세계와 이어지는 스케치 아쿠아리움 / Sketch Aquarium: Connected World
teamLab, 2021-, Interactive Digital Installation, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi
세계와 이어지는 스케치 아쿠아리움 / Sketch Aquarium: Connected World
teamLab, 2021-, Interactive Digital Installation, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi
The fish drawn by everyone swim around in this aquarium.
Color in a fish on the paper provided. See the picture you have drawn come to life in the massive aquarium in front of you, swimming together with the fish drawn by other people.
If you touch the swimming fish, they will swim away. If you touch the food bags, you can also feed the fish.
The tuna you draw will transcend the boundaries of the artwork and swim out into the Sketch Aquariums and Sketch Oceans of exhibitions around the world. And the tuna drawn in other parts of the world may appear and swim in the Sketch Aquarium right in front of you.
Skills Nurtured
Creativity, Power of Expression
Respect for Diversity
Interest in Technology
놀이 방법
물고기 모양의 선이 그려진 종이에 그림을 그립니다.2
그림을 그린 종이를 스캔합니다.3
물고기가 바다에서 헤엄치기 시작합니다.4
먹이 주머니를 터치하면 물고기들이 먹이 주위에 모여듭니다.
육성 능력
- 창의력・표현력의 발휘
- 다양성의 존중
- 자기효능감의 양성
- 기술과학에 대한 관심