2017台北國際藝術博覽會登载。(Oct, 2017)
Ikkan Art Gallery
Ikkan Art Gallery
Ikkna Sanada
39 Keppel Road #01 - 05 Tanjong Pagar Disrtipark Singapore 089065(Excerpt from the text)
2017台北國際藝術博覽會登载。(Oct, 2017)
Ikkan Art Gallery
Ikkna Sanada
39 Keppel Road #01 - 05 Tanjong Pagar Disrtipark Singapore 089065(Excerpt from the text)
MAKERY登载。(Mar 6, 2017)
L’exposition est courte. Trois pièces, huit projets. «Transcending Boundaries» du collectif japonais Teamlab, jusqu’au 11 mars à Londres, joue l’immersion dans une nature artificielle plus belle que vraie.(本文抜粋)
Audiovisual City登载。(Mar 6, 2017)
At the end of February we had the chance to attend this amazing exhibition hosted by Pace Gallery, London. An Audiovisual journey through three rooms of immersive installations featuring eight works by the Japanese collective teamLab.(本文抜粋)