teamLab Jungle - Art Night and Future Park | teamLab

المعارض السابقة
‎09.10(Sun) - 2017.07.28(Fri)Shibuya Hikarie 9F Hikarie Hall, Shibuya, Tokyo
المعارض السابقة
‎09.10(Sun) - 2017.07.28(Fri)Shibuya Hikarie 9F Hikarie Hall, Shibuya, Tokyo

“teamLab Jungle and Learn & Play! Future Park” will be exhibited at Shibuya Hikarie (Tokyo, Japan). An Interactive Music Festival in a Spectacular Light Art Space.

To commemorate Shibuya Hikarie’s 5th anniversary since its establishment, “teamLab Jungle and Learn & Play! Future Park” will open at Shibuya Hikarie. The exhibition is a large scale expo including “teamLab Jungle - Light Art and Music,” which is an interactive music festival in a spectacular and vivid space filled with light art, and “Learn & Play! Future Park” which has been visited by over 5 million visitors worldwide.

“teamLab Jungle” is an interactive music festival in a spectacular light art space, where visitors are immersed in light and can play music by touching the light. “teamLab Jungle - Art Night” is for adults.

“Learn & Play! Future Park” can be enjoyed during both hours, while “teamLab Jungle - Kids Noon” and “teamLab Jungle - Art Night” are taking place.

teamLab Jungle - Art Night

Art that is experienced through the body – an experiment in physical perception. 

Light Sculpture - Line: Lines of light reorganize the space and create three-dimensional objects as they converge. The space and objects also move in an interactive manner through digital control of the convergence of the lines. The space and objects are made of light, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in them.  
Co-Creative Music: Participatory interactive music created by multiple people.


teamLab Future Park

Artificial intelligence and machinery could replace much of the existing work that we know of today. In a future society, traits that only humans possess—such as creativity—will become increasingly important.

However, in current education and everyday life creativity is suppressed rather than being encouraged. Additionally, large numbers of people are addicted to smartphones. Their brains may be connected, but their body is isolated. As a result opportunities for nurturing co-creative experiences are decreasing.

Humans learn about the world through interaction with others and by sharing experiences. People think with their bodies as they move through the world, and society has developed through creative activities born from collaboration. This is why co-creative experience is very important for society.

By focusing on the possibilities of art that, "changes the relationships between people, and changes the existence of others into a positive experience," teamLab hopes that we can change individual creative activities into co-creative activities, whilst also maintaining individual freedom of movement.

This project was born from the desire to create enjoyable co-creative experiences.

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تفاصيل المكان

teamLab Jungle - Art Night and Future Park


‎09.10(Sun) - 2017.07.28(Fri)

Special cooperation

Media Cooperation


teamLab Jungle Tokyo Management Office 050-5243-7456 (Reception hours 9:30 - 22:00 *except for no performance day)

وسائل المواصلات


Hikarie Hall
Shibuya Hikarie 9F 2-21-1 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, 150-8510, Tokyo

・About wheelchairs・strollers

The venue is wheelchair accessible. There may be some areas in teamLab Jungle that are not accessible. In "Learn and Play! Future Park," some of the attractions such as "Graffiti Nature - Mountains and Valleys" and "Slide and Grow! Fruit Garden," are not wheelchair accessible. Additionally, depending on how crowded the venue is, it may become inaccessible by wheelchair.

・About valuables

Please look after your valuables at your own risk. In the unlikely event that a theft or loss occurs, the organizer will not take any responsibility.

・About injuries

The organizer is not responsible for accidents or injuries occurring. There is a First-Aid room at the venue. Please notify nearby staff in case of an accident or injury. Please exercise caution when playing at the venue.

・About food and drinks

Food and drinks are prohibited inside teamLab Jungle and Learn! Future Park areas. However, plastic bottles and water bottles with caps are permitted. Please be careful not to spill the contents. Drinks can be purchased at the store in the venue. Sale of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited. Please be ready to present your ID, when purchasing alcoholic beverages.

