The Asahi Shimbun AJW


Japan Pavilion takes top design prize at Milan expo

تم النشر في The Asahi Shimbun AJW , 2015/10/31

MILAN–Featuring stunning computer-graphic images of Japan and elegant “washoku” (traditional Japanese cuisine), the Japan Pavilion captured the gold prize for best exhibition design at Expo Milan 2015 on Oct. 30.

“This is the result of all of us coming together,” said Tatsuya Kato, the commissioner general of the Japan Pavilion. “Although we could only tell a part of our culinary culture through the exhibits, I hope people gained a sense of Japan’s contributions to the world.”

With the theme of “Harmonious Diversity,” the pavilion drew more than 2 million visitors during the expo, which was titled “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life.”

The pavilion offered breathtaking CG images of farming villages in the four seasons of Japan, and enabled visitors to experience traditional Japanese dishes, as well as the time-honored techniques of how to cook them.

The gold prize was presented by the International Exhibitions Bureau, which oversees the organization of international expos.

The Milan expo kicked off in May and concludes Oct. 31.

By YUKIE YAMAO/ Correspondent

The Asahi Shimbun AJW