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Publiziert in blooloop, (July 15, 2024)

teamLab Planets in Tokyo sets Guinness World Record for visitor numbers

teamLab Planets in Tokyo has set the Guinness World Record for the world’s most visited museum dedicated to a single group or artist. Between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024, teamLab Planets welcomed 2,504,264 visitors. This marks the second time a teamLab museum has set a Guinness World Record, following the 2019 record by teamLab Borderless, also located in Tokyo. Opened as a permanent space in 2018, teamLab Borderless went on to welcome a record 2,198,284 visitors between 1 January and 31 December 2019. As well as announcing its new record, teamLab Planets has shared more details about its upcoming expansion, which includes the addition of more than 10 installations.

Publiziert in artnet, (Feb 09, 2024)

Getting Lost in Tokyo’s New teamLab Experience

As I approached the entrance of the new teamLab experience in Tokyo’s Azabudai Hills, it became clear that the relocated “digital art museum” would be a feast for the eyes. As viewers snapped their photos out front in the designated spot, large black vinyl lettering, which stretched over the hallways in elongated forms, came neatly together to spell out “teamLab Borderless”.(Excerpt from the text)

Publiziert in Artnet News, (Dec 19, 2023)

These Were the Most Popular Museums in the World, According to Google’s ‘Year in Search’

Turning first to the “Global” results, the Year in Search offers up a ranking of the most-popular museums in the world, as measured by Google Maps interest. They are: 1. Louvre Museum, Paris, France 2. The British Museum, London, United Kingdom 3. Musée d’Orsay, Paris, France 4. Natural History Museum, London, United Kingdom 5. teamLab Planets, Tokyo, Japan The big outlier, clearly, is teamLab Planets. The immersive-art extravaganza in Tokyo is a juggernaut, and a particular hit with foreign tourists according to reports. The museum claims that 1 in 10 foreign tourists to Japan buy tickets to check out teamLab’s interactive experience, which features a digital Koi pond where animated fish explode into flowers as visitors touch them, an environment where you walk among glowing spheres, and an area where you can interact with “solidified light.”

Publiziert in CONCRETE PLAYGROUND., (Jan 8, 2024)

Tokyo's TeamLab Borderless Digital Art Gallery Is Reopening in February with Dazzling New Installations

If your 2024 resolutions involve seeing stunning art and travelling, here's one of the best ways to tick both boxes: a visit to digital-only art gallery teamLab Borderless in Tokyo. Not only is the Japanese venue finally set to reopen in a new location, but it'll welcome folks back in with a spectacular array of never-before-seen installations. If you fancy being surrounded by bubbles, jelly, flowers and oceans, you'll be especially thrilled.(Excerpt from the text)

Publiziert in ARTASIAPACIFIC, (Dec 29, 2023)

Weekly News Roundup: December 29, 2023

TeamLab Abu Dhabi Venue Nears Completion on Saadiyat Island On December 27, the Department of Culture and Tourism (DCT) Abu Dhabi, with Miral, the leading creator of immersive destinations in Abu Dhabi, and the international art collective teamLab announced the completion of 70 percent of the overall development of teamLab Phenomena Abu Dhabi. When it opens in 2024, the 17,000-square-meter mega-project in the Saadiyat Cultural District will offer a multisensory exploration of experiential artworks created by the Japanese collective teamLab, offering creative spaces at the intersection of art and technology that inspire the imagination. This massive art project was conceptualized and designed by teamLab Architects as part of their new concept “Environmental Phenomena,” which aims to provide artworks with an environment to evolve alongside unique to Abu Dhabi.(Excerpt from the text)

Publiziert in designboom, (Dec 27, 2023)

multi-sensory 'teamLab phenomena' art venue in abu dhabi reaches 70% completion

EXPANSIVE ART VENUE IN ABU DHABI IS NOW 70% COMPLETE The teamLab Phenomena Abu Dhabi, a vast 17,000-square-meter experiential art space in Saadiyat Cultural District, has reached 70% completion. Created as part of a collaboration between teamLab, the Department of Culture and Tourism, and the Miral Group, the venue is conceived as a ‘home to infinite curiosity’. The reinforced concrete structure is now fully complete, while the construction of the artwork spaces is underway, with the entire building scheduled to be finished in 2024. (Excerpt from the text)

Publiziert in NIKKEI COMPASS, (2023年12月27日)

チームラボがアブダビの文化地区に新設する、1万7000平米の巨大アート空間「teamLab Phenomena Abu Dhabi」が70%完成[チームラボ]

