
Water Harp Cyan男女通用
MusicWater Harp / 水琴窟 (teamLab, 2021)
溫度80° 中溫
LöylyLöyly (hot)
天然香氛White Birch
White Birch is the national tree of Finland and a symbol of happiness. It has a fresh scent that makes you feel as if you are bathing in the forest.
Forest Wind Green男女通用
SoundForest Wind / 森の風
溫度90° 高溫
LöylyLöyly (moderate)
Juniper is a tree that is often used in place of bunches of birch (Finnish vihta). It has a refreshing sweet smell similar to that of Japanese Cypress, and its scent reminds us of the short summers in Northern Europe.
Underground River Blue男女通用
MusicUnderground River / 洞窟の川 (teamLab, 2021)
溫度100° 超高溫
LöylyLöyly (moderate)
Pine is one of the three most famous trees in Finland, and has long been used as sauna wood. It has a nostalgic and gentle fragrance.
Burning Magenta男女通用
SoundBurning Wood
溫度100° 超高溫
Static Pink僅限女性
MusicPink Noise (teamLab, 2021)
溫度90° 高溫
LöylyLöyly (moderate)
天然香氛Cinnamon & Ginger
Fragrance oil is extracted from ginger and cinnamon, which are said to warm the body. Sweet and warm scent.
Silent Yellow僅包機
SoundSilence / 無音
溫度90° 高溫
LöylyLöyly (moderate)









Please go barefoot. Men are required to wear the indoor clothing and women should wear a swimsuit inside the venue. If you wish, you may wear the indoor clothing over your swimsuit.The indoor clothing is made from quick dry fabric.

Indoor clothing for Women

Rental Swimwear for Women

Indoor clothing for Men

Indoor clothing bottoms (shorts) for Men

Free Rentals

・You can come empty-handed. Free rentals of indoor clothing in different sizes, women’s swimsuits in different sizes, bath towels, face towels, waterproof cases, and masks are provided upon entry.

・If you want to wear your own swimsuit, please bring it with you. Men may wear their own swim trunks as indoor wear, as long as they are surf-style or long.

S:胸圍70 - 75cm / 腰圍56 - 92cm / 臀圍68 - 96cm
M:胸圍75 - 80cm / 腰圍56 - 92cm / 臀圍68 - 96cm
L:胸圍85 - 90cm / 腰圍66 - 102cm / 臀圍76 - 105cm
※ 上述之外的尺碼請自備泳裝。


洗髮水 / 護髮素/ 沐浴露 / 化妝水 / 乳液 / 梳子 / 吹風機 / 卸妝水(僅適用於女性)均包含在門票當中。


・All saunas & artworks close at 22:40, and the entire venue closes at 23:00. Please proceed to the changing room by 22:40.



teamLab & TikTok, teamLab Reconnect: Art with Rinkan Sauna


2021.3.22(Mon) - 11.23(Tue)


10.31(Sun)為止 10:00-21:00 (最後入場19:30)
自11.1(Mon)起 10:00-23:00 (最後入場21:30)

* 11.1(Mon), 11.18(Thu)除外

週三, 11.1(Mon)
10.31(Sun)為止 12:00-21:00 (最後入場19:30)
自11.1(Mon)起 12:00-23:00 (最後入場21:30)

* 11.3(Wed) , 11.17(Wed)除外


不定期, 11.17(Wed)、11.18(Thu)



5-10-25 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Across from Keyakizaka intersection







下車站點:六本木欅坂(Roppongi Keyakizaka)

都營 RH01

港區市內巴士 Chii巴士(ちぃばす) 田町線路

港區市內巴士 Chii巴士(ちぃばす) 赤坂線路

港區市內巴士 Chii巴士(ちぃばす) 麻布東線路

港區市內巴士 Chii巴士(ちぃばす) 麻布西線路

港區市內巴士 Chii巴士(ちぃばす) 青山線路


港區市內巴士 Chii巴士(ちぃばす) 麻布東線路

港區市內巴士 Chii巴士(ちぃばす) 麻布西線路





* 適合所有年齡
* 出於安全方面考慮,0至11歲的孩童無法入場



JPY 4,800



JPY 5,800

[Sauna Room Rental] Weekday

* This ticket allows you to rent out the yellow sauna room.
* Can be used by up to 4 people.
* For details about the yellow sauna, check the official website.
* Other sauna rooms, cold bathing, and art submersion areas are to be shared with other customers.
* Maximum stay: 100 minutes
* Ticket valid from October 18

JPY 20,000

[Sauna Room Rental] Weekends & Holidays

* This ticket allows you to rent out the yellow sauna room.
* Can be used by up to 4 people.
* For details about the yellow sauna, check the official website.
* Other sauna rooms, cold bathing, and art submersion areas are to be shared with other customers.
* Maximum stay: 100 minutes
* Ticket valid from October 18

JPY 25,000

Weekday Morning Ticket

* This is a timed ticket for weekday mornings only.
* Ticket valid from October 18

JPY 2,400

¥500 OFF TikTok合作版優惠券發放中!

