Teamlab: Tea Time in the Soy Sauce Storehouse | teamLab

المعارض السابقة
‎2022.12.25(Sun) - ‎2021.4.15(Thu)FUKUOKA SHOYU GALLERY, Okayama
المعارض السابقة
‎2022.12.25(Sun) - ‎2021.4.15(Thu)FUKUOKA SHOYU GALLERY, Okayama
Notice: measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19

Teamlab: Tea Time in the Soy Sauce Storehouse

The former Fukuoka Soy Sauce Building was built in the Meiji era (1868-1912) and was once used for soy sauce production. In the basement where the black soy sauce would have been stored at that time, black water spreads in all directions, the space becomes a tea room, and tea time continues.
When tea is poured into a cup, it lights up and begins to glow and fade, synchronizing with other nearby lights and creating a spontaneous order phenomenon.

A spontaneous order phenomenon occurs when different rhythms are influenced by each other and become aligned. Examples include when the pendulums of two clocks gradually begin to swing together, when many fireflies gather in one tree and all start flashing at the same time, creating a larger light phenomenon, or when the cells that make up the heart synchronize and tremble simultaneously to create the beating of the heart. The phenomenon of self-organization is the creation of a large structure with order resulting from the autonomous behavior of each individual, even though each individual does not have the ability to observe the whole. This can also be called a self-organization phenomenon.

It is believed that entropy (a measurement of the lack of order in a system) in the universe will steadily increase (the law of increasing entropy) and that entities with form eventually collapse. However, the reason why the universe, life, nature, and society are able to exist in spite of this may be because order is born by itself through the common phenomenon of self-organization in the midst of disorder. In other words, the universe and our own existence are a continuous order created by the same phenomenon.

In his final letter, Tenshin Okakura (1863-1913), the author of The Book of Tea (1906), said, "I am doing quite well with the universe and am grateful for what the universe has given me". Tea time may have been a time focused on "the ultimate union of man and the universe."
تيم لاب
"تيم لاب" هو عبارة عن مجموعة فنيّة عالمية (تأسست عام 2001)، يتم التعاون فيها بهدف التعمّق في نقاط الالتقاء بين الفن والعلوم والتكنولوجيا والعالم الطبيعي. فعبر الأعمال الفنيّة، تهدف مجموعة من الخبراء ذوي الاختصاصات المختلفة، بمن فيهم فنانين ومبرمجين ومهندسين، وأخصائي رسوم متحركة، وعلماء رياضيات ومهندسين معماريين، إلى استكشاف العلاقة بين الذات والعالم وأشكال جديدة من الإدراك. وفي محاولة إلى فهم العالم حولهم، يسعى الناس إلى فصله إلى وحدات مستقلة يتصوّرون حدودًا في ما بينها. ولكن "تيم لاب" يسعى إلى تجاوز هذه الحدود التي تحدّ رؤيتنا ونظرتنا إلى العالم وإلى العلاقة بين الذات والعالم واستمرارية الزمن. فكل شيء قائم في استمرارية بلا حدود، في استمرارية مستدامة وهشّة وخارقة في آن واحد. تتواجد أعمال "تيم لاب" من ضمن المجموعة الدائمة لمعرض فكتوريا الوطني في ملبورن، ومعرض الفنون نيو ساوث ويلز في سيدني، ومعرض فنون جنوب أستراليا في أديلايد، ومعرض أستراليا الوطني في كانبيرا، ومتحف الفنون آموس ريكس في هلسنكي، ومتحف الفن المعاصر في لوس أنجلوس، ومتحف الفن الآسيوي في سان فرانسيسكو، ومتحف مجموعة بوروسان للفن المعاصر في إسطنبول، وجمعية متحف آسيا في نيويورك، وغيرها.

الأعمال الفنية

Floating Lamps in Spontaneous Order - the Old Soy Sauce Storehouses

The lamps floating on the water, each lamp glows to it’s own rhythm. Over time, nearby lamps cause a spontaneous order phenomenon, and the lamps start to shine with the same rhythm.