チームラボが、アブダビ文化観光局とデベロッパー・ミラル社と共に推し進めている、アブダビ(アラブ首長国連邦)における大規模なアートプロジェクト「teamLab Phenomena Abu Dhabi」(チームラボ フェノメナ アブダビ)が、70%完成しました。(本文抜粋)

Publiziert in Time Out, (Dec 13,2023)

The 24 best things to do in the world in 2024

When teamLab Borderless opened in Tokyo’s Odaiba district in 2018, it caused a furore. The world has never seen digital art of this scale before: immersive, interactive and just radical. With its boundary-pushing art, teamLab Borderless went on to clinch a Guinness World Record in 2021 for being the most visited museum in the world dedicated to a single group or artist.(Excerpt from the text)

Publiziert in blooloop, (Nov 27, 2023)

teamLab Borderless unveils artworks for new Tokyo museum

Tokyo’s teamLab Borderless has unveiled three new installations before reopening in its new home at Azabudai Hills in February 2024. As previously confirmed, teamLab Borderless is moving from Tokyo’s Odaiba waterfront to the new urban village. The digital art experience closed in Odaiba in August 2022. Created by the teamLab art collective, teamLab Borderless is a world of artworks without boundaries that move out of rooms and influence each other.(Excerpt from the text)

Publiziert in designboom, (Nov 25, 2023)

bubble universe: a glimpse into teamlab’s new borderless museum at tokyo's azabudai hills

After operating successfully in Odaiba since 2018, the teamLab Borderless: Mori Building Digital Art Museum is preparing to move to Heatherwick studio’s Azabudai Hills in central Tokyo and reopen in early February 2024. Along with the Azabudai Hills Gallery, which is currently hosting its inaugural exhibition by Olafur Eliasson, and other various public art initiatives inside the new mixed-used district, Mori Building, aims to promote a museum-like environment where art and culture unite. Ahead of its official reopening, teamLab Borderless has unveiled two new exhibitions incorporating the concept of ‘wander, explore, discover in one borderless world’. designboom had the opportunity to visit the museum and experience the immersive ambiance of the exhibitions.(Excerpt from the text)

Publiziert in テレ東プラス, (2023年11月24日)



Publiziert in Tokyo Weekender, (Nov 22, 2023)

Sneak a Peek Into the New teamLab Museum in Azabudai Hills

Founded in 2001, the international art collective teamLab has gone on to become a cultural phenomenon in Japan and globally with exhibitions in New York, London, Paris, Singapore, California, Beijing, Taipei and Melbourne among others. Tokyo, however, remains the heart of teamLab as a collective. There were two museums in Tokyo before the teamLab Borderless museum in Odaiba closed on August 31, 2022. While teamLab Planets remains in Toyosu, a new museum is opening in February 2024 in Azabudai Hills, the recently opened urban complex. Though it is still under construction, Tokyo Weekender was given the opportunity to visit two artwork spaces in the new teamLab museum.(Excerpt from the text)

Publiziert in TokyoTokyo, (Nov, 2023)

tokyo's digital art scene immerses tradition into modernity: must-see openings in 2023-24

As traditional arts and crafts of Japan evolve into the future, modern designs from the country and its creatives continue to honor historical roots. Artists and artisans explore innovative techniques, materials, and themes while preserving the essence of Japanese tradition. Exemplifying both these creatives and creations, Tokyo Metropolitan Government introduces some of the must-see digital art exhibitions in Tokyo for 2023-24. Various openings are bound to thrill audiences, including an interactive dance-performance, and the heavily anticipated teamLab Borderless museum’s new venue that immerses visitors into an infinite digital realm.(Excerpt from the text)

Publiziert in Traicy, (2023年11月8日)

Tギャラリアby DFS沖縄、「チームラボ 学ぶ!未来の遊園地 沖縄」を12月から常設展示

DFS グループは、Tギャラリアby DFS沖縄の3階において「チームラボ 学ぶ!未来の遊園地 沖縄」を12月から常設展示する。 「グラフィティネイチャー 鼓動する山山と深い谷 、レッドリスト」、「世界とつながったお絵かき水族館」、「すべって育てる! フルーツ畑」など計10作品を展示する。「お絵かきファクトリー」では、自分で描いた魚やオオサンショウウオがグッズとなり、持ち帰ることができる。 「学ぶ!未来の遊園地」は、2013年11月に沖縄のデパート「リウボウ」で初展示を行って以来、シドニー、バンコク、上海、トリノなど世界各地で開催してきた。

Publiziert in designboom, (Sep 01, 2023)

tokyo's digital art scene immerses tradition into modernity: must-see openings in 2023-24

