teamLab: Existence in an Infinite Continuity | teamLab

المعارض السابقة
‎2024.1.21(Sun) - ‎2023.7.22(Sat)Himeji City Museum of Art, Hyogo
Second term on view from Oct 21. The artworks in this exhibition will differ between the first and second term.
Related Exhibition "teamLab: Existence in Perception - Engyoji Temple" On view until Dec 03
المعارض السابقة
‎2024.1.21(Sun) - ‎2023.7.22(Sat)Himeji City Museum of Art, Hyogo
Second term on view from Oct 21. The artworks in this exhibition will differ between the first and second term.
Related Exhibition "teamLab: Existence in Perception - Engyoji Temple" On view until Dec 03

teamLab: Existence in an Infinite Continuity

teamLab aims to change humanity’s perception of the world through art. In this exhibition, viewers will immerse themselves in borderless Ultrasubjective Space, where the physical space of reality they stand in merges with the space of the artworks. Through this immersive experience, viewers will become physically aware that the world is built on interconnectedness and continuity. In recent years, teamLab has begun to explore further, creating artworks centered around the theme of “What is life?” In their work, they state: “Our existence is shaped by the interplay between the mind, the body, and the environment that is continuous with them.” Over two parts, this exhibition demonstrates how teamLab’s current position transcends the conventional boundaries of perceiving living organisms and inanimate entities, showcasing the collective’s progress on a large scale.

ー Himeji City Museum of Art

Second term: Oct 21, 2023 - Jan 21, 2024

Dissipative Figures – 1000 Birds, Light in Dark

The contours of life’s existence are not the surface boundary of the body, but something ambiguous that includes the environment that is continuous with it.
As long as people live, they dissipate energy and affect the environment, such as the flow of air.
In this artwork, the existence of the birds are depicted through the energy they dissipate into the world.

Being consists of the mind, the body, and the environment that is continuous with them.

Objects like stones and man-made creations so far have maintained a stable structure on their own. But life is different. Whereas a stone can continue to exist in a closed box, sealed off from the outside world, life would cease to exist.

Life is like a vortex created in the ocean. A vortex forms and exists in a flow of matter, and the boundaries of its existence are ambiguous.  

Although a vortex is steady, it is constantly moving and swelling like a powerful life-form. The vortex cannot maintain a stable structure on its own; rather, it is created and sustained by water that continuously flows inwards and outwards.

The same is true of life. It consumes external matter and energy as food and discharges it, sustaining its ordered structure as the energy dissipates. In other words, life does not exist by itself. It is the environment that is continuous with it that maintains the structure of life.

Life is a miraculous phenomenon that emerges from a flow in an open world. Like an ocean vortex, it is an existence with ambiguous boundaries in an infinite continuity.

To be alive is to be inseparable from the world, constantly dissipating energy into it.

Matter is Void - Fog

Anyone can download and own the authentic workDownload the Artwork
NFT owners can modify the words of the workModify the Words
Purchase on Pace Verso*From October 20, 2022 17:00 EST

Through the artwork, Matter is Void, teamLab explores the notion of ownership.

This is an NFT artwork. There is only one NFT of this work, but it does not make it exclusive. Anyone and any number of people can download and own the artwork itself. In other words, whether or not someone owns the NFT of the work, the downloaded artworks cannot be distinguished from each other and they are all authentic.
The artwork displays the words chosen by teamLab, “Matter is Void”. Only the NFT owner can modify these words, and those same words will be reflected in all of the artworks downloaded by people around the world.
Depending on the words chosen by the owner of the NFT, the value of the artwork will change. If the words rewritten by the owner of the NFT possess value, more people may choose to own the artwork; and if the words do not possess value, people may no longer choose to display the work. There may be great value in rewriting the words of an artwork that many people look at, and conversely little value in rewriting the words of an artwork that is not displayed anywhere. Depending on the words chosen by the owner of the NFT, the value of the NFT will also likely change.
Once the original words are modified, even if the owner of the NFT decides to change them back to “Matter is Void”, the words will appear differently from the original; the initial “Matter is Void”, once modified, will not be able to be seen in its original state ever again.

