The Way of the Sea, Transcending Space - Colors of Life

teamLab, 2018, Interactive Digital Installation, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi

The Way of the Sea, Transcending Space - Colors of Life

teamLab, 2018, Interactive Digital Installation, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi

Interactive digital installation where all sides and the floor are covered with imagery.

Interactive digital installation where three sides and the floor are covered with imagery.

The school of fish illuminated by the light move freely through space, and their trails of light become spatial calligraphy. The fish sense people in the space and try to avoid colliding with them. People are also assigned a color, and when a fish passes by a person they take on that color.

The movement of thousands or tens of thousands of fish is beautiful and mysterious, like a single giant life form. The school of fish has neither a leader nor mutual consensus, but just moves on the simple basis of; if my neighbor moves, then I move, too. However, the biological mechanism that causes hundreds of fish to move at the same time is still enigmatic. It seems there is a universal principle that human beings do not yet understand. The group of trails of light drawn in the space have no meaning as a whole, while being influenced by the existence of people, the lines are drawn by the movement of each fish that seems to obey some kind of primitive rule.

If you stand in a designated area in the space, the boundary between the walls and floor disappears, the real space dissolves, you become drawn into the installation, the trails of the fish begin to appear drawn in three dimensional space, and the boundaries between the human body and the work begin to break down.