下載TikTok(抖音)並註冊,就能獲取可在 teamLab Reconnect 使用的500日元優惠券!




Can I change the date/time or cancel a ticket I bought?

In general, tickets cannot be cancelled once purchased.
The date/time of entry can only be changed three (3) times for tickets purchased on the official teamLab Reconnect ticket site.
If you would like to change the date/time of entry, please do so by clicking the “Change Entry Date” button on your QR code ticket page before the date/time indicated on the current ticket.
(For example, if you have a ticket for March 19, 10:00-10:30 entry time slot, you can change your ticket up until March 19, 10:30.)

However, tickets cannot be changed in the following cases:
・If the entry date and time have been changed 3 times already
・If you want to change the type of ticket (weekday, weekend, holiday, or specific day) or the number of tickets
・If you try to change to a date when tickets are sold out or there are not enough tickets in stock
・If you want to change the entry date of only a subset of tickets purchased as a group
・If you try to change to a date prior to the ticket sale date
・If ticket prices have changed and you try to change to a date or time with a different ticket price

Do you actually go into a sauna in this exhibition?

Yes. This exhibition gives you the chance to go into a sauna, enter a sauna trance, then experience art.
Scientifically speaking, sauna trance is an exceptionally unique neurological state brought about by alternating hot and cold baths (repeated exposure to saunas, cold water, and rest). When entering a sauna trance, the senses sharpen, the mind clears, the beauty of the surrounding world comes into focus, and what normally goes unnoticed can be experienced.

Is there anything I need to bring?

You can come empty-handed.
Free rentals of indoor clothing in different sizes, women’s swimsuits in different sizes, bath towels, face towels, waterproof cases, and free masks are provided upon entry.
Shampoo & conditioner, body soap, face lotion, moisturizer, comb, hair dryer, makeup remover (for women only) are included in the admission fee.

Men are required to wear the indoor clothing and women should wear a swimsuit inside the venue. If you wish, you may wear the indoor clothing over your swimsuit.
You can come empty-handed, but if you want to wear your own swimsuit, please bring it with you. Men may wear their own swim trunks as indoor wear, as long as they are surf-style or long.

* Women’s rental swimsuit size chart:
S: Bust 70 - 75cm / Waist 56 - 92cm / Hips 68 - 96cm
M: Bust 75 - 80cm / Waist 56 - 92cm / Hips 68 - 96cm
L: Bust 85 - 90cm / Waist 66 - 102cm / Hips 76 - 105cm
* For sizes other than above, please bring your own.

Is a reservation necessary?

Entry to the exhibition is by advance timed ticket only. Please be sure to reserve your ticket before you visit.


Purchasing Tickets

・All prices include tax.
No changes or cancellations can be made after the purchase has been completed. (Date and time changes are possible only if purchased through the official ticketing site, see here for conditions).
・No refunds for cancellations will be made for purchased tickets.
・There are no refunds for tickets purchased, except in the case of business cancellation.
・In the event that weather conditions make it impossible to use the facility safely, we reserve the right to cancel operation. In such cases, no cancellation fee will be charged.
・Tickets have a designated date and time and may be sold out.
・Resale of tickets is prohibited, and the exhibition will not be held responsible for any tickets purchased through resale.
・For safety reasons, children aged 11 or under are not allowed in the exhibition.
・Due to the risks of overheating, dehydration and fainting, visitors during pregnancy are not allowed to enter.
・Visitors aged 12 to 17 years must be accompanied by a guardian aged 20 or over.
・Opening hours are subject to change with prior notice on the ticket purchase page.