DIGITAL ART EXHIBITIONS & MUSEUMS THRILL AUDIENCES IN TOKYO As traditional arts and crafts of Japan evolve into the future, modern designs from the country and its creatives continue to honor historical roots. Artists and artisans explore innovative techniques, materials, and themes while preserving the essence of Japanese tradition. Exemplifying both these creatives and creations, Tokyo Metropolitan Government introduces some of the must-see digital art exhibitions in Tokyo for 2023-24. Various openings are bound to thrill audiences, including an interactive dance-performance, and the heavily anticipated teamLab Borderless museum’s new venue that immerses visitors into an infinite digital realm.(Excerpt from the text)

Publiziert in designboom, (August 19, 2023)

designboom visits teamLab's Planets TOKYO new additions to their body-immersive museum

teamLab Planets Tokyo is the digital art museum founded by the international art collective teamLab, located in Toyosu, Tokyo. The concept behind Planets is body-immersive: interactive installations that bring people physically inside the imagination of teamLab. Art has always privileged sight over other senses, and through the various installations in Planets, teamLab aims to transform art from something to be experienced visually to something to be experienced with the entire body. Visitors can expect to walk through knee-high water and lie beneath a sky of digital flowers.(Excerpt from the text)

Publiziert in YouTube, (2023年8月4日)


武雄市の御船山楽園でデジタルアート展が開かれ、広大な敷地を散策しながら光と音の演出を楽しむことができます。 50万平方メートルの広大な庭園がある御船山楽園を光や音、プロジェクションマッピングで彩るアート展「かみさまがすまう森」。 国内外でデジタルアート展を手がける「チームラボ」が毎年開いていて、今年で9年目です。こちらは「廃墟の湯屋にあるメガリス」。 人の動きにあわせて、床から突き出した大きな石・メガリスに映る水の流れや花の様子が変わっていきます。(本文抜粋)

Publiziert in Youtube, (2023年8月3日)

自分で描いた絵が動いたよ! 国の重要文化財に「デジタルアート」 子どもたちが堪能【香川・善通寺市】

善通寺市にある国の重要文化財の建物で、世界的に活躍するデジタルアート集団、チームラボのイベントが行われています。8月3日、夏休みの子供たちが特別に招待され、不思議な世界観を堪能しました。 このイベントは、善通寺市の市制70周年を記念して行われているもので、市内に住む小学生ら抽選で選ばれた約60人が招待されました。(本文抜粋)

Publiziert in CGTN, (August 01, 2023)

TeamLab museum invites deep thinking about the world we live in

Art and technology are interlinked more than ever before, with the advancement of technology revolutionizing the way artists create and the way we experience art. With little to no boundaries, the immersive art realm in the modern era has reached new heights, with teamLab leading the global trend. The Vibe's Louisa Lee takes us on an immersive journey at teamLab Massless Beijing, where we are invited to think deep about the world we live in.(Excerpt from the text)

Publiziert in Time Out, (June 30, 2023)

Galaxy & teamLab: Catching and Collecting in the Dinosaur Forest

Step into an enchanted digital forest in this collaborative exhibition between teamLab and Galaxy. Now in its third iteration, the interactive experience is based on the concept of catching different digital creatures to study them before releasing them back into their habitat. As it's a digital art experience, you'll be using an app on the Galaxy smartphone to collect different prehistoric animals in the mystical forest.(Excerpt from the text)

Publiziert in 明周文化, (2023/06/19)

【teamLab創辦人豬子壽之專訪】澳門teamLab超自然空間推出新作 豬子壽之:teamLab的作品讓人用身體認識世界

「teamLab的作品是讓人用自己的身體認識世界,可以通過作品與世界合一。」沉浸式體驗在全球蔚為風潮,國際跨域藝術團隊teamLab的創辦人豬子壽之強調,糅合藝術設計和科學技術來重新構築空間,是為了擴大對世界的認知,與世界合一。(Excerpt from the text)

Publiziert in ELLE, (2023/06/12)

專訪 teamLab 創辦人豬子壽之:「城市變得如此復雜,你再也看不到事物為何因他人而存在,我們嘗試讓大家理解互動的正面影響。」

要說到最適合打卡的展覽,我們第一時間都會想到teamLab,而設於澳門威尼斯人®金光會展的常設互動體驗藝術空間「澳門teamLab超自然空間」最近於5月26日舉行開幕盛典。雖然在疫情之間已經有人陸續到訪過,但這次他們特別新增了三組全新作品空間,包括「漂浮的花園 ── 花朵與我同根同源,花園與我合為一體」、「無相之雲,雕塑與生命之間」和「EN TEA HOUSE」(茶屋),「光之雕刻 - 平面」系列將揭曉新面貌,而「自律抽象畫,從宇宙到自身存在的連續現象」將替代現有的「生命是黑暗中呼應的光芒」。ELLE有幸在這次的開幕盛典親身訪問teamLab 創辦人豬子壽之(Toshiyuki Inoko),讓他為我們介紹這一場關於生命的探索之旅。(Excerpt from the text)

