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Forest, Wind and Light Paintings - Dusk to Dawn
Pocket Gardens in the City Cracks
Open Environment Eternal Existence - Vertical
Pocket Forest Block
Animals of Flowers, Symbiotic Lives II - A Whole Year per Year
Dissipative Figures – Human, Light in Dark
Flutter of Butterflies from the Caterpillar House
Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders
Catching and Collecting Extinct Forest
Life is an Ephemeral Light Born in the Sea of Darkness
Cognitive Solidified Spark
Animals of Flowers, Symbiotic Lives - A Whole Year per Year
Forest of Resonating Lamps: One Stroke - Cherry Blossoms
Floating Resonating Lamps on Oike Lake - Ambiguous Cherry Blossom
Sea of Clouds
Chromatic Hole
صدى النماذج الدقيقة - لون الضوء الصلب / Resonating Microcosms - Solidified Light Color
Universe of Water Particles: Born in the Darkness, Return to the Darkness
Black Waves: Crystal World
Continuous Trajectories: Frozen Transparency
Memory of Waves: Flowing Beyond Borders
Crows are Chased and the Chasing Crows are Destined to be Chased as well: Dissolving Light
طريق البحر.. ذاكرة التضاريس - ألوان الحياة
Crows are Chased and the Chasing Crows are Destined to be Chased as well - Through the Asymmetric Universe
الحياة ضوء مستمر - غابة المانغروف / Life is Continuous Light - Mangrove Forest
الطريق المؤدية إلى غابة المانغروف / Path Leading to the Mangrove Forest
كوكب الجسيمات النارية على الجزيرة / Universe of Fire Particles on the Island
الأعمدة المتراقصة مع الريح / Pillars that Dance with the Wind
Black Waves in Layered Ultrasubjective Space
Dendrobium (Small)
teamLab Flowers Growing Back Bag
teamLab Crystal Tree with Graffiti Nature
Autonomous Abstraction
Autonomous Abstraction
Breathing Resonating Stone Wall - Fukuyama Castle
Resonating Trees
Forest of Resonating Lamps: One Stroke - Metropolis
Concrete and Abstract - Secondary Forest Entrance
Peace can be Realized Even without Order
Grid: Flat Darkness
Catching and Collecting in the Sacred Forest
Solidified Sparks
Rapidly Rotating Bouncing Spheres in the Caterpillar House
كون مضاد للجاذبية.. كرات بيضوية (Ovoids)
A Table where Little People Live
What a Loving, and Beautiful World
Walk, Walk, Walk: Free Infinity
Memory of Topography
Walk, Walk, Walk
Crows are Chased and the Chasing Crows are Destined to be Chased as well, Layered Ultrasubjective Space
Chromatic Light Wall - Pass Through
Forest and Spiral of Resonating Lamps - One Stroke, Azalea
Light Vortex - Shower³
Light Shell - Shower³
Hanamidai (Viewing Spot)
Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together - Transcending Boundaries, A Whole Year per Hour
Beating Earth
Resonating Microcosms - Liquified Light Color, Dusk to Dawn
Universe of Water Particles Falling from the Sky
Crows are Chased and the Chasing Crows are Destined to be Chased as well, Transcending Space
Forest of Flowers and People: Lost, Immersed and Reborn
Hopscotch for Geniuses: Bounce on the Water
Red in the Blue II
Light Vortex III
The Way of the Sea, Lost, Immersed and Reborn - Colors of Life
Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders, Transcending Space
Message Pillar - The Singapore Bicentennial
Continuous Life and Death at the Crossover of Eternity
What a Loving, and Beautiful World
Animals of Flowers, Symbiotic Lives II in Layered Ultrasubjective Space
Memory of Topography
Sunflower Phoenix
Sketch Piston - Playing Music
Sketch Nature Land~Let’s enjoy with Morizo and Kiccoro~
Sketch Chopper
Forest and Spiral of Resonating Lamps - One Stroke, Autumn Mountain
Flowers Bombing
Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders in the Crystal World
Infinite Crystal World
Enso - Cold Light
Crows are Chased and the Chasing Crows are Destined to be Chased as well, Flying Beyond Borders
Forest of Resonating Lamps - One Stroke, Fire on Ice
Forest of Resonating Lamps - One Stroke, Flame
The Way of the Sea, Transcending Space - Colors of Life
Light Forest Three-dimensional Bouldering
Proliferating Immense Life - A Whole Year per Year
Born from the Darkness, a Loving and Beautiful World
Light Stream and Purification
Crows are Chased and the Chasing Crows are Destined to be Chased as well, Intersections Create Life - 1 Crow where Light Rays Cross
Earth and Sky
Spatial Calligraphy, Reversible Rotation and Crane - Fukuoka Gold Light, Day & Night
Crows are Chased and the Chasing Crows are Destined to be Chased as well, Transcending Space
Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together - Transcending Boundaries, A Whole Year per Hour