تبدّد المجسّمات
الوجود يتكوّن من العقل والجسم والبيئة المستمرة معهما.
حافظت الأجسام مثل الحجارة والإبداعات التي صنعها الإنسان حتى الآن على بنية مستقرة بمفردها. ولكن الحياة مختلفة. فبينما الحجر يمكن أن يستمر في الوجود في صندوق مغلق محجوب عن العالم الخارجي، فإن الحياة قد تتوقف عن الوجود.
الحياة هي مثل الدوامة التي تولد في المحيط. تتشكّل الدوامة وتوجد في تدفق المادة، وحدود وجودها غامضة.
وعلى الرغم من أنّ الدوامة ثابتة، إلاّ أنّها تتحرّك وتنتفخ باستمرار على غرار شكل قوي من أشكال الحياة. ولا يمكن للدوامة الحفاظ على بنية مستقرة بمفردها؛ إذ تنشأ وتدوم بواسطة الماء الذي يتدفق باستمرار إلى الداخل والخارج.
ويسري الشيء نفسه على الحياة. فالحياة تستهلك المادة الخارجية والطاقة كغذاء وتتخلّص منهما، فتحافظ على هيكلها المنظّم مع تبدّد الطاقة. وبعبارة أخرى، الحياة ليست موجودة في حدّ ذاتها، ولكن البيئة المستمرة معها تحافظ على هيكلها.
فالحياة هي ظاهرة خارقة تنبثق من تدفق في عالم مفتوح. ومثل دوامة المحيط، فإن الحياة عبارة عن وجود ذي حدود غامضة في استمرارية لانهائية.
إن البقاء على قيد الحياة هو رفض الانفصال عن العالم، وتبديد الطاقة فيه باستمرار.
Dissipative Figures – Human, Black in White
teamLab, 2022, Digital Work, Single channel, Continuous loop
As long as people live, they dissipate energy and affect the environment, such as the flow of air.
In this artwork, the existence of a person is depicted through the energy dissipated by people into the world for as long as they live.
Being consists of the mind, the body, and the environment that is continuous with them.
Objects like stones and man-made creations so far have maintained a stable structure on their own. But life is different. Whereas a stone can continue to exist in a closed box, sealed off from the outside world, life would cease to exist.
Life is like a vortex created in the ocean. A vortex forms and exists in a flow of matter, and the boundaries of its existence are ambiguous.
Although a vortex is steady, it is constantly moving and swelling like a powerful life-form. The vortex cannot maintain a stable structure on its own; rather, it is created and sustained by water that continuously flows inwards and outwards.
The same is true of life. It consumes external matter and energy as food and discharges it, sustaining its ordered structure as the energy dissipates. In other words, life does not exist by itself. It is the environment that is continuous with it that maintains the structure of life.
Life is a miraculous phenomenon that emerges from a flow in an open world. Like an ocean vortex, it is an existence with ambiguous boundaries in an infinite continuity.
To be alive is to be inseparable from the world, constantly dissipating energy into it.
Dissipative Figures – Human, Black in White
teamLab, 2022, Digital Work, 8 channels, Continuous Loop
As long as people live, they dissipate energy and affect the environment, such as the flow of air.
In this artwork, the existence of a person is depicted through the energy dissipated by people into the world for as long as they live.
Being consists of the mind, the body, and the environment that is continuous with them.
Objects like stones and man-made creations so far have maintained a stable structure on their own. But life is different. Whereas a stone can continue to exist in a closed box, sealed off from the outside world, life would cease to exist.
Life is like a vortex created in the ocean. A vortex forms and exists in a flow of matter, and the boundaries of its existence are ambiguous.
Although a vortex is steady, it is constantly moving and swelling like a powerful life-form. The vortex cannot maintain a stable structure on its own; rather, it is created and sustained by water that continuously flows inwards and outwards.
The same is true of life. It consumes external matter and energy as food and discharges it, sustaining its ordered structure as the energy dissipates. In other words, life does not exist by itself. It is the environment that is continuous with it that maintains the structure of life.