Publiziert in CNN Sport, (May 23, 2023)

These museums showcase the future, not the past

The ArtScience Museum in Singapore has become known for its boundary-pushing exhibits. It regularly collaborates with art collective teamLab to create interactive installations. The teamLab exhibit "Proliferating Immense Life - A Whole Year per Year" tracked the seasonal changes of flowers. Look through the gallery to see more of the world's most high-tech museums.(Excerpt from the text)

Publiziert in Aesthetica, (May 9, 2023)

teamLab Planets: A Sense of Connection

Photographs of teamLab’s art installations are plentiful. On Instagram, the various hashtags – #teamlab, #teamlabborderless, #teamlabplanets – have amassed over one million posts. And rightly so: they are colourful and captivating, glimmering dreamlands that exude excitement and wanderlust. As a result, the international art collective’s Planets is high on many Tokyo “must-see” lists. The reality of visiting is likely to exceed expectations. It is as mesmerising as it looks online. Crucially, though, it reaches beyond social media likes and shares, encouraging audiences to think about their place in the world. Visitors are prompted to not only take pictures but to reconnect with their bodies, nature and other human beings. (Excerpt from the text)

Publiziert in FEAST, (May 04, 2023)

teamLab Launched New Project In Harajuku

A showcase of the Galaxy brand opened in Harajuku, Tokyo in March 2019. Since 2022, Galaxy Harajuku has been collaborating with teamLab to offer an experiential center through transformative and unparalleled experiences. And this time, their collab is “Galaxy & teamLab: Catching and Collecting in the Dinosaur Forest“. It just opened on April 8.(Excerpt from the text)

Publiziert in TABI LABO, (2023年4月28日)


近年、チームラボが活動のテーマに掲げる「生命とは何か?」。そして「存在とは何か?」。 この普遍的な問いをめぐる特別展示「チームラボ 圓教寺 認知上の存在」が、兵庫県・姫路市にある「書寫山圓教寺」にて開催される。 会期は4月29日(土)〜12月3日(日)。(本文抜粋)

Publiziert in 東京散歩ぽ, (2023年4月10日)

原宿のGalaxy Harajukuでチームラボとコラボの展覧会が開催中!Galaxy S23 Ultraで恐竜をキャッチ&リリース

こんにちは、東京散歩ぽです。 原宿の「Galaxy Harajuku」にて「Galaxy & チームラボ:捕まえて集める恐竜の森」が2023年4月8日(土)から開催中です。開催に先駆けて、メディア向け内覧会を取材してきました。(本文抜粋)

Publiziert in 楽しいニュ~ス, (2023年4月8日)

「Galaxy & チームラボ:捕まえて集める恐竜の森」恐竜など太古の動物を捕まえ、観察する新しい学びのプロジェクト

サムスン電子ジャパン株式会社は、Galaxy 世界最大級のショーケース「Galaxy Harajuku」で、本日 4月 8日(土)より、ティラノサウルスやトリケラトプスなど様々な種類の恐竜や太古の動物をコンセプトにした「Galaxy & チームラボ:捕まえて集める恐竜の森」として、リニューアルオープンしました。(本文抜粋)

Publiziert in, (2023年4月8日)

Galaxy S23 Ultraを使って恐竜などを捕まえるイベントが4月8日から開始!

サムスンは4月8日からGalaxy Harajuku(東京・原宿)にて、恐竜など太古の生き物を捕まえて、観察する学びのプロジェクト「捕らえて集める恐竜の森」をスタートする。イベントの制作はチームラボが担当しており、Galaxy Harajukuとチームラボでの共同イベント開催は、「捕まえて集める神秘の森」(2022年4月)、「捕まえて集める恵みの海」(2022年9月)に続いて3回目となる。(本文抜粋)

Publiziert in ケータイWatch, (2023年4月7日)

「Galaxy」で恐竜を捕まえよう、Galaxy Harajukuで体験型イベント

東京都渋谷区の「Galaxy Harajuku」でチームラボとコラボした体験型イベント「Galaxy&チームラボ:捕まえて集める恐竜の森」を4月8日からスタートする。Galaxy HarajukuのLINE公式アカウントを友だちに追加することで、来店の3日前からの優先入場券を申し込める。入場料金は無料。(本文抜粋)

Publiziert in キッズイベント, (2023年4月)

捕まえて集める恐竜の森(Galaxy & チームラボ)体験レポート!

