Sankei News에 소개되었습니다. (Oct 10, 2013)
チームラボ株式会社(東京都文京区)は11日から13日までの3日間、佐賀城本丸歴史館にて来場者参加型のプロジェクションマッピング「インタラクティブ!プロジェクションマッピング!!@佐賀城ー!チームラボ☆トランポリン大砲で、ぴょんぴょん飛んで、いろいろぶっ放せ!の巻」を開催する。(Excerpt from text)
This is an interactive projection mapping presentation with audience participation. It makes it possible to transform the appearance of Saga Castle interactively with cannon fire that is controlled by participants jumping on trampoline devices installed on our teamLabTrampolineCannons.
A video presentation also starts, triggered by the cannon effects. The installation enables participants to learn about the history of Saga Castle. It is the world’s first interactive educational installation utilizing projection mapping.
What are teamLabTrampolineCannon?
These are trampoline devices designed to mimic cannons, enabling users to physically control the projection mapping presentation.
These precise, full-size reconstructions of Saga cannons are based on the plans from that time. They enable us to transform the appearance of the projected object with cannon fire that is controlled by participants jumping on trampoline devices installed on the cannons.