Continuous Trajectories: Frozen Transparency
Continuous Trajectories: Frozen Transparency
This work begins when Continuous Trajectories: One Stroke is drawn as far as the Frozen Transparency space..
When captured on camera, the calligraphy appears clearly two-dimensional, but to the naked eye it is perceived as a three-dimensional presence, like a sculpture in glass. Humans, with their dynamic bodies, perceive the world as containing continuous time.
Real space overlaps with that of the artwork world, while the artwork incorporates real space, the boundary between the artwork and real space is ambiguous and one.
When the viewer is in the artwork space, the artwork space as seen by other people from outside the artwork is the same as that seen by the viewer from within the artwork space.
In other words, when the viewer looks at the world of the artwork, or when the viewer is seen by others, both the real space of the artwork and the viewer exist within the artwork world.
Spatial Calligraphy is a form of calligraphy drawn in space that teamLab has been exploring since it was founded. The artwork reconstructs calligraphy in three-dimensional space to express the depth, speed, and power of the brush stroke, and that calligraphy is then flattened using the logical structure of space that teamLab calls Ultrasubjective Space. The calligraphy shifts between two and three dimensions.