When a person pushes shakes a lamp, it reverts to its original, unique rhythm, influencing the light of nearby lamps and the Tea in Spontaneous Order. The rhythms of light from the lamps and tea influence other nearby light rhythms. A lamp returning to its own rhythm will only affect the lamps and tea nearby, but as their rhythms change, they will in turn affect their surroundings, and the overall rhythms of the lamp and tea light will become disorganized. When a lamp is shaken or when a teacup is lifted to drink, they return to their original light rhythms.
When no one touches the lamps or tea, the nearby lights influence one another, and the disparate rhythms of the lamp and tea lights gradually evolve into a new rhythm together.

Spontaneous order occurs when different rhythms influence one another and eventually synchronize. The pendulums of two clocks hanging on the wall, the collective luminescence of fireflies, and the rhythmic motion of heart cells are all examples of systems - physical phenomena, neurophysiology, life systems, ecology - in which this tendency can be observed.
Spontaneous order is a phenomenon in which individuals, despite not being able to observe the larger picture, create a large, self-organized, ordered system as a result of their individual autonomous behaviors.

The lampshade is made from Murano glass (Venetian glass).

Tea in Spontaneous Order - Dynamic Equilibrium Color

When a cup of tea is poured, it begins to glow with its own unique rhythm and produces a tone. A spontaneous order phenomenon occurs between the teas close by as they influence each other, gradually syncing the rhythms of light and color of the teas.
When you lift the tea to drink it, it shines brightly and the suns of the artwork Massless Suns and Dark Spheres resonate one after the other in response. As you finish the tea, the artwork enters your body and stops influencing its surroundings.

The light color of the tea is Dynamic Equilibrium Color, a new color concept by teamLab. When a person sees the tea in the cup from a distance, taking in its entirety, the color of the light does not appear to change; but when they look closely, observing the miniscule, the color of the light is actually continuously changing, and creating a new sense of time.

A spontaneous order phenomenon occurs when different rhythms influence each other and become aligned. Examples include when the pendulums of two clocks gradually begin to swing together, when many fireflies gather in one tree and all start flashing at the same time, creating a larger light phenomenon, or when the cells that make up the heart synchronize and tremble simultaneously to create the beating of the heart. The phenomenon of self-organization is the creation of a large structure with order resulting from the autonomous behavior of each individual, even though each individual does not have the ability to observe the whole. This can also be called a self-organization phenomenon.

It is believed that entropy (a measurement of the lack of order in a system) in the universe will steadily increase (the law of increasing entropy) and that entities with form eventually collapse. However, the reason why the universe, life, nature, and society are able to exist in spite of this may be because order is born by itself through the common phenomenon of self-organization in the midst of disorder. In other words, the universe and our own existence are a continuous order created by the same phenomenon.

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تفاصيل المكان

Teamlab: Tea Time in the Soy Sauce Storehouse


‎2022.12.25(Sun) - ‎2021.4.15(Thu)


12:00 - 17:00 (Last Entry 16:00)
* Currently, admissions are conducted on a timeslot basis.



Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays

وسائل المواصلات


17-35, Yuminocho, Kita Ward, Okayama City, Okayama

العنوان باللغة المحلية:

On Foot
Walk for 25 minutes from JR Okayama Station East Exit
By Tram
Take the tram from JR Okayama-Mae Station bound for Higashiyama. Get off at Shiroshita Station and walk for 6 minutes
By Taxi
Take a taxi for 10 minutes from JR Okayama Station East Exit


・Children in elementary school and younger must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to enter.

・The venue is dark, and there are stairs, steps, and elevation changes in some areas.

・Using a monopod, tripod, selfie stick, etc., is not allowed.


Ishikawa Foundation, teamLab


Inoue Co., Ltd., ELD INTERIOR PRODUCTS, Okayama Air Service Co., Ltd., Kake Educational Institution, Sanyo Yanase Co., Ltd., SUENAGA Group, STRIPE INTERNATIONAL INC., Denshoku Co., Ltd., TOMIYA CORPORATION Inc., Ryobi Holdings Co., Ltd.


Okayama Prefecture, Okayama City, The Sanyo Shimbun, RSK Sanyo Broadcasting Co., Ltd., Okayama Broadcasting Co., Ltd., TV Setouchi Broadcasting Co.,Ltd.