Publiziert in lightecture, (Nov 1, 2018)
"teamLab" was featured at lightecture 31
A large nest floats in the center of the space. The work is viewed by lying down or sitting in the Floating Nest.
This work begins when the crows of Crows are Chased and the Chasing Crows are Destined to be Chased as well, cross the Flower Forest and enter the Floating Nest. The work ends when the crows leave the space and disappear.
Lie down in the Floating Nest and eventually the lines drawn by the traces of crows appears to be drawn in three dimensions in the space. The body becomes immersed into the work, and the boundary between people and the work dissolves.
Crows are rendered in light as they fly around the space, leaving trails of light in their paths and creating spatial calligraphy. The crows chase one another and in turn are chased themselves. When the chased crows crash into one another, they scatter, turning into flowers. The crows attempt to fly around people in the space, but when they crash into a viewer, they scatter, turning into flowers in the same way.
The installation is rendered in real time by a computer program, it is neither a prerecorded animation nor on loop.The installation as a whole is in constant change, previous states will never be repeated and can never be seen again.