teamLab: A Forest Where Gods Live - GC | teamLab
연속되는 생명
1845년(에도 후기) 50만 제곱미터에 달하는 넓은 부지에 조성된 미후네야마 라쿠엔(御船山楽園). 정원의 경계선에는 다케오 신사의 신목(神木)인, 3000년 묵은 녹나무 ‘오오쿠스’가, 정원의 중심에는 수령이 300년 된 녹나무가 자리 잡고 있다. 이를 보면 알 수 있듯이, 예부터 소중히 여겨온 숲의 나무들을 그대로 보존해가며 정원이 조성되었다. 정원과 숲은 경계가 모호하여, 정원을 거닐다 보면 어느새 숲까지 들어와있게 되거나 우연히 산짐승이 지나다닌 흔적들을 발견하기도 한다. 숲속에는 겹겹이 쌓인 거대한 바위들이 ‘이나리다이묘진(稲荷大明神)’이라 불리는 신으로 모셔지고 있다. 또한 나라(奈良)의 대불상을 만드는 ‘명승 교키(行基)’가 약 1300년 전에 미후네야마에 입산해 ‘오백나한(五百羅漢)’을 새겼다고 추측되며, 동굴 암벽에는 교키가 직접 새겼다고 전해지는 마애불(磨崖仏)이 현재에도 남아있다.
기나긴 시간을 지나 지금의 형태를 갖추게 된 거대한 바위, 동굴, 숲, 각각의 시대마다 사람들이 찾아내온 의미들이 천 년이 넘는 세월 동안 겹겹이 쌓여 비로소 지금의 미후네야마 라쿠엔이 존재할 수 있었다. 또한 오늘날에도 계속되고 있는 자연과 사람의 조화가, 정원과 숲의 경계가 모호한 이 아늑하고도 아름다운 문화적 유산을 만들어내고 있는 것이다.
그리고 정원과 숲의 경계가 모호한 곳에서 길을 잃어 헤매고 있을 때, 자연과 사람의 기나긴 조화의 경계 없는 연속성 위에 ‘나’라는 존재 또한 있음을 느낄 수 있었다. 때문에 이 드넓은 정원과 숲속에 빠져들어 헤매는듯한 전시를 하고 싶다고 생각했다.
‘자신’이라는 존재는 수십억 년이라는 어마어마하게 긴 시간 동안 끝없이 반복되어온 ‘생명의 생(生)과 사(死)의 연속성’ 위에 자리한다. 하지만 일상에서는 이를 지각하기가 쉽지 않다. 인간이 자신들의 인생보다 긴 시간을 인지하기란 쉽지 않을 것이다. 시간의 연속성에 비해 인지 능력은 한계적인 것이다.
숲속을 거닐다보니 헤아릴 수 없을 만큼 긴 세월에 걸쳐 만들어진 거대한 바위, 동굴과 숲 그대로의 조형이야말로 기나긴 세월을 느낄 수 있는 형태 그 자체임을 깨달았다. 이러한 조형들이야말로 시간의 연속성에 대한 인지의 경계선을 넘어설 수 있다는 생각이 들었다.
teamLab은 'Digitized Nature'라는 프로젝트를 진행하고 있다. 비물질적인 디지털 테크놀로지에 의해 '자연이 자연 그대로 아트가 되다’를 테마로 한 프로젝트다.
우리의 시간보다 훨씬 더 긴 시간을 품은 바위, 동굴, 숲 혹은 자연과 사람의 영위가 오래도록 이어져온 정원 그 자체의 형태를 그대로 이용해 작품화함으로써, 시간의 연속성에 대한 인지능력의 한계를 뛰어넘어 기나긴 생명의 연속선상에 나라는 존재가 있음을 느끼게 하는 장소를 만들 수 있지 않을까 생각했다. 그리고 자신을 넘어선 긴 세월이 깃든 이 자리에서 ‘연속되는 생명'의 의미를 찾아내고, 오늘날 또다시 이 장소에 의미를 새겨나가고자 한다.