The letters of the words in this artwork continuously revolve and rotate. Depending on the angle we may be able to recognize the letters as they continue to rotate, and there will be moments when we can recognize the meaning of the letters as a whole, but once again, they will become indiscernible and the words lose meaning. The way in which the words revolve is visually perceived as moving simultaneously clockwise and counterclockwise, and depending on which movement is consciously followed, the words can appear to be moving in either direction.

First term: Jul 22 - Oct 9, 2023

Dissipative Figures – Human, Light in Dark

The contours of life’s existence are not the surface boundary of the body, but something ambiguous that includes the environment that is continuous with it.
As long as people live, they dissipate energy and affect the environment, such as the flow of air.
In this artwork, the existence of a person is depicted through the energy dissipated by people into the world for as long as they live.

Being consists of the mind, the body, and the environment that is continuous with them.

Objects like stones and man-made creations so far have maintained a stable structure on their own. But life is different. Whereas a stone can continue to exist in a closed box, sealed off from the outside world, life would cease to exist.

Life is like a vortex created in the ocean. A vortex forms and exists in a flow of matter, and the boundaries of its existence are ambiguous.  

Although a vortex is steady, it is constantly moving and swelling like a powerful life-form. The vortex cannot maintain a stable structure on its own; rather, it is created and sustained by water that continuously flows inwards and outwards.

The same is true of life. It consumes external matter and energy as food and discharges it, sustaining its ordered structure as the energy dissipates. In other words, life does not exist by itself. It is the environment that is continuous with it that maintains the structure of life.

Life is a miraculous phenomenon that emerges from a flow in an open world. Like an ocean vortex, it is an existence with ambiguous boundaries in an infinite continuity.

To be alive is to be inseparable from the world, constantly dissipating energy into it.

Autonomous Abstraction

Autonomous abstraction.
The dots of light blink and change color in cycles unique to each dot. A spontaneous order phenomenon occurs between dots that are close to each other, and their hues and the rhythm at which they blink gradually synchronize. When people touch them, the rhythm of the blinking hues change and are randomized, but the dots close to each other once again cause a spontaneous order phenomenon between them.
The dots of lights emit a tone each time they blink. The tones can be heard continuously throughout the space; what sounds like music is solely created by the continuous tones produced by the blinking lights.

A spontaneous order phenomenon occurs when different rhythms influence each other and synchronize. Examples include when the pendulums of two clocks gradually begin to swing together; when many fireflies gather in one tree and all start blinking at the same time, creating a larger light as a whole; or when the cells that make up the heart synchronize and tremble simultaneously to create the pulse of the heart. This can be seen in various systems, from physical phenomena, neurophysiology, to ecosystems. Although the individual parts do not have the ability to observe the whole, the phenomenon of self-organization is the creation of an ordered and larger structure, resulting from the autonomous behavior of each individual part influencing each other. This phenomenon is also known as spontaneous order.

It is believed that entropy (a measurement of the lack of order in a system) in the universe will steadily increase (the law of increasing entropy) and that entities with form eventually collapse. Despite that, it is a wonder that the sun was created and the planets were born, that life was formed and societies exist. However, the reason why the universe, life, nature, and society continue to be maintained in spite of this may be because order is continuously formed on its own through the shared phenomenon of self-organization in the midst of disorder. In other words, the universe and our own existence are a continuous order created by the same phenomenon.

