teamLab: Field of Wind, Rain and Sun | teamLab

2024.10.05(Sat) - 常设Higashiosaka, Osaka
2024.10.05(Sat) - 常设Higashiosaka, Osaka

teamLab: Field of Wind, Rain and Sun

We received a request from Can Can Factory to place art in the newly expanded Factory. So we decided to demolish part of the site and turn it into a grassland. A grassland that resembles a vacant lot in an industrial area.

The wind returned, the rain spread, and the sun increased.

When the wind blew strongly, the wind caused artworks to appear,
when the rain fell in the darkness, the rain became artworks,
when the sun rose high, the sun gave birth to artworks.

teamLab advocates Environmental Phenomena; artworks do not exist independently, but are created by the environment which produces the various phenomena that cause the artworks to exist.

Up until now, things that humans have created have existed through matter, just like a rock, and have a stable structure in and of themselves. Unlike such things, the existence of an artwork is created by the environment.

Existence will be freed from matter that has previously been responsible for its existence. Elements like air, water, and light that permeate our daily lives are transformed by their environment into unique phenomena that will become the existence of art. The boundaries of that existence are ambiguous and continuous. Even if people break the artwork apart, the work will remain in existence as long as its environment is maintained. Conversely, if the environment is not maintained, the work will disappear. People's consciousness will spread from existence itself to the environment.
A rock will continue to exist even if it is placed in a sealed box isolated from the outside world, but life cannot maintain its existence if it is placed in such a closed box. Life is also an existence that is maintained by the environment.

Life may be a miraculous phenomenon that emerges from a flow in an open and continuous world.


Tea in Spontaneous Order - Dynamic Equilibrium Color

* Dusk to dawn
When a cup of tea is poured, the tea begins to glow with its own unique rhythm and produce a tone.A spontaneous order phenomenon occurs between the teas close by as they influence each other, gradually syncing the rhythms of light and color of the teas. You drink part of that order.The artwork is born only when there is tea. When you finish drinking the tea, the work will no longer exist and will no longer affect its surroundings.
When you lift the tea to drink it, the tea will shine brightly and the light will resonate to Life is an Ephemeral Light Born in the Sea of Darkness.
The light color of the tea is Dynamic Equilibrium Color, a new color concept by teamLab. When a person sees the tea in the cup from a distance, taking in its entirety, the color of the light does not appear to change; but when they look closely, observing the miniscule, the color of the light is actually continuously changing, and creating a new sense of time.

A spontaneous order phenomenon occurs when different rhythms influence each other and become aligned. Examples include when the pendulums of two clocks gradually begin to swing together, when many fireflies gather in one tree and all start flashing at the same time, creating a larger light phenomenon, or when the cells that make up the heart synchronize and tremble simultaneously to create the beating of the heart. The phenomenon of self-organization is the creation of a large structure with order resulting from the autonomous behavior of each individual, even though each individual does not have the ability to observe the whole. This can also be called a self-organization phenomenon.
It is believed that entropy (a measurement of the lack of order in a system) in the universe will steadily increase (the law of increasing entropy) and that entities with form eventually collapse. However, the reason why the universe, life, nature, and society are able to exist in spite of this may be because order is born by itself through the common phenomenon of self-organization in the midst of disorder. In other words, the universe and our own existence are a continuous order created by the same phenomenon.


A Cafe in the Field of the Can Can Factory
A cafe in a grassland that was created after demolishing part of the Can Can Factory site.
On a sunny day in the afternoon*, the sun creates a Rainbow of the Grassland for people in the cafe.



teamLab: Field of Wind, Rain and Sun


2024.10.05(Sat) - 常设


* This exhibition is open only to visitors of the “A Cafe in the Field of the Can Can Factory”.
* The artworks that can be experienced depend on the time and weather.

* Last entry15:40

* Last entry 20:40


Tuesday, Wednesday

※After 3/3 (Monday)
We will be closed for a while due to garden maintenance.
Business will resume in Early May. Details will be announced at a later date.
The time of resumption of business may change.



A Cafe in the Field of the Can Can Factory
1-1-15, wakaehigashi-machi, Higashiosaka-shi, Osaka


By Train
Wakae-Iwata Station on Kintetsu Railway. 3 min by Taxi. 12 min walk.
By Car
10 min from Nakano IC on Hanshin Expressway Route 13 Higashi-Osaka Line. Parking: 4 cars





About 「A Cafe in the Field of the Can Can Factory」Reservations

・If seats are available, they can be reserved on site or online.

・Changes or cancellations are not allowed after the reservation has been completed.

 Date and time can be changed up to three times.

 To do so, select 'Modify date' displayed on the QR page and follow the procedure. 

 Changes can be made up to 8:00am of the indicated date.

 The reservation date cannot be changed in the following cases:

 - The date has already been changed 3 times

 - Changing to a different menu

 - Changing to date that has sold out or has insufficient  left

 - Changing the date for a portion within a multiple purchase

 - Changing to multiple dates within a multiple purchase

 - Changing to a date that is not yet available for purchase

・Dates and times are specified and may sell out.

・Reservation can be refunded only if the venue has an unscheduled closure.

・Reselling QR code for entry is prohibited. QR code that has been resold will not allow entry to the venue. 

 The venue cannot be held responsible for any problems with resold reservation.

・Please come to the entrance at the admission time indicated on the ticket and wait in line.

・The maximum stay in the café after entering is 50 minutes.

