Multi Jumping Universe

teamLab, 2018-, Interactive Digital Installation, Sound: DAISHI DANCE

Multi Jumping Universe

teamLab, 2018-, Interactive Digital Installation, Sound: DAISHI DANCE

Multi Jumping is a flexible surface that multiple people can jump on at the same time, and sink or jump higher than usual. 

When you stand on Multi Jumping, the surface beneath your feet sinks, creating warps in space and time. This distortion attracts stardust from the universe and births new stars. If you jump on top of a star, it begins to move, and if you chase the star and continue to jump on it, the star will grow. Stepping on a comet just as it passes over the star causes the comet to explode and the star to grow much bigger. When the life of the star ends, it returns to stardust and becomes the building blocks of new stars.

A gigantic and heavy star will eventually become a black hole that swallows up all the surrounding stars and stardust.

خلفية العمل الفني

Lifecycle of a Star

Like the sun and the twinkling stars in the night sky, stars which generate their own light are called “fixed stars”. There are various types of stars in the universe; “planets” like the Earth we live on, and “natural satellites” such as moons which revolve around them, but here we are going to talk about the “fixed stars”.


A large factor in the life of a fixed star is “gravity.” According to Einstein’s theory, in space, objects with mass cause a distortion in space-time. The force that causes surrounding objects to be pulled toward this distortion in space-time is called “gravity.”

  • Birth of a Star

    There is numerous interstellar dust and gas drifting in space, and these gather through gravity to form baby stars. This condition right before the formation of a star is called a “protostar”.

  • Evolution of a Star

    A “protostar” gathers surrounding interstellar dust and gas through gravity and evolves into a self-shining fixed star. Fixed stars in this stage are called “main sequence stars”. Fixed stars spend most of their lives as “main sequence stars.” The sun we see is currently at this stage. As they continue to evolve, they begin to expand and turn into red, large stars called “red giant stars”.

  • Death and Rebirth of a Star

    Smaller stars with less than 8 times the sun’s mass finish their lives by releasing gas. Stars with greater mass end their lives by causing a “supernova explosion”. The star is blown apart in the “supernova explosion” and turns once more into interstellar dust and gas, becoming ingredients for the next star formation.