teamLab World: Dance! Art Museum, Learn & Play! Future Park | teamLab / チームラボ

2016.8.05(金) - 2017.8.31(木)ソウル, Lotte World
2016.8.05(金) - 2017.8.31(木)ソウル, Lotte World

teamLab’s 1700 m² huge exhibition to open in Seoul from August, 2016

‘teamLab World: Dance! Art Museum, Learn & Play! Future Park’, is a fantastic Art World and Future Park that have been created for adults and children by the art collective teamLab.

The Art World is a beautiful world in which you can immerse your whole body and participate in the Art. It also encourages participants to reflect on their own position relative to the world and other people.

Future Park consists of Art Attractions that are an invitation to have fun, to play, explore and learn. The attractions encourage people through collaborative experience to become co-creative and to learn through their bodies.

As the artworks change with each interaction, each visit will be uniquely different. teamLab World will also grow and transform over time, with new art and Art Attractions adding richness to this stunning digital world.

‘teamLab World: Dance! Art Museum, Learn & Play! Future Park’ exhibition attracted more than 460,000 visitors when firstly opened in Tokyo in 2015. It was also awarded ‘TOP 10 art exhibitions of 2015‘ by ‘designboom’ *1.

‘Living Digital space’ is currently running in Silicon Valley, and was reported by the media to have destroyed the long-lasting anti-art tradition of the west coast *2.

Art Science Museum located in Marina Bay Sands in Singapore, is home to a permanent exhibition since March 2016.

*1... designboom
*2... The Guardian

Dance! Art Museum

百年海図巻 [上映時間: 100年] / 100 Years Sea [running time: 100 years]


花と人、コントロールできないけれども共に生きる / Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – A Whole Year per Year

花は生まれ、成長し、つぼみをつけ、花を咲かせ、やがて散り、枯れて、死んでいく。つまり、花は誕生と死滅を、永遠に繰り返し続ける。 花は、鑑賞者のふるまい(ある一定の距離間でじっとしている、もしくは、花に触ったり、踏みながら歩きまわること)によって、花は、より生まれいっせいに咲き渡ったたり、もしくは、いっせいに散り死んでいったりする。

Learn & Play! Future Park



teamLab World: Dance! Art Museum, Learn & Play! Future Park


2016.8.05(金) - 2017.8.31(木)


Exhibition Hours
10:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Ticket Booth Hours
9:30 AM - 8:00 PM


Children (2 to 12): ₩24,000
Teenagers & Adults (13 to 64): ₩20,000
Seniors (over 64), Veterans, Guests with disabilities: ₩12,000

Lotte World
Season/Annual Pass Holders: ₩16,000

*For a group of 20 people or more, please make a reservation in advance.



Lotte World
240 Olympic-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea
Multi-purpose Restroom
-For those who use wheelchair or bring children, teamLab★World offers a multi-purpose restroom. (One in the building, one outside of the building)
-There are baby tables in every restroom of each floor.

Visitor with Disability
-teamLab★World offers a priority access for people with disabilities.
-Disabled Status Identification Card necessary (not transferable)
-A person with disabilities can enter with one accompanying person.
-Please follow the instruction of our staffs for the safety.

Visitor Policies
Please follow these policies in teamLab★World.
-Photo-taking for commercial use without permission is not allowed.
-Camera Flash is prohibited.
-Please be careful with selfie-stick.
-Smoking is prohibited in all teamLab★World facilities.
-Re-entry is not allowed.
-Food and drinks are not permitted in teamLab★World.
-Strollers must be checked in at the stroller-check institute near entrance.
-Pets (except service animals) are not permitted in teamLab★World.
-teamLab★World is not responsible for accidents or injuries caused by visitor’s negligence.
-The exhibition requires a dark space for artworks. Please be careful in the dark space.
アートコレクティブ。2001年から活動を開始。集団的創造によって、アート、サイエンス、テクノロジー、そして自然界の交差点を模索している国際的な学際的集団。アーティスト、プログラマ、エンジニア、CGアニメーター、数学者、建築家など、様々な分野のスペシャリストから構成されている。 チームラボは、アートによって、自分と世界との関係と新たな認識を模索したいと思っている。人は、認識するために世界を切り分けて、境界のある独立したものとして捉えてしまう。その認識の境界、そして、自分と世界との間にある境界、時間の連続性に対する認知の境界などを超えることを模索している。全ては、長い長い時の、境界のない連続性の上に危うく奇跡的に存在する。 チームラボの作品は、ビクトリア国立美術館(メルボルン)、ニュー・サウス・ウェールズ州立美術館(シドニー)、南オーストラリア州立美術館(アデレード)、オーストラリア国立美術館(キャンベラ)、アモス・レックス(ヘルシンキ)、ロサンゼルス現代美術館(ロサンゼルス)、サンフランシスコ・アジア美術館(サンフランシスコ)、ボルサン・コンテンポラリー・アート・コレクション(イスタンブール)、アジア・ソサエティ(ニューヨーク)などに収蔵されている。 Biographical Documents teamLab is represented by Pace Gallery, Martin Browne Contemporary and Ikkan Art.


teamLab, Panaworks