チームラボがつくり出した美しい森を歩きながらスマホでさまざまな種類の恐竜を捕まえ、観察し、自分だけの図鑑をつくることができる学びの展覧会「Galaxy & チームラボ:捕まえて集める恐竜の森」が、2023年4月8日(土)よりGalaxy Harajuku(東京都渋谷区)で開催! 開催前日に行われた内覧会に行ってきました!(本文抜粋)

Publiziert in designboom, (Mar 18, 2023)

'what will NFTs change about art?' - damien hirst, teamlab, & others land at gyre gallery

Tokyo’s Gyre Gallery is launching its latest exhibition, ‘Artistic Experiments in the Age of Hyper-Technological Reproduction ー What Will NFTs Change About Art?’ Running from March 24 to May 21, 2023, the event spotlights the nature of NFTs and the many ways in which their recent boom could alter the art scene as we know it. An NFT, short for Non-Fungible Token, is a unique cryptographic asset driven by blockchain technology; it cannot be replicated or traded and features a clear record of its owner. From Damien Hirst to teamLab and Rafaël Rozendaal, the exhibition gathers an impressive pool of artists and introduces their NFTs in three chapters: Sharing, Aura of the Simulacra, and Transnational Power. Each theme corresponds to the fundamental prerequisites for any artwork: Ownership/Contract, Creation, and Exhibition.

Publiziert in the japan times, (Feb 23, 2023)

TeamLab goes to the opera

The massively popular and family-friendly art collective teamLab is trying its hand at the high brow. A new production of Giacomo Puccini’s final opera, the stormy and bloody “Turandot,” comes to Tokyo after its 2022 premiere in Geneva. The production, performed by Tokyo Nikikai Opera, runs Feb. 23 to 26 at Tokyo Bunka Kaikan, with musical direction by Diego Matheuz, stage direction by Daniel Kramer and stage design and scenography by teamLab. (Excerpt from the text)

Publiziert in REUTERS, (Feb 25, 2023)

Light show meets opera as new 'Turandot' seeks to lure people back to theatre

TOKYO, Feb 24 (Reuters) - A kaleidoscopic light show has helped reinvent Giacomo Puccini's opera "Turandot" currently playing in Tokyo - a production which aims to bring people back into theatres now that the pandemic has eased. The opera, reimagined by American director Daniel Kramer in collaboration with teamLab, the Japanese group famed for its digital art installations, employs dazzling displays of lasers and three-dimensional light sculptures. (Excerpt from the text)

Publiziert in yahoo!news, (Feb 25, 2023)

Light show meets opera in Tokyo's 'Turandot'

I have loved teamLab since the minute I first saw their work, because for me, they mix something ancient with something futuristic. You cannot see this on Netflix. You cannot get this on social media. It is a three-dimensional, immersive, operatic experience where both the sound and the lasers and the projection and the light are vibrating through you live. It’s an immersive experience. It’s totally different.(Excerpt from the text)

Publiziert in TIme Out, (Feb 24, 2023)

teamLab's scenography for the Tokyo staging of Turandot the opera is breathtaking

In 1924, prominent Italian composer Giacomo Puccini wrote an opera about a Chinese emperor endeavouring to find a suitor for his unmarried daughter, Princess Turandot. Puccini died before he could complete the final act of his last masterpiece, which left the door open for subsequent generations of composers and artists to offer their interpretations of the show. Now, almost a century after Puccini's death, art collective teamLab has made its foray into scenography with a new staging of Turandot in collaboration with director Daniel Kramer. (Excerpt from the text)

Publiziert in Travel OFF Path, (Feb 5, 2023)

7 Exciting Museum Openings To Check Out This Year

The international art collective, teamLab, is relocating its popular Borderless project to central Tokyo’s Toranomon-Azabudai development. This digital art museum is an Instagrammers dream where visitors become immersed in the all-encompassing art. Based on the concept of “wander, explore, discover in one borderless world,” the museum’s digital displays are something special to see. In 2019 Time Magazine named the museum’s original location as one of the World’s Greatest Places.(Excerpt from the text)

Publiziert in Wallpaper, (Dec 16,2022)

Stage architecture, from Disney to dance

The finest stage architecture immerses and delights, enhancing any performance or cultural experience and elevating entertainment to new heights. These amazing designs can be found across the globe and in all weathers, from ABBA Voyage(opens in new tab)’s monumental, temporary ABBA Arena(opens in new tab) in east London, to teamLab’s art-fuelled staging in Tokyo, and Gala dance festival's Beacon summer pavilions in Peckham. Elsewhere, New York-based design group Yellow Studio has curated the set for the 30-year celebration of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, combining period-inspired gauze structures with video mapping and archival sketches. (Excerpt from the text)