Inside Mifuneyama Rakuen
EN TEA HOUSE - Genkatei
Ruins and Heritage, Others
A New Art and Sauna Experience
Take Alternating Hot and Cold Baths, Enter a Sauna Trance, Activate the Brain and Senses, then Experience Art in the Forest
Combo tickets for a day trip to Rakan Bath and “teamLab: A Forest Where Gods Live - GC” are available, allowing visitors not staying at the Mifuneyama Rakuen Hotel or Onyado Chikurintei to take a sauna, then experience art in the forest. (*Reservation Required) Open your mind in a sauna surrounded by 3-million-year-old nature and 1,300 years’ worth of heritage. Reconnect with the continuity of the world and of time in 500,000 square meters of art spread across historic forests and gardens.
Open Your Mind in a Sauna Surrounded by the Forest and History, Become a Part of Nature and History, and Reconnect with the World
In the forest where the 3,000-year-old sacred Okusu tree resides, is a cave of five hundred Arhats carved 1,300 years ago by the Buddhist monk Gyoki. (*1) Next to the cave, visitors will open their brains in a sauna of history and forest, and walk through the art spread over 500,000 square meters of forest and a garden built in Edo.
(*1 ) The Tsukahara no Karafuro, one of the oldest existing saunas in Japan, is said to have been built by Gyoki, an ascetic who traveled all over Japan before building the Great Buddha in Nara, hoping to cure people of their illnesses. It is believed that Gyoki built saunas for people while practicing Buddhism all over the country.
Mifuneyama Rakuen Hotel Rakan Bath
The Rakan Bath, the winner of the SAUNACHELIN 2019, 2020 & 2021 Grand Prix, at Mifuneyama Rakuen Hotel have been completely renovated (both men's and women's). The men's bath now has a meditation sauna where guests can enjoy löyly (pouring hot water on sauna stones to produce steam, uses natural water from Mt. Mifune and roasted tea from Ureshino, Saga). The men's bath also has a cold water bath with hot spring water cooled to 16 degrees Celcius, and a large open-air bath/bathing space surrounded by the nature of Mt. Mifune.
The women's bath is also now equipped with a meditation sauna, allowing guests to enjoy löyly (uses natural water from Mt. Mifune) and Kugel (aroma balls that produce a scent when on top a sauna stove). It also has a cold water bath with hot spring water cooled to 17 degrees Celcius, a steam sauna, a cafe (has homemade pudding, detox water, etc.), and an open-air bath/bathing space surrounded by the nature of Mt. Mifune.
Heritage Map (Inside Mifuneyama Rakuen Park)
Heritage Map (Outside Mifuneyama Rakuen Park)
Distributed Fire
불꽃을 켜다
이 애플리케이션을 표시한 채로 'Universe of Fire Particles in a Decaying Underground Passage’에 다가가면 불꽃이 생겨, 작품을 가지고 돌아갈 수 있습니다.
불꽃을 공유하다
불꽃을 다른 사람의 애플리케이션에 가까이하면 불꽃을 공유할 수 있습니다.
불꽃의 지도 보기
퍼져나가는 불꽃의 무리가 애플리케이션의 지도에 그려진다.
* The venue is dark and has many rough roads. Wear comfortable shoes such as sneakers.
* To avoid mosquito bites, wear long sleeves and long pants to avoid skin exposure, and use insect repellent.
* The park is huge. Give yourself enough time to explore.
Venue Map
See here.
Excavated Path Leading to the Ancient Sacred Tree can be seen during the daytime.
Available time (30 minutes one way):
Jul 12 - Sep 08, 8:00 - 17:00
Sep 09 - Oct 06, 8:00 - 16:00
Oct 07 - Nov 04, 8:00 - 15:00
* To experience this artwork, a ticket for teamLab: A Forest Where Gods Live - GC is required
전시회장 정보
영업 시간
Jul 12 - Sep 08, 2024 19:00 - 22:30
Sep 09 - Oct 06, 2024 18:00 - 22:30
Oct 07 - Nov 04, 2024 17:00 - 22:30
* Enter through Entrance 1. Entrance 2 is also available 1 hour after the exhibition opens.
* Last entry 22:00
* teamLab Exhibition & Daytime "Rakan Bath" Combo Ticket holders may view the indoor artworks from 11:00.
