'FUTURE WORLD: Where Art Meets Science' in Singapore

SENATUS 登载。(Mar 17, 2016)

'FUTURE WORLD: Where Art Meets Science' in Singapore
Co-curated with teamLab, a globally renowned Japanese group of ultra-technologists and multi-award winning art collective, FUTURE WORLD: Where Art Meets Science at the ArtScience Museum, is Singapore's largest digital playground spanning 1,500 square meters, approximately a quarter of the museum's total gallery space.(本文抜粋)

水粒子世界 / Universe of Water Particles
水晶宇宙 / Crystal Universe
彩绘城镇 / Sketch Town
彩绘水族馆 / Sketch Aquarium
小人儿所居住的桌子 / A Table where Little People Live
百年海图卷──立体动画 / 100 Years Sea Animation Diorama
创造!天才跳房子 / Create! Hopscotch for Geniuses
媒体方块椅子 / MediaBlockChair