Publiziert in HYPEBEAST, (Dec 06,2022)

Abu Dhabi Unveils Plans to Open Multi-Sensory Immersive Art Space by teamLab

As Abu Dhabi continues its mission to diversify its cultural offering, art galleries, institutions and museums play a significant role in its expansion. Unveiled earlier this year by the Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi and the city’s leading creator of experiences Miral, the upcoming art space — teamLab Phenomena Abu Dhabi — offers a new interactive art experience created by international art collective teamLab.(Excerpt from the text)

Publiziert in CNN Indonesia, (Dec 2,2022)

Menjajal Tiga Instalasi Baru ArtScience Museum di Singapura

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Pameran ArtScience Museum, Future World: Where Art Meets Science dan Digital Light Canvas oleh teamLab di kawasan Marina Bay Sands, Singapura, resmi dibuka kembali pada Sabtu (26/11). Terdapat sejumlah pembaruan dan renovasi yang ekstensif untuk menampilkan karya seni dan pengalaman baru dengan teknologi imersif.(Excerpt from the text)

Publiziert in Hype Art, (Dec 2,2022)

teamLab Transforms Historic Castle Into an Interactive Art Space

For one of its latest projects, teamLab presents its Digitized Fukuyama Castle exhibition at a historic fortress located in Fukuyama, Hiroshima. Initially built in 1622 at the beginning of the Edo period as the last large-scale castle of its time, Fukuyama Castle is designated as one of Japan’s National Treasures. The original castle was demolished due to air raids during the Second World War and was later reconstructed with distinct features including restored iron paneling which is said to be the only one of its kind in the country.(Excerpt from the text)

Publiziert in Bloomberg TV Bulgaria, (Nov 28, 2022)

В мечтания дигитален свят на teamLab

Тези експерти варират от художници и архитекти до програмисти и математици, които се опитват да се ориентират към сближаването на изкуството, науката, технологиите и природния свят. Един от най-закътаните и тайни музеи може да се намери в гора в Южна Япония. Дигитализираната природа на teamLab изследва как цифровите технологии могат да превърнат природата в изкуство, без да я увреждат.(Excerpt from the text)

Publiziert in zaobao, (2022/11/28)

身临艺境 沉浸互动——专访teamLab创始人猪子寿之

滨海湾金沙艺术科学博物馆与teamLab合创的永久性展馆本月迎来新作。teamLab创始人猪子寿之来新接受《联合早报》专访时说,希望新作的三维空间能让人们抛弃脑袋,用身体去体验艺术。teamLab数码互动装置让访客沉浸地参与艺术创作并与他人互动,从而开拓三维思维。如今已享誉国际的teamLab,多年前是从新加坡得以与国际接轨。(Excerpt from the text)

Publiziert in THE STRAITS TIMES, (Nov 28, 2022)

ArtScience Museum’s Future World exhibition, MBS’ Digital Light Canvas show updated

SINGAPORE – Interdisciplinary Japanese art collective teamLab brings its most extensive refresh of the Future World at the ArtScience Museum since it debuted in 2016. Three new installations – Aerial Climbing Through A Flock Of Coloured Birds, Autonomous Abstraction: Continuous Phenomena From The Universe To The Self and Sketch Flight – have been added to the permanent show. They were unveiled to visitors on Saturday.(Excerpt from the text)

Publiziert in テレ朝news, (2022年11月28日)

【幻想的】「江東区」に意外な絶景? “人気セレブ”訪問のスポットに訪日客行列

外国人に人気の意外なスポットが東京・江東区にあります。 開場前からできる行列。その多くが外国人です。いわゆる“美術館”ではありますが、普通の美術館とは全く違います。 プロジェクションマッピングを駆使した映像美。池をイメージした水面にはコイや“日本の秋”が映し出されています。 観覧する人は裸足でお湯に入り、刻々と変わる日本の秋を体感できます。

Publiziert in Time Out, (Nov 14, 2022)

The Serpenti snake on the Bulgari Ginza store is a teamLab light show controlled by you

While teamLab boasts impressive showcases around Tokyo, including the immersive teamLab Planets museum, there are also a surprising number of free teamLab exhibitions to enjoy. The latest, just in time for the holiday season, is the return of the art collective's dazzling interactive installation at the Bulgari flagship store in Ginza, which last appeared during the 2019-20 holiday season. (Excerpt from the text)

