منحوتة ضوئية.. التدفق: منحوتة من منزلة أعلى
منحوتات ضوئية تم إنشاؤها بواسطة الضوء الذي يستمر في التدفق إلى الخارج. تراكم الضوء المتدفق يبث الحياة في الكون.
إن وجود دوامة المحيط يتكون من نفس الماء، داخله وخارجه. ورغم هذا، لماذا نشعر بإحساس الوجود في دوامات المحيط؟
حتى لو استمرت مكونات العمل الفني في التدفق إلى الخارج، فعندما تتشكل الاستمرارية والنظام في الأجزاء، يتم التعرف عليها ككيان واحد، بل وأحيانًا تبدو وكأنها حياة.
إن داخل الوجود وخارجه ليسا اختلافًا في الجوهر، بل اختلافًا في الترتيب.
teamLab, 2016-, Light Sculpture - Flow, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi
The existence of an ocean vortex is made up of the same water, both inside and outside of it. Despite this, why do we feel a sense of existence in the vortices of the ocean?
Even if the components of an artwork continue to flow outward, when continuity and order are formed in parts, they are recognized as a single entity, and sometimes even feel like life.
The inside and outside of the existence are not a difference in substance, but a difference in order.
teamLab, 2019-, Light Sculpture - Flow, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi
Light Sculpture - Flow: Higher Order Sculpture series.
"Why do we sense an existence in ocean whirlpools, a sense of life, even though the water inside and outside the whirlpool is the same water?"
Even if the components of the artwork continue to flow outward, when an order is formed in the parts, it feels like a single life form. Existence is created, not with material presence or absence, but with order.
A sculpture made of ordered light that continues to flow outward.
teamLab, 2016, Digital Installation, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi
CONCEPT Light Sculpture - Line Lines of light reorganize the space and create three-dimensional objects as they converge, allowing you to immerse yourself fully in them. For a physical learning experience - dance and experience the art not with your mind, but with your body.
teamLab, 2018-, Light Sculpture - Flow, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi
Light Sculpture - Flow: Higher Order Sculpture series.
"Why do we sense an existence in ocean whirlpools, a sense of life, even though the water inside and outside the whirlpool is the same water?"
Even if the components of the artwork continue to flow outward, when an order is formed in the parts, it feels like a single life form. Existence is created, not with material presence or absence, but with order.
A sculpture made of ordered light that continues to flow outward.