Featured on 美術手帖, Nov 15, 2016
日本の伝統的な美意識とデジタルテクノロジーを融合させたアート表現で、今や世界にその名を轟かせるチームラボ。波を表した最新映像作《Black Waves》は、豪快な波飛沫や線描のうねりが北斎の《神奈川沖浪裏》(P14)を想起させる。(Excerpt from the text)
The Tokyo Skytree mural is located on the Fourth floor of Tokyo Skytree®. Ten monitors are embedded in the wall, forming a seamless picture; the images shown on the monitors are digital animation.
In traditional Japanese art, there is no center of focus, there is no fixed time frame, and a vast amount of information is often depicted. This artwork presents Tokyo as a mix of reality and fiction, past and future. The overwhelming amount of visual information contained in this large mural was completely hand-drawn with the support of digital technology.
The city is made up of the stories of each and every person living there. That is what makes Tokyo such an exciting and interesting place. Traditional Japanese screen paintings such as Rakuchu rakugai zu (Scenes in and around the Capital) and Edo-zu byobu (Folding screen picture of Edo) have no central point of focus and are "flat"—everything is depicted with the same degree of importance. The paintings contain detailed visual information, even down to the stories of each person.
We have created this picture of Tokyo as a continuation of the traditional form of artistic expression, incorporating the techniques of Ukiyo-e and reproducing the methods of Edo printing by using the latest digital technology.
Based on our conviction that technological evolution brings about human evolution, this mural exceeds the hand-drawn limitations of picture-making and links the Tokyo of the Edo period to the Tokyo of the future.
2014.4.08(Tue) - 4.13(Sun)
Padiglione Visconti, Tortona, Milano
2012.5.26(Sat) - 8.12(Sun)
National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung
2012.5.22(Tue) - Permanente
Public Art
Featured on 美術手帖, Nov 15, 2016
日本の伝統的な美意識とデジタルテクノロジーを融合させたアート表現で、今や世界にその名を轟かせるチームラボ。波を表した最新映像作《Black Waves》は、豪快な波飛沫や線描のうねりが北斎の《神奈川沖浪裏》(P14)を想起させる。(Excerpt from the text)
Featured on The Tokushima Economy, Oct 31, 2016
田村:私がチームラボのさくひんに興味を持ったのは、東京スカイツリーの1階に描かれた巨大な「墨田川デジタル絵巻」を見てからです。(Excerpt from the text)
Featured on CNET Japan, May 23, 2012
シャープは5月22日、東京スカイツリータウンに122台のデジタルサイネージを納入したと発表した。60V型の液晶ディスプレイを用いたマルチディスプレイなどが使用されているという。(Excerpt from the text)