Publiziert in yahoo!finance, (Nov 5, 2022)

Art collective teamLab Brings Immersive Nighttime Art Experience to Botanical Garden in Osaka

teamLab Botanical Garden Osaka, the Collective’s Latest Outdoor Museum, is an Ever-Changing World of Art Created by the Natural Environment and Seasonal Flora OSAKA, Japan, November 04, 2022--(BUSINESS WIRE)--teamLab Botanical Garden Osaka is a botanical garden by day, and an art space by night, created by the Tokyo-based art collective teamLab, known for their record-breaking museum teamLab Borderless. Unveiled over the summer at Nagai Botanical Garden in Osaka, teamLab Botanical Garden is the collective’s latest permanent open-air museum that begins to glow as the sun sets.

Publiziert in Time Out, (Sep 30, 2022)

15 amazing reasons you should visit Tokyo now

6. teamLab Borderless is gone, but teamLab Planets is still around We bid farewell to teamLab Borderless at the end of August, but not all is lost. Thankfully teamLab Planets has extended its stay and will now be around until the end of 2023. At Planets, teamLab's immersive digital art installations are bigger, set in spacious rooms for a more immersive experience. Plus, it’s got a brand new garden area as well as a jaw-dropping vegan ramen restaurant that’s just out of this world. (Excerpt from the text)

Publiziert in WIDEWALLS, (Sep 30, 2022)

Pace Verso Presents First-Ever NFT Project by Interdisciplinary Art Collective teamLab

By crossing the borders of art, science, and technology, teamLab questions the tension arising between the self and the world. This Fall, their first NFT project will be launched on a new web3 hub, Pace Verso, run by the influential Pace Gallery. It will feature seven unique NFTs based on the phrase Matter is Void, which refers to the Japanese-Buddhist expression Shikisoku Zekuu indicative of the notion of emptiness.(Excerpt from the text)

Publiziert in キッズイベント, (2022年9月29日)

「Galaxy & チームラボ:捕まえて集める恵みの海」体験レポート!

チームラボが映し出す美しい海を歩きながらスマホでさまざまな種類の海の生き物を捕まえ、観察し、自分だけの図鑑をつくることができる学びの展覧会「Galaxy & チームラボ:捕まえて集める恵みの海」が、2022年9月29日(木)よりGalaxy Harajuku(東京都渋谷区)にオープン! 前日に開催された内覧会に行ってきました!(本文抜粋)

Publiziert in マイナビニュース+Digital, (2022年9月29日)

Galaxy Harajukuのアート空間がリニューアル、“神秘の森”の次は“恵みの海”

Galaxyのショーケース「Galaxy Harajuku」がチームラボと共同で展開しているアート空間がリニューアルし、「Galaxy&チームラボ:捕まえて集める恵みの海」として9月29日にオープンしました。動画も交えて、その様子をご紹介しましょう。(本文抜粋)

Publiziert in osotoiko, (2022年9月28日)

『Galaxy & チームラボ:捕まえて集める恵みの海』 楽しみながら学ぶ、新感覚デジタルアートイベント第2弾が原宿で!

最新のスマホ端末を使って“遊んで学ぶ”を体験できる、話題の展覧会の最新プログラムがスタート! 今回のテーマは「海」。手がけたのは、世界を舞台に作品を発表しているアート集団「チームラボ」。もちろん今回も無料ですヨ!(本文抜粋)

Publiziert in artnet news, (Sep 27, 2022)

Pace Recruits Top Gallery Stars, Including teamLab and Loie Hollowell, to Create NFTs for Its Web3 Arm

Prices for the works vary widely. The collective teamLab’s first ever NFT project, a series of seven unique NFTs bearing the phrase “Matter Is Void,” will be priced at $200,000 each. (In a twist that aims to “explore ideas of authorship and ownership,” according to Pace, the owners of the works will be able to change the text at will, but anyone can download and display the NFTs at any time.) The project will be included in the gallery’s presentation at Paris+, Art Basel’s new French fair.(Excerpt from the text)

Publiziert in Miranne Saga, (2022年9月20日)

【御船山楽園】チームラボ かみさまがすまう森が開催中!