Indoor artworks: "Megaliths in the Bath House Ruins", "Universe of Fire Particles in a Decaying Underground Passage", "Graffiti Nature", "Forest and Spiral of Resonating Lamps", "Light Sculpture of Flames", "Life Survives by the Power of Life II", "Living Crystallized Light", "Ruptured Outer Wall and Stone Garden"
Excavated Path Leading to the Ancient Sacred Tree Available time (30 minutes one way)
Jul 12 - Sep 08, 8:00 - 17:00
Sep 09 - Oct 06, 8:00 - 16:00
Oct 07 - Nov 04, 8:00 - 15:00
* To experience this artwork, a ticket for teamLab: A Forest Where Gods Live - GC is required
Daytime "Rakan Bath"
Reservation Required / Fixed Capacity
# Section 1: 8:00 - 10:30 (Up to 15 Men / 10 Women) * Section 1 includes gender switching.
# Section 2: 15:00 - 17:30 (Up to 15 Men / 10 Women)
# Section 3: 17:30 - 20:00 (Up to 15 Men / 10 Women)
# Section 4: 19:30 - 22:00 (Up to 15 Men / 10 Women)
# Section 5: 21:30 - 24:00 (Up to 15 Men / 10 Women)
* No overnight stay.
* You must be 16 years old or older to use the daytime "Rakan Bath".
* Groups of four or more people of the same sex are not allowed.
* Reservation can be made via phone or Official Ticket Page.
Map of Venue
오시는 길
4100 Takeo, Takeo-cho, Takeo City, Saga
+81 (954) 23-3131 (11:00 - 21:00)
예방 조치
Regarding Entry
Entry may be restricted depending on crowds.
Due to time constraints, if the number of visitors exceeds capacity, entry may not be permitted.
Wheelchair & Stroller Access
The garden has natural trails that may be difficult to access with a wheelchair or stroller.
Accessible artworks include;
・"Drawing on the Water Surface Created by the Dance of Koi and Boats – Mifuneyama Rakuen Pond"
・"Resonating Forest in the Ravine"
・"Resonating Forest - Cherry Blossoms and Maple"
・"Resonating Azalea Valley "
・"Resonating Mt. Mifuneyama"
・"Ever Blossoming Life Rock"
・"Flowers Bloom in an Infinite Universe inside a Teacup”
・"Light Sculpture of Flames"・"Life Survives by the Power of Life II"
・"Forest and Spiral of Resonating Lamps - one stroke"
The organizers will not be held responsible for any injury, loss, or damage to personal items.
Trash Free Park
For environmental preservation, trash cans are not available in this park. Be prepared to take your trash home for disposal and recycling.
No Smoking
All parks and natural areas are strictly smoke and tobacco-free.
There are steep slopes and natural trails in this park. Visitors are advised to wear suitable clothing and footwear.
No Pets Allowed
No pets are allowed in the park. Service dogs are welcome.
Exhibition Suspended or Delayed Due to Weather
In case of strong rain and/or wind, the exhibition will be suspended. Please check the park's official website, facebook, or instagram for details.
Photography & Videography
Use of flash, drones and/or tripod inside the park is prohibited.
By entering this exhibition, you consent to having your image captured by official photographers and videographers. The resulting materials, including still photographs, video and audio recordings may be used by the Organizers or local promotional entities without restriction or financial compensation, in news materials, promotional materials, on the web and other properties.
Conditions for Usage of Day Trip Rakan Bath
Mifuneyama Rakuen Hotel reserves the right to refuse serving the guests that match the following descriptions;
* Groups of more than 4 same sex guests
* Guests under the age of 16 (for day trips)
* People who are, or are deemed to be, connected to criminal or antisocial gangs/organisations
* People with tattoos
* People who are excessively drunk
* People being loud and disruptive
* People with skin disorders or other transmissible conditions, and people forbidden from bathing by a doctor
* People experiencing a fever or significant sluggishness, people experience coughs, labored breathing or other symptoms of a respiratory condition, and people who are otherwise physically unwell
* People engaging in behavior that is disruptive or dangerous for other guests, and people acting unhygienically
* People deemed inappropriate to use our facilities
근처의 전시
2025.7.18(Fri) - 11.03(Mon)
Mifuneyama Rakuen, Takeo Hot Springs, Kyushu
2018.7.19(Thu) - 상설
미후네야마 라쿠엔 호텔, Takeo Hot Springs, 규슈
2020.7.21(Tue) - 상설
MIZUHO PayPay Dome FUKUOKA 바로 옆, 후쿠오카