・About garbage

Please be cooperative, and take your own garbage home with you.

・About tobacco

Smoking is prohibited in the venue. A smoking area is located in the hallway.

・About pets

Pets, including small dogs, are prohibited in the venue (service dogs are permitted).

・About photography and video

Flash photography and the use of drones in the park are prohibited. Please also refrain from using a tripod or selfie stick, as they may disturb other visitors.

・Other Cautions

Please note the organizer may take photographs during the event, and the guests may become subjects in the photographs at any time. The images may be used for promotional purposes, including media reports on the event and advertising.

・If the performance or attractions are cancelled due to unforeseeable natural disaster or equipment malfunction, we will reissue your ticket for another day.

・You will be removed from the venue if you behave in ways that cause disturbances to other guests, or disobey instructions from the staff. In such case, you will not be refunded for your ticket(s).

teamLab Jungle

・The venue is dark, with flashing lights and loud sounds.

・Please keep a close eye on your children at all times. A child must be accompanied by an adult in the light ball attraction.

・Do not kick or be rough with the light balls.

・Please remove rings, as they may damage the light balls.

・Do not sit your child on your shoulders.

・Please do not touch the equipment or lighting.

・Please do not place your belongings along the wall, as this will interfere with the performance.

・If any of the following applies to you, please make careful considerations before attending.

Those who have experienced muscle spasms or fainting with light stimuli.

Those taking medication that could cause drowsiness or loss of consciousness.

Those with visual or hearing impairment.

Those with excessive fear for closed, dark, or high places.

Learn and Play! Future Park


Please do not climb up the slide.

تيم لاب
"تيم لاب" هو عبارة عن مجموعة فنيّة عالمية (تأسست عام 2001)، يتم التعاون فيها بهدف التعمّق في نقاط الالتقاء بين الفن والعلوم والتكنولوجيا والعالم الطبيعي. فعبر الأعمال الفنيّة، تهدف مجموعة من الخبراء ذوي الاختصاصات المختلفة، بمن فيهم فنانين ومبرمجين ومهندسين، وأخصائي رسوم متحركة، وعلماء رياضيات ومهندسين معماريين، إلى استكشاف العلاقة بين الذات والعالم وأشكال جديدة من الإدراك. وفي محاولة إلى فهم العالم حولهم، يسعى الناس إلى فصله إلى وحدات مستقلة يتصوّرون حدودًا في ما بينها. ولكن "تيم لاب" يسعى إلى تجاوز هذه الحدود التي تحدّ رؤيتنا ونظرتنا إلى العالم وإلى العلاقة بين الذات والعالم واستمرارية الزمن. فكل شيء قائم في استمرارية بلا حدود، في استمرارية مستدامة وهشّة وخارقة في آن واحد. تم عرض أعمال "تيم لاب" حول العالم، بما يشمل نيويورك، لندن، باريس، وادي السيليكون، بكين، وملبورن ضمن مدن أخرى. متاحف "تيم لاب" ومعارضه الضخمة الدائمة تشمل "تيم لاب بلا حدود" و"كواكب تيم لاب" في طوكيو، و"تيم لاب ماوراء الطبيعة" في ماكاو، و"تيم لاب بلا كتلة" في بكين. مع المزيد من المعارض التي سوف يتم افتتاحها في أبوظبي، هامبورغ، جدة، ويوتريخت. تتواجد أعمال "تيم لاب" من ضمن المجموعة الدائمة لمتحف الفن المعاصر في لوس أنجلوس، وفي معرض الفنون في نيو ساوث ويلز في سيدني، وفي معرض الفنون في جنوب أستراليا في أديليد، وفي متحف الفن الآسيوي في سان فرانسيسكو، وفي متحف جمعية آسيا في نيويورك، وفي مجموعة بوروسان للفن المعاصر في إسطنبول، وفي المعرض الوطني لفيكتوريا في ملبورن، وفي آموس ريكس في هلسنكي.


teamLab Jungle Tokyo 2017 Production Committees

الرعاة الخاصون