Sharing Rock Mass, Transcending Space

teamLab, 2019, Interactive Digital Installation

Sharing Rock Mass, Transcending Space

teamLab, 2019, Interactive Digital Installation

A rock mass floating in the world of teamLab Borderless in Shanghai. The rock mass floats down the passage of teamLab Borderless in Shanghai and sinks into the wall. The rock mass transcends the physical space of the museum itself, the sunken part appearing in the space of this exhibition.

When people touch the rock mass that comes out of the walls of this space, the rocks glow blue. The light flows to the rock mass sinking into the walls of Shanghai. When people touch the rock mass sunk into the wall at Shanghai, the rock mass glows red and the light flows into the rock mass on this side. When red light flows into the rock mass, it means that someone in Shanghai is touching the other side of the rock mass.