Entrance Precautions

・Please arrive at the entrance of the venue at the entry time indicated on the ticket and queue in the entry line.
・You may be asked to wait outside before entering the exhibition when it is crowded. Please be prepared for weather conditions depending on the season.
・Please make sure that a representative of a group stays behind when you leave the waiting line.
・Please be aware that you may not be able to enter the exhibition at the time indicated on your ticket. Please allow plenty of time in your schedule for your visit.
・Artworks are subject to change. Some of the artworks may not be available due to congestion or maintenance.
・Re-admittance is prohibited.
・The following items are not allowed to be brought into the museum.
Large items that cannot fit in the locker (W41cm x D51cm x H83cm) *Luggage storage is not available at the venue.
Hazardous materials, food or substances with a foul smelling, etc.
Other dangerous items or items deemed inappropriate by the management.
・For safety reasons, wheelchairs and baby strollers are not allowed in the exhibition.
・Visitors aged 12 to 17 years must be accompanied by a guardian aged 20 or over.
・Please refrain from using the sauna if you have high blood pressure, a weak heart.
・Animals, including guide dogs, are not allowed in the exhibition.
・No one with a skin disease, dialysis, or other medical condition that prohibits them from bathing, and no one who is drunk or behaves in an aggressive manner are allowed to enter.
・Persons related to organized crime groups or antisocial organizations are not allowed to enter.
・ID may be requested on entrance. *Accepted verification of ID: Driver's license, health insurance card, student ID, passport, etc., that verify your name and age.

Exhibition Precautions

・Men and women can experience this exhibition together.
・Men are required to wear the indoor clothing and women should wear a swimsuit inside the venue. If you wish, you may wear the indoor clothing over your swimsuit.
・You can come empty-handed, but if you want to wear your own swimsuit, please bring it with you.
・Please take off your shoes at the entrance of the venue. Please put your shoes in a bag and store them in a locker.
・Only smartphones, glasses, masks, sauna hats, rental items, and photography/videography equipment are allowed in the Sauna Area, Cold Bathing Area, and Art Submersion Area.
・Cell phones and cameras are not allowed in the sauna. Please store them in the mini locker in front of the sauna.
・You may take photos and videos in all areas except the changing rooms and sauna. However, please be careful not to disturb other guests.
・Flash, lighting, monopods, tripods, and selfie sticks are not allowed.
・There are artworks that use water in the exhibition. We are not responsible for any damage caused by cell phones or cameras falling or getting wet.
・Please wear a mask except in the sauna, cold showers, and hot showers.
・Please refrain from talking to prevent a possible droplet infection.
・It is dark inside the exhibition and the floor is mirrored in some places, making it slippery. Please be careful.
・Some areas are dark, use strong lighting, or loud sounds inside the exhibition. Please be careful if any of the following applies to you:
Those who have experienced adverse reactions due to light stimulation.
Those who have an extreme fear of closed, dark, or high places.
・ For your safety reasons, please do not touch projectors, sensors, lights, or other equipment.
・ There are free lockers (W41cm x D51cm x H83cm) in the changing rooms for you to store your belongings. *Items larger than the above size is not allowed in the museum.
・If you lose your locker key, indoor clothing, towel, or other rental items, you will be charged the actual cost.
・Please return all rental items to the designated return box.
・Food and drink, including candy and gum, are not allowed inside except for the water server installed inside the exhibition.
・Smoking is prohibited.
・Please be careful with your glasses and contact lenses when entering the sauna. Deformation of eyeglass frames and dryness of contact lenses may cause physical injury. Rings, necklaces, earrings, and other jewelry and metals may also cause burns.
・When the exhibition is crowded, you may be asked to leave if you are staying for a long period of time.
・Please follow our instructions. If you do not follow the instructions, you may be asked to leave, and no refunds will be given in such cases.

Other Precautions

・The organizer, sponsors, and other parties involved in this exhibition will not be held responsible for any death, injury, or other accident, or for any loss, damage, or other trouble that may result from participation in this event.
・The exhibition reserves the right to suspend or terminate operations at any time for reasons beyond its control.
・The exhibition does not guarantee travel expenses for visiting the exhibition, even in the event that the exhibition is closed.
・Please take care of your valuables at your own risk. The organizer will not be held responsible for any theft or loss of valuables.
・Please note that we may hold a press interview and shoot without notice. If you do not agree with the photography regardless of the shooting purpose, please speak to the staff.
・Please refrain from taking unnecessary photographs. Staff may speak to you and check the images.)
・Photography or interviews for commercial purposes is prohibited without prior consent.
・Please do not bring in household garbage.

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teamLab Reconnect Operation Committee