Cognitive Sculpture
A sculpture that does not exist in the physical world, but in the cognitive world.
The materials are light, body, and cognition.
The sculpture is shaped by the person’s own active body and cognition, appearing and existing only in each person’s cognitive world.
Existence in the cognitive world makes the artwork come into existence.
The artwork questions perception and existence, and opens up possibilities of new existence that are different from material existence.
생명은 결정화된 덧없는 빛 / Ephemeral Solidified Light
teamLab, 2021, Interactive Installation, Sound: teamLab
빛의 결정에 닿을 때, 보이는 부분은 끊어짐 없이 계속 흘러가는 것의 일부라는 것을 깨닫는다.
생명은 언제 시작된 지도 모르는 과거에서부터 한 번도 끊긴 적 없이 흘러가고 있는 에너지의 연속체 속에서 기적적으로 고형화된 덧없는 빛의 결정이 되어 나타나는 현상인 것이다.
teamLab, 2022, Interactive Installation, Sound: teamLab
People can walk into the artwork, and even if they do so, the artwork will continue to be maintained, its existence unharmed. If a person touches the artwork, they realize that what they are looking at is ordinary water. The artwork’s existence is not independent, but is actually a unique phenomenon created by its environment.
The places where the work appears will change as the viewer moves. The work’s appearance is unique to the viewer, so someone viewing the artwork from another angle will see a different colored work appearing in a different place. In other words, the existence of the artwork being seen is created by its environment, and exists only in the viewer.
Environmental Phenomena
teamLab explores the creation of artworks based on the concept of environmental phenomena, in which the artworks do not exist independently, but are created by the environment that produces the various phenomena.
Objects like stones and man-made creations maintain a stable structure on their own. Unlike these, the existence of the artworks are dependent on their environment.
The environment produces phenomena and stabilizes their structure - these stabilized phenomena are what create the existence of the artworks.
Environmental phenomena are released from the material substances that have been responsible for maintaining structures of existence. Elements like air, water, and light that permeate our daily lives are transformed by their environment into unique phenomena that become works of art. The boundaries of their existence are ambiguous and continuous. Even if people destroy the work, the work will remain in existence as long as its environment is maintained. On the contrary, the work will disappear if the environment is not maintained.
In time, people's consciousness will expand from existence itself to the environment.
A stone can continue to exist in a closed box, sealed off from the outside world, but life cannot sustain its existence in such a box because it is created by its environment.
Life is a miraculous phenomenon that emerges from a flow in a continuous world.
teamLab, 2022, Interactive Digital Installation, Sound: teamLab
We do not perceive the world we see, we see the world we perceive.
A sphere made of accumulated rays of light.
The light radiates from the center in infinite fine rays, creating its spherical shape. The light source remains motionless, yet the countless lines emitting from it wriggle continuously.
The sphere has no surface boundary, and the perception of the boundary between the artwork and the body is ambiguous. When you try to touch the sphere, it reacts, but since it does not have a physical boundary, your hand goes into the sphere.
What is this sphere? Why do the rays of lines wriggle?
Our world is within us.
And if we perceive this sphere made of accumulated lines, the world we perceive will expand, and we may see the spheres of accumulated lines in our daily lives. As the world you perceive changes, the way you see the world goes on to change.
teamLab, 2022, Digital Installation, Sound: teamLab
A sphere made of accumulated rays of light.
The light radiates from the center in infinite fine rays, creating its spherical shape. The light source remains motionless, yet the countless lines emitting from it wriggle continuously.
The sphere has no surface boundary, and the perception of the boundary between the artwork and the body is ambiguous. When you try to touch a sphere, your hand goes into the sphere as it does not have a physical boundary.
What is this sphere? Why do the rays wriggle?
Our world is within us.
And once we recognize this sphere made of accumulated lines, our perception of the world expands, and we will begin to notice them wherever we go.
teamLab, 2022-, Interactive Digital Installation, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi
하나하나의 빛의 구체는 빛이 응고된 것처럼 공간상에서 뚜렷하게 지각할 수 있지만 물질적인 경계면이 없기에 신체는 이를 지각할 수 없다.
구체와 신체의 경계를 인식하는 것은 어렵고 애매모호하다.
가만히 보고 있으면 어둠이 응고된 듯한 청자색의 어둠의 구체도 나타나기 시작한다.
사람들이 빛의 구체를 만지려 하면 구체는 밝게 빛나고 주변의 구체도 차례로 공명하며 빛이 퍼져나간다.
작품은 그 자체로는 존재할 수 없으며 환경이 만들어내는 현상이 작품이 된다. 그리고 작품은 물리 공간에는 존재하지 않고 인식상에 존재한다.
존재란 무엇인가.