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Publiziert in VOGUE TAIWAN, (2024/01/16)

「teamLab Borderless」遷址東京麻布台之丘打造超絢麗「泡泡宇宙」!2/9盛大開幕,門票搶先開賣

teamLab首座常設數位藝術美術館「teamLab Borderless 」已於2022年8月閉館,官方釋出消息全新改版、體驗升級的「teamLab Borderless 」將進駐東京最新地標「麻布台之丘」,並於2024年2月9日開幕。 (Excerpt from the text)

Publiziert in CONCRETE PLAYGROUND., (Jan 8, 2024)

Tokyo's TeamLab Borderless Digital Art Gallery Is Reopening in February with Dazzling New Installations

If your 2024 resolutions involve seeing stunning art and travelling, here's one of the best ways to tick both boxes: a visit to digital-only art gallery teamLab Borderless in Tokyo. Not only is the Japanese venue finally set to reopen in a new location, but it'll welcome folks back in with a spectacular array of never-before-seen installations. If you fancy being surrounded by bubbles, jelly, flowers and oceans, you'll be especially thrilled.(Excerpt from the text)