الحياة تحيا بقوّة الحياة 2

على الرغم من أن الذات والطبيعة يبدوان مختلفين، إلا أنهما في الواقع كيان واحد، لا ينفصلان عن بعضهما البعض. إن نقيض الانقسام ليس هو التوحد، وقد ندرك أن الوجود الذي يبدو متميزًا هو في الواقع جزء من كلٍّ واحد.
إن منافع الطبيعة وتهديداتها، وكذلك منافع وتهديدات الحضارة، مستمرة. ولا يوجد مصدر للشر المطلق، ولا يمكن رفضه بشكل مثالي. ومع ذلك فإننا نسعى إلى تأكيد الحياة في جميع جوانبها. إن الحياة جميلة.
في هذا العمل الفني، تمت كتابة (生 "سيه")، المقطع الذي يدل على الحياة، بشكل ثلاثي الأبعاد باستخدام الخط في الفضاء. والخط في الفضاء هو شكل من أشكال الخط المرسوم في الفضاء والذي كان تيم لاب يستكشفه منذ تأسيسه. يعيد العمل الفني بناء الخط في فضاء ثلاثي الأبعاد للتعبير عن عمق وسرعة وقوة ضربة الفرشاة، ثم يتم تسطيح هذا الخط باستخدام البنية المنطقية التي يطلق عليها تيم لاب الفضاء فوق الذاتي. وينتقل الخط بين بعدين وثلاثة أبعاد.
يبدو فضاء العمل الفني التقليدي، المؤطر بالعدسة أو المنظور، وكأنه على الجانب الآخر من سطح العمل الفني، حيث يصبح السطح بمثابة حدود، ويتم فصل الفضاء الذي يوجد فيه المشاهد عن فضاء العمل الفني. ومع ذلك، فإن إحدى خصائص الفضاء فوق الذاتي هي أن سطح العمل الفني لا يصبح حدودًا.وبالتالي فإن الفضاء الذي يوجد فيه العمل الفني يتجاوز حدود سطح العمل الفني ويتم إدراكه كما لو أنه موجود بشكل ثلاثي الأبعاد في نفس الفضاء الذي يقف فيه المشاهد. وفضاء العمل الفني متواصل مع الفضاء المادي للمشاهد.



Distributed Fire

Light the Flame

When you launch this app and approach Universe of Fire Particles Falling from the Sky, your flame will ignite and you can take the artwork home with you.

Share the Flame

If you approach other people with the app, you can share your flame with them.

See the Map of the Flame

The flames that are shared and spread, as well as the flames shared and spread by you, are displayed on the map in the app.

دليل الزوار

تفاصيل المكان

teamLab: Existence in an Infinite Continuity


First term: Jul 22 - Oct 9, 2023
Second term: Oct 21, 2023 - Jan 21, 2024
* The artworks in this exhibition will differ between the first and second term.


10:00 - 17:00 (Last Entry 16:30)


Mondays (except Monday, September 18, Monday, October 9, and Monday, January 8, 2024)
Tuesday, September 19
Thursday, December 28 through Wednesday, January 3, 2024
Tuesday, January 9, 2024

وسائل المواصلات


Himeji City Museum of Art
68-25 Honmachi, Himeji City, Hyogo

العنوان باللغة المحلية:

تيم لاب
"تيم لاب" هو عبارة عن مجموعة فنيّة عالمية (تأسست عام 2001)، يتم التعاون فيها بهدف التعمّق في نقاط الالتقاء بين الفن والعلوم والتكنولوجيا والعالم الطبيعي. فعبر الأعمال الفنيّة، تهدف مجموعة من الخبراء ذوي الاختصاصات المختلفة، بمن فيهم فنانين ومبرمجين ومهندسين، وأخصائي رسوم متحركة، وعلماء رياضيات ومهندسين معماريين، إلى استكشاف العلاقة بين الذات والعالم وأشكال جديدة من الإدراك. وفي محاولة إلى فهم العالم حولهم، يسعى الناس إلى فصله إلى وحدات مستقلة يتصوّرون حدودًا في ما بينها. ولكن "تيم لاب" يسعى إلى تجاوز هذه الحدود التي تحدّ رؤيتنا ونظرتنا إلى العالم وإلى العلاقة بين الذات والعالم واستمرارية الزمن. فكل شيء قائم في استمرارية بلا حدود، في استمرارية مستدامة وهشّة وخارقة في آن واحد. تتواجد أعمال "تيم لاب" من ضمن المجموعة الدائمة لمعرض فكتوريا الوطني في ملبورن، ومعرض الفنون نيو ساوث ويلز في سيدني، ومعرض فنون جنوب أستراليا في أديلايد، ومعرض أستراليا الوطني في كانبيرا، ومتحف الفنون آموس ريكس في هلسنكي، ومتحف الفن المعاصر في لوس أنجلوس، ومتحف الفن الآسيوي في سان فرانسيسكو، ومتحف مجموعة بوروسان للفن المعاصر في إسطنبول، وجمعية متحف آسيا في نيويورك، وغيرها.


Himeji City Museum of Art

Special Cooperation

The Kobe Shimbun