teamLab: Existence in Perception - Engyoji Temple | teamLab

전시 종료
2023.4.29(Sat) - 12.03(Sun)Shoshazan Engyoji Temple, Himeji, Hyogo
Related Exhibition at Himeji City Museum of Art on view from Jul 22 - Jan 21, 2024
"teamLab: Existence in an Infinite Continuity"
전시 종료
2023.4.29(Sat) - 12.03(Sun)Shoshazan Engyoji Temple, Himeji, Hyogo
Related Exhibition at Himeji City Museum of Art on view from Jul 22 - Jan 21, 2024
"teamLab: Existence in an Infinite Continuity"

teamLab: Existence in Perception - Engyoji Temple

Exploring the notion of a world without boundaries in every dimension, teamLab’s creations in recent years have been themed around vast questions such as the meaning of life and existence.

For example, there is an artwork that has been gaining attention in which a sphere of light appears to float in a space that is in reality physically empty. It is an artwork that incites viewers to realize that the world we see with our eyes does not necessarily exist, and that what we see exists only in the viewer.

The Jiki-do, the exhibition venue, is a nationally designated Important Cultural Property and one of the three temple buildings (collectively called Mitsunodo) of the prestigious Shoshazan Engyoji Temple, which has over 1,000 years of history since the Heian period (794 and 1185). The current building is from the Muromachi period (1336 to 1573), and was a multi-purpose space for monks used for learning, lodging, and dining. The two-storey structure is one of Japan’s largest-scale Important Cultural Properties designated by the country, and in this exhibition, teamLab transforms its first floor, a 38m-long hall, into a new artwork space.
The artworks of this exhibition will lead viewers to perceive forms of light and radiance that do not physically exist, produced by phenomena born from the effects of the environment and our perception, showcasing the innovativeness of teamLab’s work.

When we enter teamLab’s artwork space, we come face to face with our own existence that is continuous with the space. The world does not exist separately, independent from us - rather it is continuous with us, together with us, and within us. The spheres of light created by teamLab inside Engyoji Temple, a venue regarded as a sacred location for the arts, invites viewers to reconsider the universal question of life and existence.

ー Himeji City Museum of Art

아트 컬렉티브 teamLab은 2001년 활동을 시작했다. 국경을 넘어선 연대 속에 집단 창작의 방식으로 예술, 과학, 테크놀로지 그리고 자연계의 교차점을 학제적 접근으로 모색한다. 아티스트, 프로그래머, 엔지니어, CG 애니메이터, 수학자, 건축가 등 다양한 분야의 전문가들로 구성된 teamLab은 예술을 통해 인간과 자연, 개인과 세계의 새로운 관계를 탐구하고 표현한다. teamLab은 우리에게 익숙한 모든 경계에 대해 질문한다. 인간은 각자를 둘러싼 바깥 세상을 감각 기관으로 인지해 스스로와 분리하고 낱낱을 경계지어 독립체로 구분하려 한다. 현대 문명은 그런 방식으로 세계를 이해해 왔다. teamLab은 예술을 통해 감각을 확장하고 개인과 세계의 경계, 시간의 연속성에 대한 인지의 경계를 넘어설 수 있다고 믿는다. 이 세계의 모든 것은 광대한 시간 속에, 생명의 끝없는 연속 안에 가까스로, 하지만 기적적으로 존재하고 있다. teamLab의 작품은 시드니 뉴사우스웨일스 주립 미술관, 애들레이드 사우스오스트레일리아 미술관, 샌프란시스코 아시아 미술관, 뉴욕 아시아 소사이어티, 이스탄불 보루산 현대 미술관, 멜버른 빅토리아 국립 미술관, 헬싱키 아모렉스가 영구 소장하고 있다. Biographical Documents teamLab is represented by Pace Gallery, Martin Browne Contemporary and Ikkan Art.


전시회장 정보

teamLab: Existence in Perception - Engyoji Temple


2023.4.29(Sat) - 12.03(Sun)

영업 시간

10:00 - 15:45 (Last Entry 15:30)

오시는 길


Jiki-do, Shoshazan Engyoji Temple
2968 Shosha, Himeji City, Hyogo

현지 언어로 된 주소:

書寫山圓教寺 食堂
By Ropeway
■Getting to Sanroku Station (Ropeway) Take the Shinki Bus headed for Shoshazan Ropeway (last stop) departing from Bus Terminal 10 at JR/Sanyo Electric Railway Himeji Station (30-min ride) ■From Sanroku Station (Ropeway) Get off at Sanjo Station (4-min ride). Transfer to the minibus departing from the Shinosho (reception), and get off at Maniden-shita (5-min ride) *The ropeway departs every 15 minutes from 8:30 *The minibus ride (return-trip) is included in the 500 JPY temple entrance fee *You can also walk to the Maniden from the Shinosho (20-min walk) ■From Maniden-shita 10-min walk to Jiki-do