・Re-entry is not allowed.

・Prices include tax.

・No one under 6 years old is allowed to enter.

 Children between the ages of 7 and junior high school must be accompanied by a parent or guardian 20 years of age or older.

・ The opening time of the venue may change with prior notice on the official website.

「teamLab: Field of Wind,Rain and Sun」Notice to Visitors

・The venue cannot be held liable for visitors’ injury, loss, or other problems that may occur.

・Certain artworks may not be available due to large crowds or maintenance.

・Artworks or artwork specifications may vary by season.

・The exhibition may be canceled due to circumstances of the venue.

・The exhibition may be canceled in case of bad weather that puts visitors' safety at risk at the venue.

 Cancellation will be announced on the venue's official website and social media.

・Transportation costs to this venue will not be reimbursed even if the venue has an unscheduled closure.

 Please be prepared for heat and cold protection depending on the season.

・Animals, including assistance dogs, are not allowed in the venue.

・Please look after your own personal belongings. The venue will not not be liable for any stolen or lost items.

・Prohibited Items

 Food & alcoholic beverages

 Items that exceed 50cm(Please leave in a nearby coin locker.)

 Strollers, wheelchairs

 Hazardous items, items with strong smells, fresh flowers, etc.

 Drinks with no caps.

 Any other items deemed to be dangerous by staff.

「teamLab: Field of Wind,Rain and Sun」Notice about the venue

・The venue is dark, with unstable footholds and low ceilings. 

 Be aware of your own actions as well as those around you. If you are with young children, please watch over them closely for their safety.

・The artworks may produce flashing lights and loud sounds.

・Please do not touch the projectors, sensors, lights, and other equipment for safety reasons.

・Some Artworks cannot be experienced without climbing the stairs.

・For safety reasons pregnant women are not permitted in some areas.

・For safety reasons, strollers and wheelchairs are not permitted.

・Visitors who are ill or drunk will not be allowed entry.

・You may be asked to provide identification upon entry.

 Examples: driver's licence, health insurance card, student card, passport, My Number card, any identification that provides valid proof of your name and age.

・Please follow the staff's instructions. Visitors that do not follow them may be escorted out of the premisis.

Regarding filming

・Taking photos and videos are allowed but please be careful not to cause inconvenience to other visitors.

・Please refrain from using flash.

・Use of monopods, tripods, selfie sticks, etc is prohibited.

・Media filming may take place without prior notice. If you do not wish to be featured in the coverage, please inform our staff.

・Filming or photography for commercial purposes is not permitted without prior consent.

teamLab是自2001年起開始活動的藝術團隊。通過團隊創作來探索藝術、科學、技術和自然界交匯點的國際性跨域藝術團隊。由藝術家、程式設計師、工程師、CG動畫師、數學家和建築師等各個領域的專家組成。 teamLab想通過藝術,摸索人與世界的關係和新的認知。人類爲了更好地認知世界,習慣性地把世界分割,並將其視爲具有邊界的事物。我們探索認知的邊界,並試圖超越人類對世界、對時間連續性的邊界的認知。世間萬物都是奇跡般地存在於積年累月且沒有邊界的連續性上的。 teamLab在紐約、倫敦、巴黎、新加坡、矽谷、北京、墨爾本等世界各地舉辦了藝術展。teamLab所開設的大型常設美術館有位於東京台場的「teamLab Borderless」、位於東京豐洲的「teamLab Planets」、位於上海黃浦濱江的「teamLab 無界上海」、位於澳門的「澳門 teamLab 超自然空間」,位於北京的「teamLab無相藝術空間」等等。今後還將有更多的美術館落地在漢堡、烏得勒支、吉達等地。 teamLab的作品被世界各大藝術機構收藏,如墨爾本維多利亞國家美術館(墨爾本)、悉尼新南威爾士州美術館(悉尼)、阿德萊德南澳大利亞藝術畫廊(阿德萊德)、赫爾辛基阿莫斯·雷克斯美術館(赫爾辛基)、舊金山亞洲藝術博物館(舊金山)、洛杉磯現代美術館(洛杉磯)、伊斯坦堡Borusan當代藝術收藏館(伊斯坦堡)、紐約亞洲協會博物館(紐約)。 Biographical Documents teamLab is represented by Pace Gallery, Martin Browne Contemporary and Ikkan Art.


Osaka Seikan Co.,ltd.

Osaka Seikan's Vision
My grandfather built a can factory here 60 years ago.

Since then, many small and medium-sized factories have been built here due to it being geographically located inland and adjacent to Osaka City, and to the economic growth of Japan. This is a town of manufacturing, and so I also have come to be making cans for sweets.

When we were exploring the idea of a new factory, we wondered if we could do something new and open to society, rather than just making cans.

At that time, fortunately, teamLab agreed to create an artworks for our new factory.

1,300 years ago during the Nara period, this area was a beautiful inlet called Kusakae, a colorful land that is also written about in the Man'yoshu collection of ten thousand poems.

teamLab has brought the ancient scenery back to life.

On windy days, a Spatial Calligraphy dances in the sky,

on rainy days, crystals of light appear,

and on sunny days, a full-circle of light shining with rainbow colors appears in the grassland.

The grassland sways in the wind, and many butterflies and dragonflies visit.

I am an ordinary manager of a small to medium-sized factory.

But even someone like me can make an impact on the local community through the power of art.

I would be extremely happy if this beautiful experience can inspire you to change something in your lives.