teamLab: Mangrove Island at Manar Abu Dhabi | teamLab

teamLab: Mangrove Island at Manar Abu Dhabi
2023.12.21(Thu) - 2024.1.30(Tue)Samaliyah Island, Abu Dhabi

Group Exhibition

teamLab: Mangrove Island at Manar Abu Dhabi
2023.12.21(Thu) - 2024.1.30(Tue)Samaliyah Island, Abu Dhabi

Group Exhibition


Universe of Fire Particles on the Island

The flames of Universe of Fire Particles on the Island change shape due to a dark, absolute presence.

Flames are a phenomenon of light and heat generated by combustion; it is a vaporized substance in a flow, a decomposed substance. It is our sensory experience of seeing what is in between phenomenon and substance. We perceive this sensory experience of the flame as a physical object, and at times feel that life resides within it.

Lines are drawn in relation to the flow of combusting gas, and the flames are created by the accumulation of those lines in three dimensions. The lines are then “flattened” using what teamLab considers to be Ultrasubjective Space to represent the flames.

teamLab is exploring the concept of Distributed Art.
If you launch the Distributed Fire smartphone application and approach this artwork, the flame will ignite in your phone, and you will be able to take the artwork home with you. When you bring that flame close to another person's smartphone, a flame will similarly alight in their phone. As you connect the flame, and they connect that flame with someone else, the flame will spread all over the world. The distributed flames are displayed on the Map of The Flame.

Distributed Art duplicates itself, or a part of an artwork is distributed among people. Then, once in the hands of the people, the artwork is further actively distributed, and also makes copies of itself. The artworks will be distributed and exist on people's networks and become decentralized. When the artwork exists on the network, it continues to exist even if the original disappears.
Manar Abu Dhabi is a Public Art Abu Dhabi initiative showcasing an exhibition of new commissions and site-specific light sculptures, projections, and immersive artworks by local and international artists.

A key pillar of the Public Art Abu Dhabi initiative, announced by the Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi (DCT Abu Dhabi) in early 2023, Manar (the Arabic word for “lighthouse”) will offer residents and visitors opportunities to engage with stunning artworks and experience the transformative power of light.

In its inaugural edition, Manar Abu Dhabi will be held under the theme Grounding Light, co-curated by Reem Fadda, Director of Abu Dhabi Culture Programming and Cultural Foundation, and Artistic Director of Public Art Abu Dhabi and Alia Zaal Lootah, Curator Public Art, offering an immersive, multi-sensory experience which celebrates the emirate’s natural beauty, the exhibition will invite audiences to see Abu Dhabi’s coastal areas in a new light.

The artworks will be displayed across several key locations throughout Abu Dhabi, including Lulu, Saadiyat, Jubail, Al Samaliyah and Fahid islands, and other coastal areas such as Corniche Road, and the Eastern mangroves.

Over 35 site-specific artworks by local and international artists have been commissioned for Manar Abu Dhabi, spanning a diverse array of mediums including light projections, sculptures, installations, and performances. Hailing from Argentina, Belgium, France, Japan, India, Mexico, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, Tunisia, the UAE, UK and USA, artists include Ahmed Al Areef Al Dhaheri, Alaa Edris, Asma Belhamar, Ayesha Hadhir, Ayman Zedani, Carsten Holler, Groupe F, Jim Denevan, Jumairy, Latifa Saeed, Rain Wu, Luciana Abait, Mohammed Kazem, Nadia Kaabi-Linke, Nujoom Alghanem, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Samia Halaby, Shaikha Al ketbi, Shezad Dawood, Shilpa Gupta Rawdha Al Ketbi, and teamLab.

Manar Abu Dhabi is part of Public Art Abu Dhabi’s ongoing commitment to commissioning public art for the emirate; two other major long-term elements include the Public Art Abu Dhabi Biennial, launching in November 2024, and artist commissions. Since its launch in March 2023, Public Art Abu Dhabi has continued to bolster Abu Dhabi’s longstanding efforts in enhancing spaces of historical, aesthetic, architectural, social, scientific, and technological value, paying homage to the vibrant cultural legacy of the Capital while looking to the future.
- Manar Abu Dhabi

#teamLabMangroveIsland #ManarAD #AbuDhabiCulture



teamLab: Mangrove Island at Manar Abu Dhabi


2023.12.21(Thu) - 2024.1.30(Tue)


17:00 - 24:45
* Last boat from Yas Bay dock to Samaliyah Island is at 22:30



Samaliyah Island, Abu Dhabi
teamLab是自2001年起開始活動的藝術團隊。通過團隊創作來探索藝術、科學、技術和自然界交匯點的國際性跨域藝術團隊。由藝術家、程式設計師、工程師、CG動畫師、數學家和建築師等各個領域的專家組成。 teamLab想通過藝術,摸索人與世界的關係和新的認知。人類爲了更好地認知世界,習慣性地把世界分割,並將其視爲具有邊界的事物。我們探索認知的邊界,並試圖超越人類對世界、對時間連續性的邊界的認知。世間萬物都是奇跡般地存在於積年累月且沒有邊界的連續性上的。 teamLab在紐約、倫敦、巴黎、新加坡、矽谷、北京、墨爾本等世界各地舉辦了藝術展。teamLab所開設的大型常設美術館有位於東京台場的「teamLab Borderless」、位於東京豐洲的「teamLab Planets」、位於上海黃浦濱江的「teamLab 無界上海」、位於澳門的「澳門 teamLab 超自然空間」,位於北京的「teamLab無相藝術空間」等等。今後還將有更多的美術館落地在漢堡、烏得勒支、吉達等地。 teamLab的作品被世界各大藝術機構收藏,如墨爾本維多利亞國家美術館(墨爾本)、悉尼新南威爾士州美術館(悉尼)、阿德萊德南澳大利亞藝術畫廊(阿德萊德)、赫爾辛基阿莫斯·雷克斯美術館(赫爾辛基)、舊金山亞洲藝術博物館(舊金山)、洛杉磯現代美術館(洛杉磯)、伊斯坦堡Borusan當代藝術收藏館(伊斯坦堡)、紐約亞洲協會博物館(紐約)。 Biographical Documents teamLab is represented by Pace Gallery, Martin Browne Contemporary and Ikkan Art.


DCT Abu Dhabi