みなさん、こんにちは。 昼間だけでなく、夜も蒸し暑い日が続くようになってきましたね。 そんな中、武雄市ではもっと熱くなるイベントが開催中です!! ”御船山楽園のボルボ チームラボ かみさまがすまう森” 佐賀のおでかけ観光スポットとして大人気!! インスタ映えにも欠かせない場所です。 本サイトでも何度かご紹介しましたが、今回は内容をより詳しく紹介したいと思います。 デートスポットを探している人は必見ですよ!!(本文抜粋)

Publiziert in ARTnews, (Sep 1, 2022)

Pace Gallery Can’t Stop Expanding in Seoul, Where It Has Upgraded in High Style

“We believe very strongly that art needs a white cube, like this,” Glimcher said, motioning to the show of strangely wan charcoal drawings by Romanian artist Adrian Ghenie on the walls around him, “but it also now needs a black box for digital and technology artists and new-media artists creating environments.” That new ground floor is Pace’s black box, where a show by the Japanese tech collective TeamLab is on view.(Excerpt from the text)

Publiziert in CREA, (2022年8月6日)

【チームラボ×ボルボのアートの旅】 テクノロジーの最先端から生まれる 佐賀県武雄・幻想的かつ有機的な空間

環境負荷を軽減するためゼロエミッションを掲げ、最先端かつスタイリッシュな電気自動車を提案し続ける「ボルボ」。サイエンス、テクノロジーを融合させ、自然と調和したアート空間を作り続ける「チームラボ」。 ボルボが協賛するアート展「ボルボ チームラボ かみさまがすまう森」が九州・佐賀県の武雄温泉にある御船山楽園(~11月6日)で開催中だ。(本文抜粋)

Publiziert in フクリパ, (2022年7月26日)

【福岡から1時間】佐賀・御船山楽園で ボルボ チームラボ かみさまがすまう森 開催!

300万年続く自然を、デジタルテクノロジーによってそのままアートにした大規模な展覧会が佐賀県武雄温泉の御船山楽園で2022年7月15日から11月6日まで開催されています。今回は内覧会で体感した見どころと本展の新作、サウナシュランで表彰された「らかんの湯」とコラボした「サウナとアートの楽しみ方」をレポートします。 (本文抜粋)

Publiziert in SAGA TV, (2022年7月25日)

チームラボと御船山楽園がコラボ 庭園をプロジェクションマッピング彩る【佐賀県武雄市】

佐賀県武雄市の御船山楽園などを会場に光と音のデジタルアート展が今年も始まりました。 50万平方メートルの広大な庭園がある御船山楽園。 今年も光と音、プロジェクションマッピングで自然を彩るアート展、「かみさまがすまう森」が始まりました。 国内外でデジタルアートを展開する「チームラボ」が、毎年開催していて、2022年で8年目です。 2022年は、新作を含む24作品が展示されています。

Publiziert in FUKUOKA NOW, (July 21, 2022)

VOLVO teamLab: A Forest Where Gods Live

teamLab returns to Mifuneyama Rakuen with their colorful and interactive digital art installations, this time featuring over 20 installations set in the 500,000 square meter garden. It was included in the “Giant hot air balloon whales and 15 other outdoor art exhibits to see around the world” by CNN, and this year, the 8th edition of the exhibition, will include a new piece of light that shines and swirls in all the colors of the rainbow. The installation, which combines the history and stories of Mifuneyama Rakuen, can be enjoyed both indoors and outdoors. (Excerpt from the text)

Publiziert in Premium Japan, (2022年7月14日)

Events 【7/15(金)〜11/6(日) 佐賀県・御船山楽園】「ボルボ チームラボ かみさまがすまう森」

毎年夏から秋にかけてだけ見られる、アート集団チームラボによる大自然のアート展「ボルボ チームラボ かみさまがすまう森」。今年も九州・武雄温泉の御船山楽園にて、2022年7月15日(金)から 11月6日(日)まで開催される。(Excerpt from the text)

Publiziert in 美術手帖, (2022年6月24日)

チームラボがアブダビの文化中心地に進出。17000平米の巨大施設「teamLab Phenomena Abu Dhabi」

アブダビとチームラボは、 2024年に完成予定のアートプロジェクト「teamLab Phenomena Abu Dhabi」を発表した。同プロジェクトは、「アートとテクノロジーとサイエンスの交差点を模索し、 訪れるすべての人の好奇心、 イマジネーション、 創造力を刺激する空間」となるという。 (本文抜粋)

Publiziert in World Architecture Community, (June 28, 2022)

TeamLab Designs Multi-Sensory Art Space For "Infinite Curiosity" On Abu Dhabi’s Saadiyat Island

Interdisciplinary Tokyo-based art collective teamLab has revealed its design for a multi-sensory art space to be a new "home for infinite curiosity" on Abu Dhabi’s Saadiyat Island, United Arab Emirates. The new teamLab Phenomena Abu Dhabi is conceived to create a multi-sensory art experience featuring original and constantly transforming artistic installations unique to Abu Dhabi.(Excerpt from the text)