Life is a miraculous phenomenon that emerges from a flow in an open world. Like an ocean vortex, it is an existence with ambiguous boundaries in an infinite continuity.
To be alive is to be inseparable from the world, constantly dissipating energy into it.
Dissipative Figures – 2 Humans, Black in White
teamLab, 2022, Digital Work, 8 channels, Continuous loop
As long as people live, they dissipate energy and affect the environment, such as the flow of air.
In this artwork, the existence of a person is depicted through the energy dissipated by people into the world for as long as they live.
Being consists of the mind, the body, and the environment that is continuous with them.
Objects like stones and man-made creations so far have maintained a stable structure on their own. But life is different. Whereas a stone can continue to exist in a closed box, sealed off from the outside world, life would cease to exist.
Life is like a vortex created in the ocean. A vortex forms and exists in a flow of matter, and the boundaries of its existence are ambiguous.
Although a vortex is steady, it is constantly moving and swelling like a powerful life-form. The vortex cannot maintain a stable structure on its own; rather, it is created and sustained by water that continuously flows inwards and outwards.
The same is true of life. It consumes external matter and energy as food and discharges it, sustaining its ordered structure as the energy dissipates. In other words, life does not exist by itself. It is the environment that is continuous with it that maintains the structure of life.
Life is a miraculous phenomenon that emerges from a flow in an open world. Like an ocean vortex, it is an existence with ambiguous boundaries in an infinite continuity.
To be alive is to be inseparable from the world, constantly dissipating energy into it.
Dissipative Figures – 1000 Birds, Black in White
teamLab, 2022, Digital Work, 4 channels, Continuous loop
As long as people live, they dissipate energy and affect the environment, such as the flow of air.
In this artwork, the existence of the birds are depicted through the energy they dissipate into the world.
Being consists of the mind, the body, and the environment that is continuous with them.
Objects like stones and man-made creations so far have maintained a stable structure on their own. But life is different. Whereas a stone can continue to exist in a closed box, sealed off from the outside world, life would cease to exist.
Life is like a vortex created in the ocean. A vortex forms and exists in a flow of matter, and the boundaries of its existence are ambiguous.
Although a vortex is steady, it is constantly moving and swelling like a powerful life-form. The vortex cannot maintain a stable structure on its own; rather, it is created and sustained by water that continuously flows inwards and outwards.
The same is true of life. It consumes external matter and energy as food and discharges it, sustaining its ordered structure as the energy dissipates. In other words, life does not exist by itself. It is the environment that is continuous with it that maintains the structure of life.
Life is a miraculous phenomenon that emerges from a flow in an open world. Like an ocean vortex, it is an existence with ambiguous boundaries in an infinite continuity.
To be alive is to be inseparable from the world, constantly dissipating energy into it.
Dissipative Figures – 1000 Birds, Black in White
teamLab, 2022, Digital Work, 8 channels, Continuous loop
As long as people live, they dissipate energy and affect the environment, such as the flow of air.
In this artwork, the existence of the birds are depicted through the energy they dissipate into the world.
Being consists of the mind, the body, and the environment that is continuous with them.
Objects like stones and man-made creations so far have maintained a stable structure on their own. But life is different. Whereas a stone can continue to exist in a closed box, sealed off from the outside world, life would cease to exist.
Life is like a vortex created in the ocean. A vortex forms and exists in a flow of matter, and the boundaries of its existence are ambiguous.
Although a vortex is steady, it is constantly moving and swelling like a powerful life-form. The vortex cannot maintain a stable structure on its own; rather, it is created and sustained by water that continuously flows inwards and outwards.
The same is true of life. It consumes external matter and energy as food and discharges it, sustaining its ordered structure as the energy dissipates. In other words, life does not exist by itself. It is the environment that is continuous with it that maintains the structure of life.
Life is a miraculous phenomenon that emerges from a flow in an open world. Like an ocean vortex, it is an existence with ambiguous boundaries in an infinite continuity.
To be alive is to be inseparable from the world, constantly dissipating energy into it.